Trump Weighs In On QB Colin Kaepernick: " He Should Find Another Country That Works Better For Him"

Can't allow free-thinking in the Land Of The...ummm...
Liberals don't believe in free-thinking....with Political-correctness and Thought Police attacking us everywhere, you people are obviously not into free-thinking.
I served for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and I support his right to protest.

I also support the right of every other idiot American who doesn't understand free speech to say what they think of his actions.

Just keep it peaceful

You have the right to free speech, to protest, and to express your opinions. You don't have the right to riot and beat people up.
And you don't have the right to stop millions of us demanding you be removed......

Stupid is as democrats do.....
You can demand all you want. We know your type.....all talk.
Makers rule, taker....
Why does this bother people. They are stupid ignorant folk. Brush it off let it go otherwise you give him what he wants...attention. oh my someone didnt stand for the pledge. Big whoop tee doo. While i disagree with him to let it bother me would be a sign of mental midgetry. He won. He made his millions playing a kids game that unintelligent folk get worked up over. Ya gotta be smarter than that.
This is hilarious, all the sudden the PC police are aghast at someone being the PC police. Idiot loons
Why does this bother people. They are stupid ignorant folk. Brush it off let it go otherwise you give him what he wants...attention. oh my someone didnt stand for the pledge. Big whoop tee doo. While i disagree with him to let it bother me would be a sign of mental midgetry. He won. He made his millions playing a kids game that unintelligent folk get worked up over. Ya gotta be smarter than that.
That's the ironic thing about this stuff. People just have to scream and whine about being "offended", and all that does is draw attention to the "offender" and they get all the attention they want.

Remember the phrase "let it go"? Not nowadays.
That Mr. Trump certainly is a media hound isn't he? I mean he's on Twitter 24/7. That's what you want with the President of the United States. I mean he rivals your average high school girl for Twitter time
He's running for president 24/7. Yes that is exactly what I want in a president.
Why does this bother people. They are stupid ignorant folk. Brush it off let it go otherwise you give him what he wants...attention. oh my someone didnt stand for the pledge. Big whoop tee doo. While i disagree with him to let it bother me would be a sign of mental midgetry. He won. He made his millions playing a kids game that unintelligent folk get worked up over. Ya gotta be smarter than that.
That's the ironic thing about this stuff. People just have to scream and whine about being "offended", and all that does is draw attention to the "offender" and they get all the attention they want.

Remember the phrase "let it go"? Not nowadays.
Actually, it's quite fun to take a page out of you LWNJ's play book and beat you with it.....:lol:
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech
I wasnt offended one smidgeon. Why would others be? Its a KIDS game. Who cares what he does?
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech
Not standing is one thing. Disrespecting the United States of America is something else. He is just a piece of shit.
Why does this bother people. They are stupid ignorant folk. Brush it off let it go otherwise you give him what he wants...attention. oh my someone didnt stand for the pledge. Big whoop tee doo. While i disagree with him to let it bother me would be a sign of mental midgetry. He won. He made his millions playing a kids game that unintelligent folk get worked up over. Ya gotta be smarter than that.
That's the ironic thing about this stuff. People just have to scream and whine about being "offended", and all that does is draw attention to the "offender" and they get all the attention they want.

Remember the phrase "let it go"? Not nowadays.
Actually, it's quite fun to take a page out of you LWNJ's play book and beat you with it.....:lol:'s SARCASM!
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech
Not standing is one thing. Disrespecting the United States of America is something else. He is just a piece of shit.

How is it "disrespecting the United States"? Looks like it's exercising the United States Constitution's First Amendment.
What if he were exercising the Second Amendment? Would he be "disrespecting the United States" then? Hm?

Looks to me like he's disrespecting whatever yahoo thought it would be a good idea to infiltrate sports with jingoism. And it's about damn time.
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.
Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.
Why? Don't I have the right to free speech too?
Trump and his supporters want to bring down the system...patriotism is a classic tool used by the elites and ruling classes to control and coerce the population.

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