trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

“Many things have been proven…”
Obviously not. You sound like Trump. “ people are talking”

Repugnats have no agenda.

A fun fact to know and tell. When a person is arrested in New York State, A D.N.A. swab is taken. That D.N.A. is kept by the State. E. Jean Carroll's legal team can request that the state make a D.N.A. comparison on the dress Ms. Carroll says has the Traitor jizz on it. Note, the Traitor refused an earlier request by Ms. Carroll to provide D.N.A. sample. Should that swab match the sample on the dress, the Traitor's case is blown sky high.
It’s not a bad saying, it’s a stupid saying.
:45: So you and JimH52 are in the kitchen together dumping in a ton of sugar on the icing but didn't make any cake to put it on. You provide no explanation or motivated response for why you think it is "stupid". Polly wanna' a cracker? :p
:45: So you and JimH52 are in the kitchen together dumping in a ton of sugar on the icing but didn't make any cake to put it on. You provide no explanation or motivated response for why you think it is "stupid". Polly wanna' a cracker? :p
No point there. Try again.

trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted​

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA.

No, I think he was just expressing the very real concern by all that if Trump is not indicted now over this bogus, made up non-crime past the statute of limitations much like being impeached twice over a bogus, made up non-crime, raided over a bogus, made up non-crime, and accused in the leftist media a hundred times over bogus, made up non-crimes, then goes on to be reelected anyway despite all your failed efforts, that all you tards will jump off your roofs or hang yourselves or throw yourselves in front of speeding locomotives.

I certainly don't want to be the one to have to help clean up any of the mess. :smoke:
A "point" is exactly what I am encouraging you to make. It's you who's made the statement, not me. Duh. Maybe it's English comprehension that's your problem? :spank:
Icing, cake….seems like a lot of made up shit.
If I was Leftwing, I wouldn't vote for Trump because of his character, I would scream at the sky and call him a, "Nasty Pasty".

But I'm centre right, so I go by results, who can deliver a good economic environment and strengthen the sovereignty of the nation, so that means I wouldn't vote for Biden.

You go by a person's character, I go by results, you are subjective, I'm objective.

That goes with all presidents and prime minister's. are MAGA stupid.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
I have never seen so much BULLSHIT over a goddam Lie. The Dems want to "Get Trump". So they have been making up shit for 6 years. As for Democrats ,they suck donkey dick.
I have never seen so much BULLSHIT over a goddam Lie. The Dems want to "Get Trump". So they have been making up shit for 6 years. As for Democrats ,they suck donkey dick.
They also screw chickens and the fact that most of them cannot distinguish roosters from chickens makes for a tempestuous experience for them.
I have never seen so much BULLSHIT over a goddam Lie. The Dems want to "Get Trump". So they have been making up shit for 6 years. As for Democrats ,they suck donkey dick.
You’re FOS. Trump is a walking bullshit artist and a criminal. That you refuse to acknowledge it like all the other Humpers just means you’re deaf, dumb and blind, like all the other Humpers.
I have never seen so much BULLSHIT over a goddam Lie. The Dems want to "Get Trump". So they have been making up shit for 6 years. As for Democrats ,they suck donkey dick.
Sure, we made up “ covid will be gone by spring” three years ago.

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