trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

If you don't know what MAGA is, which is pasted on trump's hat every time he stands before his cult and lies, you are either brain dead or a liar or both. You are a waste of key strokes.
Theres the pot calling the kettle black.
Where is your DA?
Sounds like you are walking on the edge of the MAGA fence. You really are sick of trump, but you think he may be your option in 2024. Your words do not reflect your true feelings. Either you dislike trump or you don't. You don't dislike him. You will vote for him...again.

There is not doubt who and what trump is. He is a treasonous, serial criminal. He has at least three indictments staring at him and he thinks his candidacy and a chance to gain immunity in the WH will save him. He is wrong.
Why is your DA hiding jimboliar??
Your mind is Mush.....typical MAGA Mush.
Poor jimboliar, his DA has deserted him.
Lets see, there is still a charge of kicking a girl in the shins when Trump was in 2nd grade, maybe someone can follow up on that one.
jimboliar, jimboliar, jimboliar.
We already have death and destruction now under Biden... kids dying Marines dying older Americans dying border guards dying the destruction of our laws and bill of rights and our factories blowing up trains derailing and ruining cities forever and the destruction of small banks and peoples savings.....
Now toss in reporters being threatened by the IRS and also taken hostage by Russia...
Are you Biden defending fools done yet?....
Oh - My - God.

The Howdy Doody Show has started:

* "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!"
** "Hiya, kids, Hiya, hiya!!"
Covid will be gone by spring three years ago.
Let’s nuke storms and drink industrial cleaner.
Hes the second coming.
He’s a loser.
Being a loser is what appeals to his Humpers. They are losers too.
We already have death and destruction now under Biden... kids dying Marines dying older Americans dying border guards dying the destruction of our laws and bill of rights and our factories blowing up trains derailing and ruining cities forever and the destruction of small banks and peoples savings.....
Now toss in reporters being threatened by the IRS and also taken hostage by Russia...
Are you Biden defending fools done yet?....
Use a comma now and then.
Maybe because you went to public school....
Naw. They taught me to use a little punctuation now and then.:Really, no one is perfect but please, take a breath now and then. It’s babble.

“We already have death and destruction now under Biden... kids dying Marines dying older Americans dying border guards dying the destruction of our laws and bill of rights and our factories blowing up trains derailing and ruining cities forever and the destruction of small banks and peoples savings.....
Now toss in reporters being threatened by the IRS and also taken hostage by Russia...
Are you Biden defending fools done yet?....”
"...What can be done? The Kremlin no longer believes or trusts Washington, so no assurances that this is all a mistake, even if forthcoming, would be believed by the Russians.

Perhaps if every neoconservative was fired from the government, Russophobic think tanks closed, and the military/security complex permitted a president to be elected who immediately went to Moscow, agreed to the restoration of all the broken agreements and pulled NATO off of Russian borders, nuclear war could be prevented.

But can you imagine Washington doing such a thing? It would require leadership that Americans have not seen for a very long time. It would require comprehension in Congress and in the public, and there is no media or experts to instill comprehension.

Enjoy your life. Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one."
So, all those people who died in the hospital without vaccines were just old or conspiracy theory
You get easily lost on just about any subject. Do you get sillier by the day or is it just that it takes time for me to see every grade of your silliness?
You get easily lost on just about any subject. Do you get sillier by the day or is it just that it takes time for me to see every grade of your silliness?
Obviously you’re the dufus. You said everything that an 8 year old who didn‘t know shit about a topic would say.
Obviously you’re the dufus. You said everything that an 8 year old who didn‘t know shit about a topic would say.
Let me be perfectly honest with you >>> your convictions begin with "A" and go immediately to "F" with neither logic nor evidence/understanding of how you got there. You just dream things up and pretend it's an obvious conclusion, such as;

"Biden is infinitely more competent then Trump. the proof is in the mentality of his supporters."

So juvenile but if that's all you have to work with I guess it's not your fault. :dunno:
Let me be perfectly honest with you >>>
That’s a first.
your convictions begin with "A" and go immediately to "F" with neither logic nor evidence/understanding of how you got there. You just dream things up and pretend it's an obvious conclusion, such as;

"Biden is infinitely more competent then Trump. the proof is in the mentality of his supporters."

So juvenile but if that's all you have to work with I guess it's not your fault. :dunno:
Thanks for making the case bubba.
Biden is infinitely more competent then Trump . The proof is in the mentality of his supporters. Biden has most of the really smart people, Trump has the dullards. Your science denial posts are proof positive
Democrat's smart ?????? Hell they don't even know who they are or what they are. ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣

Show me the smart you talk about.

In actuality, they are the dumbest bunch of knucklehead's on the planet, but when they work for the devil he accepts them into his army of demon's, so his job is to convince everyone somehow to fall for their bull shite regardless of it making people sit back to think, what in blue blazes is going on, especially when seeing these knucklehead's masquerading around trying to keep the appearance of being SMART going and going ?????
Covid will be gone by spring three years ago.
Let’s nuke storms and drink industrial cleaner.
Hes the second coming.
He’s a loser.
Being a loser is what appeals to his Humpers. They are losers too.
You thinking that anyone falls for the leftist Democrat lie's that you copy or imitate, uhhhh makes you the ultimate loser.

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