Trump we will guard our border with our military

I really don't think they're going to call on someone who was too scared to go to a USO.

Which is why Trump will not have to worry about it.
Trump was never in the military and has likely never gone to a USO. Gaybiker on the other hand wouldn't get off his ship on shore leave even to go to a USO. A regular profile in courage. Meanwhile civilian employees like my mother worked there.

The wrong stuff I guess.

Actually, what I told you was that when Reagan was in office, we had to keep our heads on a swivel because USO's were being bombed. Yeah, I think checking for things like that is just prudent. Especially when there were bombings happening in all sorts of places US troops liked to frequent.

How many years did you serve again Meathead? I did a full 20 in 4 war zones.

Oh just like to troll people.
Did I misquote you? You said you wouldn't leave your ship to go to a USO in a foreign port because Reagan's policies were putting you in danger. Sorry, that's what you said, so take it easy on the blood-and-guts bit, eh?

Not the right stuff, surely.

Find the quote. Never said I wouldn't leave the ship.
Of course you did. That you now you regret saying it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just knock off the blood-and-guts shit, OK? There are others who can pull it off, but not you.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

One would think that you guys would understand by now that Trump tweeting about something is not to be taken as an implication that anything will actually happen.

The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.
The PURPOSE of the military is national defense e.g. US borders. This has nothing to do with Posse Comitatus.

Of course it does. Barring exceptional circumstances, the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the deployment of US military on US soil.

And again...It does not include the Army or Air National Guard.

It prohibits using combat troops for domestic situations. Guarding the
American border from an invasion is NOT a domestic situation.

But it is all irrelevent if he uses the National Guard. (Army and Air)

He can deploy the Guard and stop the "invaders" in their tracks.

Guarding the border from an invading foreign army would be cause to use the military at the border.

Refugees fleeing their country because of violence and poverty isn't quite an invading army.

I see that the scary speech you heard from Trump has motivated you to believe a bunch of refugees fleeing violence is an invading army. What weapons are they going to use? What country has sent them?

Your hate for Trump and doing the right thing is fucking up your mind.

Once they fled to Mexico, there fleeing ended. By international law...they can
only seek asylum in the first country they arrive in. They don't get to pick
and choose. They don't get to announce that they will march 1,000 miles to
America for safety and pass on Mexico and El Salvador.

When they arrive here...they are international law breakers not folks seeking
Better than wasting time in the mideast (even though we will continue to and probably do it more soon)

Interestingly enough you still insist on calling him a traitor.

Absolutely. The man sidles up to dictators and attacks our allies. He wages war, personally at times, against Americans. And he does so with Russian help, which he knows about and has never spoken against.

Putin does not want Trump leading the country because he has our interests at heart.

You crazy liberals...:21:
I really don't think they're going to call on someone who was too scared to go to a USO.

Which is why Trump will not have to worry about it.
Trump was never in the military and has likely never gone to a USO. Gaybiker on the other hand wouldn't get off his ship on shore leave even to go to a USO. A regular profile in courage. Meanwhile civilian employees like my mother worked there.

The wrong stuff I guess.

Actually, what I told you was that when Reagan was in office, we had to keep our heads on a swivel because USO's were being bombed. Yeah, I think checking for things like that is just prudent. Especially when there were bombings happening in all sorts of places US troops liked to frequent.

How many years did you serve again Meathead? I did a full 20 in 4 war zones.

Oh just like to troll people.
Did I misquote you? You said you wouldn't leave your ship to go to a USO in a foreign port because Reagan's policies were putting you in danger. Sorry, that's what you said, so take it easy on the blood-and-guts bit, eh?

Not the right stuff, surely.

Find the quote. Never said I wouldn't leave the ship.

I think you should be made to take the long walk off the short plank where sharks are, traitor.
We need to shoot these starving kids who are fleeing gangs! It's a moral obligation!

Nobody's advocating any such thing.

The military needs to be able to shoot to kill.



I post what I mean dipshit.
Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

Indeed, and the group helping them should be indicted for conspiracy to violate the immigration laws of this country.

Be sure to write your local US Attorney and let him know.

Nope. They have no power. But I have talked to AG Laxalt about the issue. I doubt he does anything about it, but he at least has a modicum of power.

A state AG can't prosecute anyone under federal laws.

No, they can't, but that can suggest that it happen. Trust me, I know how these things work. An AUSA has no power to do anything but what his boss tells him to do.
The Posse Comitatus Act states in plain english that the military cannot be used on US soil to enforce the law.

Immigration law is law.


This isn't complicated.

Oh? What exactly does this mean?

"providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States"
Way to go Trump!!!! a real American instead of a Kenyan...what a difference!

Why do Dems want open borders while at the same time want to take away our guns? Did they forget 9-11? What has happened to the democrat party to make them so anti anything American?

Nah.....they're just following the euro model.
Disarm everyone and send in the refugees.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!
Great. Put the loser American welfare long term Gobmint FREELOADERS to work.
Walking the northern and southern borders 24/7/365. Or get a real job. Taking a Mexicans job at least. Picking farm crops.
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!
Great. Put the loser American welfare long term Gobmint FREELOADERS to work.
Walking the northern and southern borders 24/7/365. Or get a real job. Taking a Mexicans job at least.

You mean all those fema fund welfare takers in Texas ?
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
They check your political affiliation and if you are a libtard we push you into Mexico and lock the gate....
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
Poor little Timmy... doesn't know that only legal Americans have constitutional rights, and illegal aliens have none.
There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

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