Trump we will guard our border with our military

Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

Nonsense. Border control is national security.

Who determines who is legal and illegal. It is civilians. That means we are talking about civilian law which the military is forbidden to enforce.
The fuck?

The fuck your limited intelligence.
1500 people illegally trying to enter at once is an invasion. i don't see what else you would call it. I'm open, give me an idea.

None of these people are armed nor are they under the direction of a foreign power. If you say they are illegal then they are breaking civilian laws.
A technicality. If they lose a few due to hostile fire, it'll discourage them. Personally, I'm in favor of land mines. After a few blow up, the rest will crawl back, minus legs, to their own nations.

Let's flash back if you dare. I need a pound of relative bearing grease.

You remind me of a mad dog. Mad dogs have to be put down. Try it and the Republicans will lose everything.

Now that Democrats are alienating white blue collar who want jobs not handouts, it's actually you who will lose everything if your voter pipeline is cut off

You think any American except the a right will approve of the killing of innocent and UNARMED people will be tolerated. You are a sick puppy.
None of these people are armed nor are they under the direction of a foreign power. If you say they are illegal then they are breaking civilian laws.
A technicality. If they lose a few due to hostile fire, it'll discourage them. Personally, I'm in favor of land mines. After a few blow up, the rest will crawl back, minus legs, to their own nations.

Let's flash back if you dare. I need a pound of relative bearing grease.

You remind me of a mad dog. Mad dogs have to be put down. Try it and the Republicans will lose everything.

Now that Democrats are alienating white blue collar who want jobs not handouts, it's actually you who will lose everything if your voter pipeline is cut off

You think any American except the a right will approve of the killing of innocent and UNARMED people will be tolerated. You are a sick puppy.

Flash back if you dare but you never been there.
There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

So you are for martial law against Americans...
Nope. I am for martial law against Illegal Aliens penetrating our otherwise porous Southern Border with Mexico.

...You realize it’s a busy border wh Americans going back and forth...
Yep. Americans will have American IDs. Show a soldier your ID and you're allowed in. Problem solved.

...Or land owners, farmers , ranchers . We confiscating that property ?
Land is not confiscated when Martial Law is imposed.. it's merely policed differently.

Next slide, please.
There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

Why back 1 to 5 miles? Once they step in US we have to process them...
Back 1-5 miles as a Hot Zone in which troops may maneuver and operate aggressively in fulfillment of their mission.

...The perimeter should be set 5 miles inside of Mexico. Like we did back in 1910 and later during "border war"...
This is not 1910. We have the military power to do so. We lack the legal authority to do so. Best if we lead-by-example in this hemisphere.

...This time we can just say, we're fighting cartels who want immigrants to smuggle drugs.
No need... we just speak the truth... namely, we're doing this to keep foreign nationals from crossing our border without our express prior consent.
You just got to love the balls that President Trump has.... heard this yesterday and I'm still laughing.

Offuckingcourse you send in the troops when you getting invaded
There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

So you are for martial law against Americans...
Nope. I am for martial law against Illegal Aliens penetrating our otherwise porous Southern Border with Mexico.

...You realize it’s a busy border wh Americans going back and forth...
Yep. Americans will have American IDs. Show a soldier your ID and you're allowed in. Problem solved.

...Or land owners, farmers , ranchers . We confiscating that property ?
Land is not confiscated when Martial Law is imposed.. it's merely policed differently.
Next slide, please.

Marcos imposed martial law and I was there to see it. Martial Law brought peace to the Philippines. His wife had a shoe fetish and Imelda was a beautiful movie star.
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I've been saying this for years
bring some of the overseas troops home
this is a triple win!
1. no overseas transportation/logistics/ housing/etc cost
..a. save to-and-from transportation costs = double cost
2. use #1 $$$$ in the US, not overseas
3. those troops will spend their $$$ in the US, not overseas
etc etc

I have as well, and been told by people from both sides that it is not legal

Sent from my iPhone using
what's not legal??

Depending on what part of the military is used, those people might be talking about Posse Comitatus. :dunno:
Posse Comitatus Act
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using its military personnel to act as domestic law enforcement personnel.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is defending our borders from an invading horde of illegals be domestic law enforcement? Only way to stop an invasion is to repel them with force. After a few 1000 bodies left just south of the border, the illegals and liberals would get the message that We the People don't want criminals here anymore.

You are a real looney tune aren't you. The new dictatorship starts.
Oh I don't know, maybe I don't want my country to look like Venezuela. Idiots like you don't realize that if the United States gets Fundamentally Transformed into a shithole country like the ones those illegals are leaving, there wont be a United States that you can go to. Fucking stupid dumbass liberals(redundant statement).

35447B3200000578-3640941-image-m-93_1465915040809.jpg th1WGL82S9.jpg th5VY9B13G.jpg thJWYOLIXG.jpg thKSGB8DMV.jpg thPKIBWQH2.jpg
can you set that up along 2,000 some odd miles of border?
Sure, most military jobs are done by contract workers. Not the loser in the armed force sucking off gobmint dimes doing nothang.

Hopefully you will get ripped a new asshole for that statement cowardly fkn ............, I bet your p ass never even served before huh little wuss lol

Most in Border Patrol were former military you asshole. Just like cops, just like many areas of positions you sure in the hell couldn't fill. AND MOST CONTRACTORS ARE FKN MILITARY GAWD U ARE FKN BIGGER ASSHOLE THAN THE AVERAGE LIBERAL
The losers in the U.S. military cannot by law, arrest illegals crossing the border.
All they can do is call the border patrol.

