trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted


It's a 'J6-2.0' false narrative based on some TDS-suffering snowflake's 'translation' of what HE THINKS Trump meant.

When I heard it on the news this morning, I thought there had to be a mistake. Then I saw it quoted on numerous morning web sites. I could not believe it. He is as deranged and acting like a mad man. If he goes over the edge over something like paying off a former porn star, what is he going to do when Georgia and the DOJ begin deciding on whether to indict?

He is acting like the person I always saw him as....a Mafia Boss that Poootin helped to get elected to the White House. He threatened a DA and the repubs will just brush it off as just another trump rant.
And the leftards are scheming and planning like they Always do, but what they have miscalculated in this, is that we have Desantis waiting in the wings, so that's your knew dilemma for which you've now underestimated, and you have since gotten wrong with your misguided focus and your warped TDS... 😂
Don't be too hard on the board snowflakes - as Bragg's case collapses they are faced with ANOTHER 'We've got himTHIS time' failure.



Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president and an enemy of the Constitution and the rule of law.
Your problem is trying to mischaracterize Schumers "criminal" threat, with a "legislative" threat.

Actually, it's neither. His threat was a general political threat, that the GOP, of which he is a member, would face repercussions in future elections. With schumer, it's always about the ballot. in fact, that did happen in 2020, where the expected 'red wave' turned into a red ripple. He, in the heat of the moment, just didn't articulate very well.
You keep selling him Jimbo.... don't bother, I'm already a supporter. If he brings back the guillotine for election theft I'll just vote that much harder (and often) for him. Thanks for the kind words about President Trump.

Anything about an actual elected official? Like your stuttering fuck? What color shit did he leave in the bed sheets this morning? Did he shower with any 9-year olds lately? What about fetterman.... is that drooling fucktard still hearing voices from the Peanuts cartoon? Keep us posted - these useless fucks are actually elected and make policy....hmm?

You're not interested in a serious debate. You just want to call people names. You are just like Trump, a small, petty, man.

Trump calls people names, and you like that, you think that's a good quality for a President.

You don't grasp the depth of your delusion, and that is sad.

Mudslinging is the province of novices, or those with weak arguments, or those without arguments, not to mention mental midgets..and Oh, and some are nice people, too.

Trump is wholly unfit for office. he is a demagogue, and all demagogues in power pose a threat to US National Security and if not the planet.

It's hard to fathom how one man can be both a clown, and a demagogue, but that would be Trump, he's a first. None of the famous demagogues who preceded him, Hitler, Mussolini, Peron, Allende, Castro, none were clowns. Trump is the first clown demagogue, and that really speaks poorly to the suckers that think he's the anointed one.

Many surrounding Trump were indicted,convicted, many of his lawyers got barred, sanctioned, or in legal Trouble, hence
"MAGA" - making attorneys get attorneys. There's a lot of truth in Rick Wilson's book 'Everything Trump Touches, Dies'.

And if Biden is a doddering old dementia riddled fart, he beat Trump by 7 million votes.

That sure as hell doesn't say much for Trump. So, you say the election was stolen? So how does a stable genius let a doddering old stuttering fuck, as you put it, steal the election? So, even if that were true, it, again, doesn't say much about Trump. I can dismantel the 'dems stole the election', myth with pure logic.

There is no way I can reach you, your skull is too thick, your brain is fodder for the vitriol that evacuates your keyboard, you have a lot in common with knuckleheads, it's called mediocrity on parade.

Oh, about the election, you don't have a gawd damn stitch of evidence. Think so? Present it, and I will shred it, as any competent attorney would, in a court of law, under cross examination. your evidence really isn't evidence, but you are not smart enough to understand it. I'm no attorney, but I know what evidence is, and isn't.

You didn't notice, but Trump was shouting, a year before the first ballot was cast, 'The only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election'. He primed the 'stop the steal' mantra, a year before it became a mantra. He's a clever man, that much I will grant you. He's one of the greatest conmen to have ever lived.

"You can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool some of the people, some of the time, and it's just enough to make a good living' --W.C Fields

All elections have irregularities, but apparently you didn't notice when Trump exploited those irregularities and repainted them as 'proof', and some of his very stupid attorneys presented them in court as 'evidence'. Well, Trump can fool suckers like you, but not a judge. All of the 60 plus lawsuits filed by his lawyers and that of his surrogates, were laughed out of court.

