trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

But you loved the demonic Biden speech, painted in demonic red, calling half of the nation fascists and the enemy, you fucking loved that, but Trump's righteous call to arms is to much, that about cover your "ahh" feelings??? :auiqs.jpg:
Oh good. Right to the lies. I don't watch speeches, and you haven't seen me "loving" anything. Speeches are just partisan rhetoric. The pictures of the colors I saw afterwards were creepy and weird.

You folks just make it up as you go. And I don't think you even realize you're doing it.

Dishonest deflection, clumsy attempt to change the subject, noted and appreciated, as always.
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I have decided I am going to fly down to Mexico, sneak back across the border without IDs or Passports, turn.myself in to a US BPA, then get a free 5-star hotel in NY before finding a really nice home to take over by squatting, get free medical / free education, free food, free money, etc...

Either that or get a really good tan, go to Ca, register as an African American, and wait for my check for $5 Mil from Newsom.


Good plan
We already have death and destruction.

The streets of Democrat-run citiesrun red and the morgues are filling up as violence and murder sky-rockets while Soros-backed DAs refuse to hold / prosecute violent criminals, rapists,pedophiles, and murderers.

Democrats are destroying the Justice system by partisanly weaponizing federal and state law enforcement agencies while enforcing their crimimal, UnConstitutional 2-tiered Justice System.

The Death cult is still as eager as ever to kill babies, and Biden is still violating Constitution and Law to aid, abet, and import cartel mrmbers, violent gang members, drug / human / child / sex traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, murderers, and terrorists.
And worse they now possibly create these huge distraction's or rather they become insulated via the on going world events, in which makes them too busy to bother with us weee little peasant citizen's and our petty issue's back here now. They got a WAR in Ukraine to win, and they could care less if it gets our aces in a super bind trying to prove NATO as the premier fighting force and equalizer in the world. Just as we've seen with the operation of these leftist run cities, one can't help but think to one's self "Lord GOD help us".

The people should have heeded Trump's warning, and voted against these people with all their abilities. However, the way that went it probably wouldn't have helped anyways.

Watch them flip the script, they are getting bold at doing that now. They can be easily read like a cheap novel.
I have decided I am going to fly down to Mexico, sneak back across the border without IDs or Passports, turn.myself in to a US BPA, then get a free 5-star hotel in NY before finding a really nice home to take over by squatting, get free medical / free education, free food, free money, etc...

Either that or get a really good tan, go to Ca, register as an African American, and wait for my check for $5 Mil from Newsom.

Sounds like a plan.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣
And MAGA repubs want this deranged human being, which is more than he gave Bragg credit as being, back in the White House? The general electorate will never vote for this man again.

But I think he has shown us all that there is no bottom to what he will say or do to regain power. Unless desantis is willing to sling mud and stoop to the low of lows to ward off trump's attacks, Donnie will be the 2024 nominee for the repub party. And he will lose again...and he will claim he was cheated again...and will will suffer the same chaos for months or years.
Leftards are brainless.

Dudes and dudettes, when the SHTF who do you want in charge, the polite PC guy or the guy who will win?
This is precisely why Trump should locked up.

For what he said, right?

Commie is as commie does

The words of the US president and former US president Carry a lot of weight with a lot of people.

So what?

Here we have a former US PRESIDENT inciting and thus giving consent to mayhem just as he has done with the rioters on january 6.

Oh look, another shit for brains leftard.

Sure leftie, sure.

Can I buy you a box of Kleenex?

This epic menace to society must be taken to a place of solitary confinement where nobody can ever have access to his words or communications. Of course I only support this done within the scope of the law, convicted by a jury of his peers.


Just another leftard abusing and hiding behind a corrupt law.

Former President Donald Trump warned there could be “potential death and destruction” if he’s charged with a crime over hush money paid to adult actor Stormy Daniels.

I don't normally quote the Huffington Post because of its extreme bias unless the article has something which confirms its accuracy. The article presents Trump's truth social post, so it is accurate.


Tell ya what - I don't give a crap what happens to congressmen.

But I care a LOT when paid leftard racial rioters threaten my family.
You're not interested in a serious debate. You just want to call people names. You are just like Trump, a small, petty, man.


You say stupid shit like that till the small petty man beats the crap out of you.

And the real reason I don't like Trump is because he sold his soul for power, and became a demagogue.

Name one politician who's not a demagogue.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
TDS...... TDS......TDS....
TDS..........TDS....... TDS...... TDS..
For what he said, right?

Commie is as commie does

So what?

Oh look, another shit for brains leftard.

Sure leftie, sure.

Can I buy you a box of Kleenex?


Just another leftard abusing and hiding behind a corrupt law.


Tell ya what - I don't give a crap what happens to congressmen.

But I care a LOT when paid leftard racial rioters threaten my family.
ignore that idiot.

He still doesn't believe Schumer threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
And they don't think they're being trolled!!! The guy's a master at it. He also trolled our enemies to the point they kept their noses clean. They smelled strength, not the stinking weakness that permeates the Oval Office today.
Trump admitted, he luvs the less educated.
Really, you don’t have to be a genius or a master to troll the gullible. We sell lottery tickets, used cars and a wealth of other usless goods and ideas all the time. The bevy of the people who buy them or the ideas from Trump, aren’t much different then those from any huckster. The only prerequisite to being a bullshit artist, is having contempt for the people you’re trying to schill. Geesus, Fix News has been shilling for profit for decades.
Oh good. Right to the lies. I don't watch speeches, and you haven't seen me "loving" anything. Speeches are just partisan rhetoric. The pictures of the colors I saw afterwards were creepy and weird.

You folks just make it up as you go. And I don't think you even realize you're doing it.

Dishonest deflection, clumsy attempt to change the subject, noted and appreciated, as always.
You people make it up years in advance and manipulate people with the repetition of lies. Your goal, or the people you support goals are to destroy this country. You have Americans hating each other and a media with 0 credibility that adds to the chaos you traitors need so badly.

And hacks like you know it .

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