Trump we will guard our border with our military

Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

The Posse Comitatus Act has nothing to do with protecting the nations borders. That IS what the Army's job IS.

No, it's not.

At no point in during peacetime in American history, has the military been tasked with protecting our borders.

Patrolling the border has been a function of civilian law enforcement as long as our borders have ever been patrolled.

Hmmm, their mission statement says otherwise.

  • Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States
  • Supporting the national policies
  • Implementing the national objectives
  • Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States

This isn't about "mission statements", this is about the Laws of the United States.

Yes, and the Border Patrol is recent. Before there was a Border Patrol there was the US Army, in peacetime guarding the border. It was the Army that chased Villa back to Mexico in 1916, or were you not aware of that?
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

Indeed, and the group helping them should be indicted for conspiracy to violate the immigration laws of this country.
I don't think that Trump is going to be able to accomplish this one. At the most, he's going to get some NG troops sent, but that is going to be expensive.
One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

The Posse Comitatus Act has nothing to do with protecting the nations borders. That IS what the Army's job IS.

No, it's not.

At no point in during peacetime in American history, has the military been tasked with protecting our borders.

Patrolling the border has been a function of civilian law enforcement as long as our borders have ever been patrolled.

Hmmm, their mission statement says otherwise.

  • Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States
  • Supporting the national policies
  • Implementing the national objectives
  • Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States

This isn't about "mission statements", this is about the Laws of the United States.

Yes, and the Border Patrol is recent. Before there was a Border Patrol there was the US Army, in peacetime guarding the border. It was the Army that chased Villa back to Mexico in 1916, or were you not aware of that?

The Army wasn't "guarding the border" from refugees. There were no restrictions on immigration in 1916.
Well at least not as many will get through lessens out chances of more disease ridden fks. Lessens the demo. votes, anybody notice in the videos there were more " MALES" than females. Way more young males. Obama's army lol more of them .
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

Indeed, and the group helping them should be indicted for conspiracy to violate the immigration laws of this country.

Be sure to write your local US Attorney and let him know.
I really don't think they're going to call on someone who was too scared to go to a USO.

Which is why Trump will not have to worry about it.
Trump was never in the military and has likely never gone to a USO. Gaybiker on the other hand wouldn't get off his ship on shore leave even to go to a USO. A regular profile in courage. Meanwhile civilian employees like my mother worked there.

The wrong stuff I guess.

Actually, what I told you was that when Reagan was in office, we had to keep our heads on a swivel because USO's were being bombed. Yeah, I think checking for things like that is just prudent. Especially when there were bombings happening in all sorts of places US troops liked to frequent.

How many years did you serve again Meathead? I did a full 20 in 4 war zones.

Oh just like to troll people.

Ouch. I'm going to have to score this ABikerSailor 1, Meathead 0. :lol:
Anybody think Trump and Mad Dog are going to let McConnell and Schumer pretend none of this is happening? Trump just got Mattis over $1.4 TRILLION dollars over the next two years.....The Army Corps of Engineers will build that wall and there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it.
Why do Trumpbots fall for this crap time and time again. Trump tweets out some bullshit notion that been floated and shot down repeatedly, and suddenly he's not just brilliant but has a totally new idea that nobody ever considered? LOL

Why do y’all non-American bots want to protect illegal immigrants over legal Americans, is it our responsibility to care for these illegals.
Why can’t we just let people adopt all the illegals they want, but you have to provide food, shelter, and medical care at your expense, no government handouts.
So you can go first, how many of these wonderful illegals are you going to let in your house?
And yes I’m racist, now that we got that out of the way, how many are you gonna take care of?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How is defending our borders from an invading horde of illegals be domestic law enforcement? Only way to stop an invasion is to repel them with force. After a few 1000 bodies left just south of the border, the illegals and liberals would get the message that We the People don't want criminals here anymore.

First of all, "invading horde" is a silly characterization. Secondly, I am pretty sure ICE is a law enforcement agency. Third, if this is an invasion, who is it an invasion by? Fourth, why would the only bodies be south of the border? Do you think no illegals enter the country through the Canadian border? Fifth, I'd say there is no realistic chance that the federal government will authorize using lethal force on someone simply because they enter the country illegally (ignoring whether such an order would be deemed legal/Constitutional). Finally, I did not say that Posse Comitatus was necessarily the argument being made, merely that is might be.

On the use of lethal force, here's the dilemma, If you shoot at them BEFORE they cross the border, you are shooting Mexican citizens on Mexican soil, which can be deemed an act of war. If you wait until they cross the border, they are entitled to the full protection of the Constitution and American Law, therefore it becomes a LE mission and you can't shoot them.
They aren't Mexican citizens. They are Honduran citizens. Shoot them on the Mexican side and let mex bellyache over it.

