trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

You people make it up years in advance and manipulate people with the repetition of lies. Your goal, or the people you support goals are to destroy this country. You have Americans hating each other and a media with 0 credibility that adds to the chaos you traitors need so badly.

And hacks like you know it .
You are exactly reading it right brother. The lie's and brainwashing has been tremendous, and by design.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.

District Attorney Bragg has been scrupulous is assessing whether the evidence against Trump in his paying hush money to a bimbo with whom he rutted behind the back of one of his pregnant trophy wives as a "business expense" (a sordid caper in which Trump's "fixer' was previously convicted) is worth prosecuting.

Meanwhile, despite there being no charges, Trump is already using his hysteria to promote his dogma that he is above the law and spewing his venomous, vendetta-driven, victimhood pretense, a reliable fundraising ploy that successfully targets and wee wee's up his weird worshipers.

The Loser's raving that the meticulous litigator and church-going father of two is "human scum!", and an "animal!" - provoking Trump's goons' threats and evocations of "death and destruction!" - promises to be a tantrum tirade that will persist for many months.

Democrats are becoming more confident that the Loser of the 2020 presidential election, the Loser of GOP control of the presidency, the House, and the Senate in a single term, and the Big Loser in the 2022 midterms, will be the Republican nominee in 2024.

Next time, the Loser won't get to pleasure himself watching his goons savagely attack police for hours.

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"You’ve got guns. Use them!"
Lindsey Graham, January 6, 2021​
District Attorney Bragg has been scrupulous is assessing whether the evidence against Trump in his paying hush money to a bimbo with whom he rutted behind the back of one of his pregnant trophy wives as a "business expense" (a sordid caper in which Trump's "fixer' was previously convicted) is worth prosecuting.

Meanwhile, despite there being no charges, Trump is already using his hysteria to promote his dogma that he is above the law and spewing his venomous, vendetta-driven, victimhood pretense, a reliable fundraising ploy that successfully targets and wee wee's up his weird worshipers.

The Loser's raving that the meticulous litigator and church-going father of two is "human scum!", and an "animal!" - provoking Trump's goons' threats and evocations of "death and destruction!" - promises to be a tantrum tirade that will persist for many months.

Democrats are becoming more confident that the Loser of the 2020 presidential election, the Loser of GOP control of the presidency, the House, and the Senate in a single term, and the Big Loser in the 2022 midterms, will be the Republican nominee in 2024.

Next time, the Loser won't get to pleasure himself watching his goons savagely attack police for hours.

On the other hand,

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"He Loved Looking at My Body!"

Fanboy of Trump, fanboy of Putin.
Trump is abrasive and doesn't have a good character, he gets better results than Biden.

So what you're saying is, fanboy of Biden, fanboy of Xi. Some of you yanks are weird.

If Biden is so great, why aren't you guys posting positive threads on his accomplishments, it just seems to be Lefty Trump hate threads. Why are the American left so dysfunctional?
Trump is abrasive and doesn't have a good character, he gets better results than Biden.

So what you're saying is, fanboy of Biden, fanboy of Xi. Some of you yanks are weird.

If Biden is so great, why aren't you guys posting positive threads on his accomplishments, it just seems to be Lefty Trump hate threads. Why are the American left so dysfunctional?
Really ? Taking credit for Obama’s economy which tanked as soon as he had a chance to sign his own budget was Trump at his worse.

Biden is a paragon of honesty compared to Trump.
Trump was clueless for 4 years. His supporters still are. MTG big time Trump supporter continues the stupidity in his absence.
Really ? Taking credit for Obama’s economy which tanked as soon as he had a chance to sign his own budget was Trump at his worse.

Biden is a paragon of honesty compared to Trump.
Trump was clueless for 4 years. His supporters still are. MTG big time Trump supporter continues the stupidity in his absence.
According to past American history on economic recoveries, Obama's was sluggish. Simply put, it would probably have recovered quicker without him.

Biden's face is vacant, he's incoherent and has delivered disastrous results, hence the lack of Lefty Biden threads.

As a Brit, I can only assume you go after Trump to try and make him look crapper than Biden, to put Biden in a good light, because he's shit otherwise.
According to past American history on economic recoveries, Obama's was sluggish.
Obama was in recovery from the worse recession since 1929.
Thats a typical observation repugs make when they burn a house down then complain because the carpenter didn’t rebuild the house quick enough. Don’t burn the house down and it wouldn’t be a sluggish recovery.
Biden's face is vacant, he's incoherent and has delivered disastrous results, hence the lack of Lefty Biden threads.
Surely you jest. Trump babbled about Hillary for the first two years, then suggested we nuke hurricanes and drink industrial cleaner for the last. He never had one coherent idea. Thousands died because of his stupidity.
Obama was in recovery from the worse recession since 1929.
Thats a typical observation repugs make when they burn a house down then complain because the carpenter didn’t rebuild the house quick enough. Don’t burn the house down and it wouldn’t be a sluggish recovery.
It was sluggish.
Surely you jest. Trump babbled about Hillary for the first two years, then suggested we nuke hurricanes and drink industrial cleaner for the last. He never had one coherent idea. Thousands died because of his stupidity.
No jesting on this this side of the fence, I've seen loads of dreadful Biden gaffs in the UK news. Never seen such a mumbling fool. Trump can mumble on, but Biden is on a different playing field. Then trying to shake hands with invisible guests, poop his pants, and fall off a bike. I must admit, you guys have a good sense of humour choosing such a geriatric.
No jesting on this this side of the fence, I've seen loads of dreadful Biden gaffs in the UK news. Never seen such a mumbling fool. Trump can mumble on, but Biden is on a different playing field. Then trying to shake hands with invisible guests, poop his pants, and fall off a bike. I must admit, you guys have a good sense of humour choosing such a geriatric.
Really ? Biden can read. Trump can’t. Biden can think, Trump can’t. Trump needs pictures. See spot run. Go spot, run.
There has never been such a stupid president .
Really ? Biden can read. Trump can’t. Biden can think, Trump can’t. Trump needs pictures. See spot run. Go spot, run.
There has never been such a stupid president .
Correct, Biden can read, he reads everything on the teleprompter, even the instructions.
Trump is abrasive and doesn't have a good character, he gets better results than Biden.

So what you're saying is, fanboy of Biden, fanboy of Xi. Some of you yanks are weird.

If Biden is so great, why aren't you guys posting positive threads on his accomplishments, it just seems to be Lefty Trump hate threads. Why are the American left so dysfunctional?
Absolutely good read..
Yup. Trump just made up shit, complained about Hillary for two years, then made up more shit.
Get your head out of the sand boy.... Many, many things have been proven correct that Trump was railing about for year's. You leftist have just got to protect your agenda's and narratives to no end.

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