trump was screaming at the TV during Castor's opening statement

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.

Did they hire a "Castor" because they knew the wheels were coming off?

ba dum tsss
That would actually be spelled "Caster," whereas a "Castor" is more like a top hat or a beaver - something else Trump might wanna grasp at without thinking.

Or an oil, but where do you take that....

Poetic licence. My previous quip about how his colleague should have been "Pollux" kinda sank like a stone.
Astronomy is a lost art.

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.

Did they hire a "Castor" because they knew the wheels were coming off?

ba dum tsss
That would actually be spelled "Caster," whereas a "Castor" is more like a top hat or a beaver - something else Trump might wanna grasp at without thinking.
When you're famous they let you!

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.
Starts off by saying, "My name is Bruce Castor. I am the lead prosecutor." And then it was downhill from there.

trump was screaming at the TV during Castor's opening statement

Funny, I've never heard one report of what Bill and Hillary say or do in the privacy of their living room! Or Obumma. Where was Trump watching the trial, in a bar?


You are idiot enough to have us believe this author actually was IN TRUMP'S HOUSE with his family or looking in through the window as Trump watches TV?

What next, gonna tell us whether Trump prefers top or bottom in the bedroom?

Maybe the help bugged Trump's own private home with spy TV cameras?

What an unbelievable ass you are.

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.
Was he screaming from the tower he built in your head?
He is not MY master. He Is YOURS! You probably jack off to his photo every night. He is your messiah.....your god.....your Devine one. You MUST obey him or he will become angry at you and maybe even call you names. You cannot let that happen!

Trump is a distant memory. But you keep bringing him back. Why? You’re a loser with no career path or ambition. I am on to Dan Crenshaw.
For any of you nerdy enough (like me)`to actually watch the impeachment trial today, we're apparently in for more of the same from T****'s lawyers.

Despite the scathing criticisms of his performance, Castor, the attorney, said he thought it was a "good day" and said he did not anticipate he would make any strategic changes going forward.

BrIng knitting. Or whittling.

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.
It's not easy to watch a parade of people all make the same mistake.

Wasn't it Einstein who said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?

Admittedly, many of the people who cozied up to Trump had different motivations. Some, like Trump's personal attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, sought wealth and the proximity to someone more wealthy and powerful. Others just wanted to aid a fledgling administration. Others sought power and influence, while others still hoped to land lucrative jobs. But they all engaged in what was, in essence, a game that they could not possibly hope to come out in the end as having emerged in the plus column. That's because Trump could and would repay years of loyalty with a dismissive tweet while summarily firing someone with a series of insults even as the so-called luckier ones found that their professional reputations had been sullied leading to their WH resume being seen as little more than one of shame as opposed to previous WH reputations as being perceived as shining examples of excellence and public service.

When will the potential supplicants come to their senses? I'm still waiting for that moment,
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.

If it weren't for Trump, JimH52 would be posting pictures of his puppies or kittens. If he could figure out how to get them from the camera to the computer and upload them.


How many Trump TDS threads has he started now, 5,900?
I like your on point repartee.

Seriously I doubt a day has gone by in the past 4 years without him posting an anti Trump thread. I don't know, meds maybe and therapy.
There's a lot to be anti-trump about. Just like there was a lot to be anti-Hitler about........even tho the GOP praised the European fascists up until Dec. 7th. 1941.

WOW! Guess who is NOT going to get paid? Well, you get what you pay for. The trump machine has been a clown show since it's beginning. May as well continue as one.
Was he screaming from the tower he built in your head?
He is not MY master. He Is YOURS! You probably jack off to his photo every night. He is your messiah.....your god.....your Devine one. You MUST obey him or he will become angry at you and maybe even call you names. You cannot let that happen!

Trump is a distant memory. But you keep bringing him back. Why? You’re a loser with no career path or ambition. I am on to Dan Crenshaw.
So why did McCarthy go down to Florida to kiss his ring?
Even Dershowitz was saying how incoherent and incompetent Trump's lawyers were. won't matter. The gutless Republican Senators don't have the balls to vote to Impeach

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