Trump Weighs In On QB Colin Kaepernick: " He Should Find Another Country That Works Better For Him"

Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.
Why? Don't I have the right to free speech too?

Yes, as a citizen of this country, you do have the right to free speech, and if you think that he should leave the country because he didn't stand for the anthem, then you are taking it too far.

Telling someone they should leave the country because of their free speech shows how little you understand about the concept.
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.
Why? Don't I have the right to free speech too?

Yes, as a citizen of this country, you do have the right to free speech, and if you think that he should leave the country because he didn't stand for the anthem, then you are taking it too far.

Telling someone they should leave the country because of their free speech shows how little you understand about the concept.
Amazing how that one gets past some folks.
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D

Suggesting that he may be happier somewhere else is just that, a suggestion.

Demanding that he leave the country for expressing his opinion shows how little the person demanding understands about the concept of free speech.

Jeez..................the military understands these things better than most civilians. I guess it's because during our time in the military, over 60 percent of our rights were suspended when we joined, and because of that, we understand and cherish them more.
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D

I'm still more interested to know what asshat thought it would be a good idea to fuck up a nice sports event where everybody can have a good time --- with, to use Rump's own term, "political bullshit" Why don't we just stand up and say Christian prayers? Or Muslim prayers? Why don't we sing the Internationale? Or sing Christmas carols? Or all recite the Gettysburg Address?

What does any of it have to do with the event? Play ball and drop the pretentious bullshit, sez I. You're there for a damn football game, not a jingo advertisement.
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D

Suggesting that he may be happier somewhere else is just that, a suggestion.

Demanding that he leave the country for expressing his opinion shows how little the person demanding understands about the concept of free speech.

Jeez..................the military understands these things better than most civilians. I guess it's because during our time in the military, over 60 percent of our rights were suspended when we joined, and because of that, we understand and cherish them more.

I didn't hear the interview, but based on the quote in the thread title, I don't see "demands" that he leave the country. There are consequences for the player's actions, and if he is alright with potentially risking his career, then perhaps he's truly taking a principled stand rather than looking for easy attention.
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D

I'm still more interested to know what asshat thought it would be a good idea to fuck up a nice sports event where everybody can have a good time --- with jingoism. Why don't we just stand up and say Christian prayers? Or Muslim prayers? Why don't we sing the Internationale? Or sing Christmas carols? Or all recite the Gettysburg Address?

What does any of it have to do with the event? Play ball and drop the pretentious bullshit, sez I. You're there for a damn football game, not a political advertisement.

It's tradition...part of the Mom and apple pie attitude. I think many see it as an opportunity to express both individual and group patriotism. I guess some consider that a negative.
The guy doesn't seem interested in participating in real solutions to the problem, but rather a lazy celebrity stance, and stated that he abstained based on his attitude about what he thinks of America. What's wrong with suggesting that maybe he would be happier somewhere else??:D

Suggesting that he may be happier somewhere else is just that, a suggestion.

Demanding that he leave the country for expressing his opinion shows how little the person demanding understands about the concept of free speech.

Jeez..................the military understands these things better than most civilians. I guess it's because during our time in the military, over 60 percent of our rights were suspended when we joined, and because of that, we understand and cherish them more.

I didn't hear the interview, but based on the quote in the thread title, I don't see "demands" that he leave the country. There are consequences for the player's actions, and if he is alright with potentially risking his career, then perhaps he's truly taking a principled stand rather than looking for easy attention.

Wasn't taking about the interview, I was talking about the idiots on this board who think he should leave the country for expressing his views.
ESPN fired Curt Schilling for simoly supporting Trump. Today they make this guy a hero for degrading his home country. ESPN has become fullnon mental poision to America's youth. Another media outlet to avoid.

Kapernick is a dumb confused kid. Therev is no war on young black men by Police. Criminals, yes.

You're in the greatest country on earth, America! Act like it.
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.
Why? Don't I have the right to free speech too?

Yes, as a citizen of this country, you do have the right to free speech, and if you think that he should leave the country because he didn't stand for the anthem, then you are taking it too far.

Telling someone they should leave the country because of their free speech shows how little you understand about the concept.
Nope....I expect my entertainment to worship the country that makes them wealthy, by my hand.....fuck him and the liberal fucktard horse he rode in on....I will voice my opinion to all that hear.....he can get the fuck out of this great place, and make America great again.....
I agree with Trump on this. If this country doesn't make you happy then he should find one that does. Who am I to stand in the way of someone else's happiness.
A patriotic candidate not afraid to speak the truth!

Trump: Kaepernick 'should find a country that works better for him'

On the other hand, Obama's White House weighs in too.

Colin Kaepernick ‘entitled’ to sit during national anthem: White House
Well, there are several countries, like Iran and North Korea, that share Kaepernick's opionion of the US so if he is really unhappy here, perhaps he should take Trump's advice.

We should collect some money and move him to another country because he should be happy.
ESPN fired Curt Schilling for simoly supporting Trump. Today they make this guy a hero for degrading his home country. ESPN has become fullnon mental poision to America's youth. Another media outlet to avoid.

Kapernick is a dumb confused kid. Therev is no war on young black men by Police. Criminals, yes.

You're in the greatest country on earth, America! Act like it.

Ummm . Not true . Shilling was warned a number of times about posting offensive shit . Finally, he ran out of warnings .
A patriotic candidate not afraid to speak the truth!

Trump: Kaepernick 'should find a country that works better for him'

On the other hand, Obama's White House weighs in too.

Colin Kaepernick ‘entitled’ to sit during national anthem: White House
Well, there are several countries, like Iran and North Korea, that share Kaepernick's opionion of the US so if he is really unhappy here, perhaps he should take Trump's advice.

We should collect some money and move him to another country because he should be happy.
Well, if he hasn't spent all of his money on tattoos he can probably afford to move himself if he is really that unhappy and not just sulking.
Trump's not that impressed with the country either.

In Trump’s eyes, the United States is practically a Third World country, with crumbling roads, aging bridges and decrepit airports. It’s led by “stupid people” — even Mexico has smarter leaders, he says — and the entire world is laughing at America and its “depleted military.” Cities have “exploded” with violence; Islamic State fighters posing as refugees might attack at any moment; and the economy is “doing lousy,” with a real unemployment rate that could be eight times as high as the official one.

Trump even compared the health of the nation to a friend who is dying of cancer and is barely holding on.

Donald Trump’s vision of doom and despair in America

Maybe he should go somewhere that he doesn't think is such a shithole.
Ok, well the dude can keep spouting because I just saw him in an interview giving his opinion that Hillary should be in jail for deleting her emails...he has plenty of hate to go around.:lol:

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