trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

Let me know when our President attacks the Capitol

That is one of your most pathetic posts ever, and let me tell you, that's amazing that your posts can get MORE pathetic.

Guess what, sparky.

If we lose Reserve Currency and have superinflation, the nation will implode. You can sit in the corner with your thumb in your mouth and rock back and forth about Trump, sure. The Capitol might burn, and it might be the former American middle class doing it.

Do you have ANY idea?
That is one of your most pathetic posts ever, and let me tell you, that's amazing that your posts can get MORE pathetic.

Guess what, sparky.

If we lose Reserve Currency and have superinflation, the nation will implode. You can sit in the corner with your thumb in your mouth and rock back and forth about Trump, sure. The Capitol might burn, and it might be the former American middle class doing it.

Do you have ANY idea?

President Biden has yet to unleash an assault on Democracy
Let me know when he does
President Biden has yet to unleash an assault on Democracy
Let me know when he does

you better hope that old harpy Yellen is not as brain addled as she appears. Because as little as anyone cares about J6 NOW, believe me, if the economy poo hits the fan, your whining about it is going to be less than pathetic.

But keep going.
If we lose reserve currency it's going to be the Great Depression on steroids. Or the Great Depression with the Weimar Republic thrown in.

you know it and I know it

I am sure then you have changed all your liquid assets into physical gold and silver. No 401k, no retirement plan of any sort.
He never was, and never will be, Presidential material, never worthy of the title imo, and proves me right, daily! :(

And much less than 24 hours afterwards, Schumer came before the public and retracted the statement and apologized.

Has Trump said what he's done is wrong and apologized?

One's a gentleman, the other a lowly, slithering, fork tongued snake....the Serpent of Old! :eek:
Oh so it's all in the apology eh ? Yeah, and we've seen the way apologies have been interpreted by the left. They are interpreted as weakness, and the left charges in on the slightest bit of weakness shown, just like a wolf attacking a baby rabbit.... It ain't happening liberal, so go pound sand.
Let me know when our President attacks the Capitol
Attacks don't have to be physical you know. On his first day he started attacking the nation with his vengeance being sought after through an ink pen. Are you kind of stupid or something ?
I am sure then you have changed all your liquid assets into physical gold and silver. No 401k, no retirement plan of any sort.
Pffft.... Gold holds only the value that man places upon it, but in an apocalyptic world, gold is nothing but a piece of material that holds no value up against water, food, and clothing needed to keep a human being alive.
My mother was once convinced, maybe still is even, that Obama is the anti-Christ of the Bible

People love to mix their religion into their politics.
I am guilty as heck! :)

I truly believe Trump fits every single attribute listed of the anti-christ's character....Word for word! Symbol for symbol, described in prophesies in the Bible... I keep trying to discredit myself of this gut wrenching belief, but so far.... I haven't succeeded!!!! :eek: :D:D
No one has run out of options, the Georgia election fraud indictment, and Mara Lago obstruction of justice indictment are moments away.

That's why Trump is flailing, acting like a RAT cornered..... Its embarrassing to watch an ex president of the United States of America behave in this manner, and y'all supporting it!
No what's embarrassing or should be to your side, is the leaps and hurdles that you all are willing to go to in order to get your way. Yes even destroying the seat of our presidency you all are willing to do if you have too... Your agenda's call for it.

Remember that all that you all do has a two edged sword effect, and it always cuts both ways. Remember that if you are a leftist.
Those of us who had to hold our nose with both hands and vote for Biden look at this and say, "yeah, this is why. This orange child is not well".
Glad you admit that you had to hold your nose with BOTH Hands, yet at every chance you get you protect the Biden administration's decision making and policies... So you must have held your nose as an excuse to your conservative family members that couldn't believe you to be so stupid as to vote for the person you had to hold your nose over.
Hundreds of them in jail? I'm not sure if you're stupid or just lying. By FAR, most of them plead to trespassing and some vandalism. Most did so because it's impossible for the average citizen to fight the government in court. I hope you and those like you get to enjoy such an experience someday soon.
Another non reader. No one said they are all still in jail Goober.
Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president and an enemy of the Constitution and the rule of law.
And it is going to get worse. If he is not indicted in will come Fulton County...and his rhetoric will be more violent and deadly. He will incite another incident. I hope not as violent as J6.

He has shown everyone that he is unfit for political office. Independent voters are lost. But desantis is unable to stand up to trump. So trump wins the repub nomination and loses again. And here we go again....voter fraud claims and more violence from MAGA.

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