If we kill people on the Mexican side of the border, it can be considered an act of war. If they cross over the border, all the military will be able to do is point and say "there they are". They don't have the authority to arrest, detain, or shoot anyone on US soil. Only BP and LE can do that.

Remember when Jr. tried to do it and it failed? If Trump tries to do it, he's gonna fail as well.
if Mexico is letting invaders in from Mexico--that is an act of war by MEXICO!!!!
so the US would be defending herself--not committing an act of war
An invasion of gardeners, nannies and maids?

Where is the Army?
The Army wasn't "guarding the border" from refugees. There were no restrictions on immigration in 1916.

So I take it you don't believe the border should be guarded.....about time you revealed what you think of this nation...why do you still live here? Oh, because you enjoy the police and Armed Forces protection should any of your "refugees" decide they have a right to everything you own some night?
The Posse Comitatus Act has nothing to do with protecting the nations borders. That IS what the Army's job IS.

No, it's not.

At no point in during peacetime in American history, has the military been tasked with protecting our borders.

Patrolling the border has been a function of civilian law enforcement as long as our borders have ever been patrolled.

Hmmm, their mission statement says otherwise.

  • Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States
  • Supporting the national policies
  • Implementing the national objectives
  • Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States

This isn't about "mission statements", this is about the Laws of the United States.

Yes, and the Border Patrol is recent. Before there was a Border Patrol there was the US Army, in peacetime guarding the border. It was the Army that chased Villa back to Mexico in 1916, or were you not aware of that?

The Army wasn't "guarding the border" from refugees. There were no restrictions on immigration in 1916.

In 1916 The US was operating under the immigration Act of 1907, and then in 1917 a new Immigration Act was signed into law which further restricted who could come here.
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

Indeed, and the group helping them should be indicted for conspiracy to violate the immigration laws of this country.

Be sure to write your local US Attorney and let him know.

Nope. They have no power. But I have talked to AG Laxalt about the issue. I doubt he does anything about it, but he at least has a modicum of power.
No, it's not.

At no point in during peacetime in American history, has the military been tasked with protecting our borders.

Patrolling the border has been a function of civilian law enforcement as long as our borders have ever been patrolled.

Hmmm, their mission statement says otherwise.

  • Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States
  • Supporting the national policies
  • Implementing the national objectives
  • Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States

This isn't about "mission statements", this is about the Laws of the United States.

Yes, and the Border Patrol is recent. Before there was a Border Patrol there was the US Army, in peacetime guarding the border. It was the Army that chased Villa back to Mexico in 1916, or were you not aware of that?

The Army wasn't "guarding the border" from refugees. There were no restrictions on immigration in 1916.

In 1916 The US was operating under the immigration Act of 1907, and then in 1917 a new Immigration Act was signed into law which further restricted who could come here.

Ok, if you want to be pedantic, the Immigration Act of 1907 did restrict the immigration of the "feebleminded".

But that was never enforced by the military on the border.
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

Indeed, and the group helping them should be indicted for conspiracy to violate the immigration laws of this country.

Be sure to write your local US Attorney and let him know.

Nope. They have no power. But I have talked to AG Laxalt about the issue. I doubt he does anything about it, but he at least has a modicum of power.

A state AG can't prosecute anyone under federal laws.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.
The PURPOSE of the military is national defense e.g. US borders. This has nothing to do with Posse Comitatus.

Of course it does. Barring exceptional circumstances, the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the deployment of US military on US soil.

And again...It does not include the Army or Air National Guard.

It prohibits using combat troops for domestic situations. Guarding the
American border from an invasion is NOT a domestic situation.

But it is all irrelevent if he uses the National Guard. (Army and Air)

He can deploy the Guard and stop the "invaders" in their tracks.
The Posse Comitatus Act states in plain english that the military cannot be used on US soil to enforce the law.

Immigration law is law.


This isn't complicated.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.
The PURPOSE of the military is national defense e.g. US borders. This has nothing to do with Posse Comitatus.

Of course it does. Barring exceptional circumstances, the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the deployment of US military on US soil.

And again...It does not include the Army or Air National Guard.

It prohibits using combat troops for domestic situations. Guarding the
American border from an invasion is NOT a domestic situation.

But it is all irrelevent if he uses the National Guard. (Army and Air)

He can deploy the Guard and stop the "invaders" in their tracks.

Only with the permission of the States he's borrowing the guard from, or by declaring a national emergency.

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