All the fools that lurked in the mud, in Trump they found their champion, he kicked over the proverbial log and all of his followers crawled out and were emboldened, and many took off their hoods, as we saw in Charlottesville.

Hell, hate crimes spiked just after he took office. No shit.

Trump enrages people, he even said so, after he converted from Democrat to Republican ( he had to when he ran for president, because he realized that Democrats are not suckers like Republicans are).

The real Trump:

And the real reason I don't like Trump is because he sold his soul for power, and became a demagogue.
"As the looming threat of indictment stemming from multiple investigations grows ever more likely for former President Donald Trump, two new polls show that Trump’s support is increasing."
And again, it’s absolutely astonishing – but not surprising – that conservatives want the likes of Trump to be ‘president’ again, given all that Trump has said and done; the endless lies, the incompetence, the ignorance and stupidity, the attacks on our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the rule of law, the coup attempt to overturn the 2020 election, the dereliction of duty in willfully failing to act to defend the Capitol Building from attack by rightwing domestic terrorists, and now threats of violence and lawlessness by Trump should he be indicted.

The reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.
'Hatred, Chaos, & turmoil' - sounds like Democrats.

Democrats are driven by and spread hate.

Chaos and Turmoil Is what Democrats, antifa, BLM, and orger Democrat extremists spread ...

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Red herring fallacy, a failed and cowardly attempt to deflect from the topic.

A failed attempt to deflect by the right is understandable given how comprehensively wrong and reprehensible Trump truly is.
Dufus, more then a 1000 werem arrested. They were confined.
bs... The number who are still confined is under 100 and MANY of those haven't seen the inside of court room yet. If political protesters for the Left had been treated this way, people like you would be burning cities down. Maybe that's what the next step should be for those who cannot receive justice in America any longer because they disagree with the scum that supports the current DC regime.
Must be a NYC thing.

always making empty threats.

""I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer said."
Exactly.... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Brilliantly stated...

"They" on the left (appropriately spoken according to their bull shite pronoun codes), are always trying to read everything as dog whistles or code talk for whatever reason.. Why ? Because they are the champions of it themselves. Then you get these poor hands like Mac-a-phonie and Jimbob trying to follow Trump's every move like two hillbilly stalkers with super bad TDS, and we get loads of free entertainment at their expense. He's living in their head's rent free, and they can't find a judge in their hell that will evict him.. ROTFLMBO 🤣
bs... The number who are still confined is under 100 and MANY of those haven't seen the inside of court room yet. If political protesters for the Left had been treated this way, people like you would be burning cities down. Maybe that's what the next step should be for those who cannot receive justice in America any longer because they disagree with the scum that supports the current DC regime.
It would never happen, because the right as a whole could never drop to the level of the left as a whole, even though the left does everything it possibly can to paint the right in that darker light, but it just can't get no satisfaction on it. Talk about the ultimate frustration on their part.. 😆

So they finally get the best representative they could have ever gotten to represent them, otherwise to be found in "ole uncle Joe", and the weight they are applying to that old decrepit fella is unbearable by most standard's, but old Joe is so excited to "PLAY" president that he's going to screw up everything he can in order to show his loyalty to the mob that has protected him and his families wealth and affairs forever and a day now.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.

Trump being Trump and it's not helping him, but of course he doesn't learn.

He's right about the years of "Hatred, chaos and turmoil" though.
Well, if he'd just shut his mouth, we'd stop talking about him.

I voted for Biden. And will again if he runs.
It'll be fun watching Trump lose even bigger this time...assuming of course he isn't facing prison time.

You guy really need to refresh your memes. :)

The fact that you would vote for him AGAIN when he is losing his mind literally before our eyes is really sad.

At this point the Dems won't even let him run. He can no longer even read a teleprompter and can't campaign from his basement this time--no lockdowns to serve as excuse.

The USMB mods are all TDS members calling others cult members. It’s amusing. 🤫

It's ridiculous actually. The pervasive cult, obviously, is on the Left. A few Trump voters DO act cultish, but not the majority by far.

We have just come out of worthless lockdowns, worthless mask-wearing, notably harmful vaccines. Talk about CULT LIKE. But you know. It's just the Trumpkins who are cultish.

Sure, USMB mods. Gaslight us some more

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