trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

Honestly, the only person on this page who I can easily tell which "side" they're arguing, is the one who posted a bunch of photos that have nothing to do with the issue. If you guys have a point to make, make it.

Trump is in the early stages of getting hit with a pile of state charges for all the illegal crap he pulled while in office. The one in New York, which many will see as a personal issue and many of the rest will not care about, is probably the least consequential politically, but they're all strong cases and epic-level prosecutors such as these (who have obviously taken their time) do not often lose. He's in a lot of trouble.

It's also perfectly in character for him to rile up his biggest weapon when the law doesn't let him have his way: His followers. The more pissed off they are, the more money they donate, and (theoretically) the more pressure it puts on the justice system to let him do whatever it is he just did. That's his MO.

The problem is, he's also inciting violence. He won't be dumb enough to ever come out and say "Do violence!" but only the most glossy-eyed of his acolytes will see this as anything but a call for "his people" to go on the attack the moment the mugshot camera clicks.
Weasel words (unsubstantiated generalities and vague claims, thought-terminating clichés, etc) are a weak argument.
Of course it is your go to bull shite in an attempt to stave off the truth that hit you like a ton of brick's..
Honestly, the only person on this page who I can easily tell which "side" they're arguing, is the one who posted a bunch of photos that have nothing to do with the issue. If you guys have a point to make, make it.

Trump is in the early stages of getting hit with a pile of state charges for all the illegal crap he pulled while in office. The one in New York, which many will see as a personal issue and many of the rest will not care about, is probably the least consequential politically, but they're all strong cases and epic-level prosecutors such as these (who have obviously taken their time) do not often lose. He's in a lot of trouble.

It's also perfectly in character for him to rile up his biggest weapon when the law doesn't let him have his way: His followers. The more pissed off they are, the more money they donate, and (theoretically) the more pressure it puts on the justice system to let him do whatever it is he just did. That's his MO.

The problem is, he's also inciting violence. He won't be dumb enough to ever come out and say "Do violence!" but only the most glossy-eyed of his acolytes will see this as anything but a call for "his people" to go on the attack the moment the mugshot camera clicks.
Flipping the script eh ? Do you knucklehead's even realize what kind of super hypocrites you are ?
Who cares what that fat loser says? No one is going to riot for his idiot ass. Not after watching all the Jan 6th idiots go to jail and that fat idiot didn't pardon any of then nor pay for their defense. Republicans are stupid but not that stupid anymore. Lol. To bad I was going to laugh my ass off if he led anymore idiots to the pit.
The only cult is the cult of the alt-right. Been on the rise since the night a certain black man was elected to the White House.
You do understand that those lockdowns and other measures wouldn't have largely been necessary if anyone but your orange savior sat in the Oval Office?...right?? :)
He denied and people died. The POS was pushing antiseptics and a light up butt as a remedy for COVID. I knew people who died due to his stupidity.
Apparently you don't understand the differences in interpretational lies being applied for one's political gain's or for setting one up for political gains either. Get a new gig, because you are weak at this stuff.
Oh, there is a difference between lying and bullshit; between a liar and a bullshit artist ? Trump and his Humpers have them all covered.
He denied and people died. The POS was pushing antiseptics and a light up butt as a remedy for COVID. I knew people who died due to his stupidity.
Ashly Babbit was the only one who died. She should not have but for the naked aggression of a black cop.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
We're you sleeping through the BLM riots?
Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
Go boycott MacDonald's cheeseburgers. It's this type of outrageous media spinning that you've never seen before.
The only threat to the NY DA would be if you wackos banned cheeseburgers.
Good point.
I checked. He really did post that. This is a former "President" of the United States.

And his rubes will defend it.

Historic times. A lunatic has taken over the GQP.
But you loved the demonic Biden speech, painted in demonic red, calling half of the nation fascists and the enemy, you fucking loved that, but Trump's righteous call to arms is to much, that about cover your "ahh" feelings??? :auiqs.jpg:
We already have death and destruction.

The streets of Democrat-run citiesrun red and the morgues are filling up as violence and murder sky-rockets while Soros-backed DAs refuse to hold / prosecute violent criminals, rapists,pedophiles, and murderers.

Democrats are destroying the Justice system by partisanly weaponizing federal and state law enforcement agencies while enforcing their crimimal, UnConstitutional 2-tiered Justice System.

The Death cult is still as eager as ever to kill babies, and Biden is still violating Constitution and Law to aid, abet, and import cartel mrmbers, violent gang members, drug / human / child / sex traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, murderers, and terrorists.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
Look at the sociopath above, the pedophile whose toes it sucks, has the entire western hemisphere on the brink of total collapse...

China is brokering peace deals between Iran and the Saudis, and maybe Syrians too, along with China rubbing Monroe doctrine in our faces as they take over south America, all whilst actively killing some 100,000 Americans yearly via their illicit narcotics, and all above sociopath can muster is its hate rage against America!

Above sociopath is, as with most of the fascist base, a worthless parasite, America gets nothing out of the deal, nothing! :poke:
I am sure then you have changed all your liquid assets into physical gold and silver. No 401k, no retirement plan of any sort.

I have decided I am going to fly down to Mexico, sneak back across the border without IDs or Passports, turn.myself in to a US BPA, then get a free 5-star hotel in NY before finding a really nice home to take over by squatting, get free medical / free education, free food, free money, etc...

Either that or get a really good tan, go to Ca, register as an African American, and wait for my check for $5 Mil from Newsom.


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