trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

Wait until obstruction of justice becomes a threat with Jack Smith and the classified documents case. trump has and he will threaten judges, prosecutors, witnesses, and even election officials. He uses proven Mafia techniques and, because he thinks he has come type of immunity, he pushes the threats and intimidation to the very edge.

desantis cannot match trump's level of criminality and depravity. He will lose to trump in the primaries and trump will lose to whomever the Dems run.
Yeah. Well, Roy Cohn himself was a mentor. This is just incredible.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
Trump had to tell you that? The average bear or donkey could have. Indict at you own peril.
Stormy got ole deceased Hustler magazine dude smiling from his grave.. I tell ya these people are working for the devil himself. Think about it, the leftist had run out of options, so they revert back to the most whacky people they can find in order to bring their enemy down.

People in this country see it, and they know it. My question is how long are the good citizen's going to keep taking it ? Are their no more good smart people anymore ?
I checked. He really did post that. This is a former "President" of the United States.

And his rubes will defend it.

Historic times. A lunatic has taken over the GQP.
He never was, and never will be, Presidential material, never worthy of the title imo, and proves me right, daily! :(
Must be a NYC thing.

always making empty threats.

""I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer said."
And much less than 24 hours afterwards, Schumer came before the public and retracted the statement and apologized.

Has Trump said what he's done is wrong and apologized?

One's a gentleman, the other a lowly, slithering, fork tongued snake....the Serpent of Old! :eek:
Stormy got ole deceased Hustler magazine dude smiling from his grave.. I tell ya these people are working for the devil himself. Think about it, the leftist had run out of options, so they revert back to the most whacky people they can find in order to bring their enemy down.

People in this country see it, and they know it. My question is how long are the good citizen's going to keep taking it ? Are their no more good smart people anymore ?
No one has run out of options, the Georgia election fraud indictment, and Mara Lago obstruction of justice indictment are moments away.

That's why Trump is flailing, acting like a RAT cornered..... Its embarrassing to watch an ex president of the United States of America behave in this manner, and y'all supporting it!

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
Is that what the DNC told you to say. Yer a good little apparatchik. You're their front line for turning the United States of America into a commie hellhole with them as the oligarchical kingpins. And as they go underground again, they won't help you out if you're not really, really useful to them for saving their pocketpicking the American Taxpayers right into their offshore accounts. :whipg:P.S. That viral video that showed up 3 or 4 years back of Biden bragging about how he used the Foreign Aid Package his cronies voted on to give the Ukraine almost 3 billion taxpayer dollars? He got his 30% out of the deal by threatening to take it all away from them if they didn't have $one billion dollars in cash put into his Air Force Two in less than six hours. The only thing that piggie at the trough ever thought about was his next exciting adventure of picking third world countries' aid packages from the American Taxpayers. Now he's dead set on bankrupting the treasury, and somehow I think he has a plan of taking out 30% of that too. :cranky:

The Constitution of the United States disallows Legislators, Judges, and even Vice Presidents, not to mention the maids at the White House--whoever is on the Gummint payrolls, cannot accept bribes, gifts, merchandise, jewelry, money, or anything else. Bided took all those things and bragged about his hundred thousand dollar spendathon in a Chinese mall, thanks to the Chinese gummint, who knows how many billions of dollars for being their go guy to American inventions, military secrets, et al.

How the hell did Biden buy his way to the Presidency? Oh, yeah, Silicon Valley and Soros, Inc. Not to mention all the governments he cheated out of foreign aid money once he figured out how to get his grubs on the American Treasury laundered in secret payoffs to "earn" him five multimillion dollar retreats (fortified mansions) at American taxpayer expense and whatever else he could welch out of recipients of Foreign Aid like he did in the Ukraine when he was VPOTUS. I'm gonna hurl. :puke:
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Trump is warming up his base to unleash “Death and Destruction” if any prosecutor dares to indict him
Actually, it's neither. His threat was a general political threat, that the GOP, of which he is a member, would face repercussions in future elections. With schumer, it's always about the ballot. in fact, that did happen in 2020, where the expected 'red wave' turned into a red ripple. He, in the heat of the moment, just didn't articulate very well.
His threat was a general political threat,
Finally admitting it was a threat?

He never was, and never will be, Presidential material, never worthy of the title imo, and proves me right, daily! :(

And much less than 24 hours afterwards, Schumer came before the public and retracted the statement and apologized.

Has Trump said what he's done is wrong and apologized?

One's a gentleman, the other a lowly, slithering, fork tongued snake....the Serpent of Old! :eek:

Lost your damn mind you have

Trump is Satan now. And WE are the ones in the cult. Sure honey. Sure.
Trump is warming up his base to unleash “Death and Destruction” if any prosecutor dares to indict him

Nothing anyone can say at this point will change a thing. It's already done. In so many ways, but as just one example, cast your eyes on the banking crisis and the fact that we'll probably lose our status as the Reserve Currency under your demented basement puppet.

Ever heard of the Weimar Republic? People wheelbarrowed stacks of money in to buy a loaf of bread. But you folks will dance around thrilled about it because hey, it's not Trump.

He never was, and never will be, Presidential material, never worthy of the title imo, and proves me right, daily! :(

And much less than 24 hours afterwards, Schumer came before the public and retracted the statement and apologized.

Has Trump said what he's done is wrong and apologized?

One's a gentleman, the other a lowly, slithering, fork tongued snake....the Serpent of Old! :eek:
neither are gentlemen.

the other a lowly, slithering, fork tongued snake....the Serpent of Old
not other, both.
Nothing anyone can say at this point will change a thing. It's already done. In so many ways, but as just one example, cast your eyes on the banking crisis and the fact that we'll probably lose our status as the Reserve Currency under your demented basement puppet.

Ever heard of the Weimar Republic? People wheelbarrowed stacks of money in to buy a loaf of bread. But you folks will dance around thrilled about it because hey, it's not Trump.

Lost your damn mind you have

Trump is Satan now. And WE are the ones in the cult. Sure honey. Sure.

My mother was once convinced, maybe still is even, that Obama is the anti-Christ of the Bible

People love to mix their religion into their politics.

You hope and so do I. But we have never been closer. Meanwhile our CURRENT president is losing his ability to even read the teleprompter while you all remain obsessed with the former president.

The fiddling's been going on a while and no one cares...
My mother was once convinced, maybe still is even, that Obama is the anti-Christ of the Bible

People love to mix their religion into their politics.

This is the kind of thing you say when it's "people" on the Left, your side.

When it's Trump people, the tune is much different.
that is putting it mildly.

If we lose reserve currency it's going to be the Great Depression on steroids. Or the Great Depression with the Weimar Republic thrown in.

you know it and I know it

The people "leading" this nation are a pack of sociopathic idiots who are frankly much too old to lead anything but the local Bridge Club. What do they care if it crashes and burns? Their grandchildren have children.
You hope and so do I. But we have never been closer. Meanwhile our CURRENT president is losing his ability to even read the teleprompter while you all remain obsessed with the former president.

The fiddling's been going on a while and no one cares...

Let me know when our President attacks the Capitol

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