FYI.. DOPer!
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807– is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction, and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.
Never said they would collect the illegals. We are being invaded, we repel invaders with force. Call up the militia to help. I would be right there on the border giving those who want to break out laws and take our lands, the 50 cent solution.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

Not for the Militarey. He is putting those soldiers, sailers and airmen in jeopardy legally. All for border security, just don’t throw soldiers in jail for doing what they are payed to do.

Marine to Be Charged In Border Shooting

As Congress moved toward using more soldiers along the Mexico border, Texas authorities said they would seek a murder charge against a marine suspected of killing a teen-ager in a border confrontation.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

Not for the Militarey. He is putting those soldiers, sailers and airmen in jeopardy legally. All for border security, just don’t throw soldiers in jail for doing what they are payed to do.

Marine to Be Charged In Border Shooting

As Congress moved toward using more soldiers along the Mexico border, Texas authorities said they would seek a murder charge against a marine suspected of killing a teen-ager in a border confrontation.
Obama pardoned a traitor by allowing Bradley Manning to walk. President Trump can do the same for the patriot who was protecting our country.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

Not for the Militarey. He is putting those soldiers, sailers and airmen in jeopardy legally. All for border security, just don’t throw soldiers in jail for doing what they are payed to do.

Marine to Be Charged In Border Shooting

As Congress moved toward using more soldiers along the Mexico border, Texas authorities said they would seek a murder charge against a marine suspected of killing a teen-ager in a border confrontation.
Obama pardoned a traitor by allowing Bradley Manning to walk. President Trump can do the same for the patriot who was protecting our country.

Trump will be gone at some point and if it were my son or daughter, I wouldent have faith in a politition doing shit for them unless they were protected in writing up front. Pardon means shit as they typically come years after the fact, and they don’t refund any of the money and lost time of the person who is pardoned. Going to send them? Fine, but don’t prosecute them for doing what they do.
...Marcos imposed martial law and I was there to see it. Martial Law brought peace to the Philippines. His wife had a shoe fetish and Imelda was a beautiful movie star.
Not overall martial law... merely an imposition of martial law along our Southern Border opposite Mexico... a Zone varying 1-5 miles deep.

Starting with those Sanctuary phukkers in the People's Democratik Socialist Republik of Kalipornia... it'll be great fun to watch 'em howl.
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I've been saying this for years
bring some of the overseas troops home
this is a triple win!
1. no overseas transportation/logistics/ housing/etc cost
..a. save to-and-from transportation costs = double cost
2. use #1 $$$$ in the US, not overseas
3. those troops will spend their $$$ in the US, not overseas
etc etc

It is a loser. It gives aid and comfort to terrorists and evil people like Putin.
ok...sure.????.....ducks flying on the moon is more sane than your post
Good. If Trump can't have his wall, the Military is the next best thing.

But let's just be clear, if the Chinese could build a 5,500 mile border wall 2,300 years ago to defend itself from Mongolian nomadic armies, then we can build one that's 3,500 miles shorter, with vastly superior technology and ethics.

But yeah. Let's keep snorting condoms and scarfing down Tide pods.

The wall barely slowed down the Mongolian people. They easily climbed over it. It stopped their horses and wagons full of supplies such. How many Mexicans do you think are bringing their horses or wagons full of provisions with them?
Sigh, the Chinese manned the wall, built it in strategic locations, such as mountainous terrain. They didn't just build the wall and leave, they used it to their advantage.

Yes. I studied all about it in Junior High School. Don't worry, your teacher will tell you all about it in a couple of years when you get to Junior High.

So much insight... sheeshhh

Here is one for you: I had stuffed peppers for dinner last night.
1500 people illegally trying to enter at once is an invasion. i don't see what else you would call it. I'm open, give me an idea.

None of these people are armed nor are they under the direction of a foreign power. If you say they are illegal then they are breaking civilian laws.
A technicality. If they lose a few due to hostile fire, it'll discourage them. Personally, I'm in favor of land mines. After a few blow up, the rest will crawl back, minus legs, to their own nations.

You remind me of a mad dog. Mad dogs have to be put down. Try it and the Republicans will lose everything.

Now that Democrats are alienating white blue collar who want jobs not handouts, it's actually you who will lose everything if your voter pipeline is cut off

You think any American except the a right will approve of the killing of innocent and UNARMED people will be tolerated. You are a sick puppy.

Who's talking about killing? How do you know they're innocent?
1500 people illegally trying to enter at once is an invasion. i don't see what else you would call it. I'm open, give me an idea.

None of these people are armed nor are they under the direction of a foreign power. If you say they are illegal then they are breaking civilian laws.
A technicality. If they lose a few due to hostile fire, it'll discourage them. Personally, I'm in favor of land mines. After a few blow up, the rest will crawl back, minus legs, to their own nations.

You remind me of a mad dog. Mad dogs have to be put down. Try it and the Republicans will lose everything.

Now that Democrats are alienating white blue collar who want jobs not handouts, it's actually you who will lose everything if your voter pipeline is cut off

You think any American except the a right will approve of the killing of innocent and UNARMED people will be tolerated. You are a sick puppy.

It's being tolerated all the time. That's what caused the formation of Black Lives Matter, and so many other protests.

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