trump warns of "Death and Destruction" if he is indicted

There will be death and destruction... but not from Trump voters... from the left when he wins in 24....
A fair-minded person could just as easily construe his words to mean that his opponents might go on a rampage. If they indict him and as usual, he beats it, they could lose their minds and flood into the streets, workin' for the Soros wage...

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Oh my God.!! It is worse than Watergate. Drama queen.
When I heard it on the news this morning, I thought there had to be a mistake. Then I saw it quoted on numerous morning web sites. I could not believe it. He is as deranged and acting like a mad man. If he goes over the edge over something like paying off a former porn star, what is he going to do when Georgia and the DOJ begin deciding on whether to indict?

He is acting like the person I always saw him as....a Mafia Boss that Poootin helped to get elected to the White House. He threatened a DA and the repubs will just brush it off as just another trump rant.
Trump was just echoing Democrat bullshit ala Jan 6th. Trump is a genius at getting you guys to shit your pants. Aside from that he's is garnering a huge chunk of the daily news media!! :cool:
I agree.

Do you need someone to help you think too?

He was in the middle of a protest on the steps of the Supreme Court. He said NOTHING about legislative action.

Later, as minority leader, he apologized for his threat.

But, hey!!

He has a D behind his name, so that makes it all good.
He also ignored his role in the actions of the would-be Kavanaugh assassin.
Trump was just echoing Democrat bullshit ala Jan 6th. Trump is a genius at getting you guys to shit your pants. Aside from that he's is garnering a huge chunk of the daily news media!! :cool:
Really ? Tell that to the rubes who followed him before and landed in jail, hundreds of them. He just seems like a genius to his idiot followers.
He really has elevated trolling them, to an art form.
And they don't think they're being trolled!!! The guy's a master at it. He also trolled our enemies to the point they kept their noses clean. They smelled strength, not the stinking weakness that permeates the Oval Office today.
Yup, and if anyone wants they can join the hundreds of Trump rubes who are already in jail because of their part in joining him from the last time he turned them on.
Hundreds of them in jail? I'm not sure if you're stupid or just lying. By FAR, most of them plead to trespassing and some vandalism. Most did so because it's impossible for the average citizen to fight the government in court. I hope you and those like you get to enjoy such an experience someday soon.
Hundreds of them in jail? I'm not sure if you're stupid or just lying. By FAR, most of them plead to trespassing and some vandalism. Most did so because it's impossible for the average citizen to fight the government in court. I hope you and those like you get to enjoy such an experience someday soon.
Dufus, more then a 1000 werem arrested. They were confined.
Schummer was threatening "legislative action" against Supreme Court members. which does constitute "legislative activity" and is protected no matter where such activity is presented.

Your problem is trying to mischaracterize Schumers "legislative" threat, with a "criminal" threat.

He said this...

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,”

Sounds like a bit more than 'legislative action' to me. You guys are so hypocritical. Trump told his people to "fight like Hell" and you guys shit your pants yet, you are sanguine with Schumer actually threatening Supreme Court Justices shouting that they will "pay the price" and then saying "you won't know what hit you." That's a pretty specific threat of physical violence.
Well lets listen:

"I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Schumer, who was then minority leader, said at the time. "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

Clearly from Schummers past history, he was talking about democrats "impeaching" them for lying to congress, when during their confirmations they said that Roe was "settled law", and that they believe in "stare decisus". Both principles they broke (lied about following) in order to come to the Dobbs decision.
Abortion got sent back to the States, Roe was upheld. Schummer is a slimy politician and you're a fool if you believe anything he says.

Obviously he is threatening the NY DA. How is he going to react when the Fulton County and DOJ begin to deliberate on a possible indictment? I have never seen anything like this man's reaction and desperation before.
OK I'm there. Who do I have to kill?
He said this...

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,”

Sounds like a bit more than 'legislative action' to me. You guys are so hypocritical. Trump told his people to "fight like Hell" and you guys shit your pants yet, you are sanguine with Schumer actually threatening Supreme Court Justices shouting that they will "pay the price" and then saying "you won't know what hit you." That's a pretty specific threat of physical violence.

They don't think that is a threat,


  • 1.a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done"
Seems like a threat to me.
Trump was just echoing Democrat bullshit ala Jan 6th. Trump is a genius at getting you guys to shit your pants. Aside from that he's is garnering a huge chunk of the daily news media!! :cool:
Oh, come now, man. That is just unfair.

You know full well that not a single one of them needs any help from Trump to shit their pants!!

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