Trump wets his pants

While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

Maybe you should lend him some of your adult diapers.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Isn't President Trump a former businessman who'd take a few acres of dirt and convert it into a fabulous work of art dedicated to hospitality where his fellow Americans and their guests could go, relax, and make good things happen at business conferences? And his home state earned a lot of tax money from the enterprises that President Trump in his days as an entrepreneur of good tidings to all who stayed in his hotels! His work contributed millions of dollars into the NY economy. Thanks for reminding me that when someone is great, there's always a detractor hiding in the wings to sling mud out of envy bordering on serious jealousy.
Sorry buttress Trump is low life scum
Sorry, Edward, Trump and his family are top-drawer folks. They make good things happen for the American people. That truly burns self-fluffing Democrats who think it's just fine to spread gossip and hatred about their political adversaries. They'd rather try to pull achievers down to their level of the mud, and it just never pans out when they do it to someone who's hit so many home runs outta the park for the American people only God can count them. You guys have had 2 years of complete and total harassment of the Trump family. Let it go, dear sir. Just let it go and try to muster for yourself something else to do than project your own slime onto someone who doesn't make a habit of jumping into your sty..
Trump has been a slimebag a racist a cheater on 3 wives a crook and a father who bred a pos like Trump jr And he won't change his stripes
Trump won his home state of FL in 2016 and stays there frequently. Eddie, come over here :itsok:
He lost NY and I'm in Fla now and he might lose that too

He lost CA too what's your point? Trump whooped your ass bad, it was a crushing defeat. He won 30 states, over 300 EC votes, and the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Poor Hillary, she cried.
Trump won his home state of FL in 2016 and stays there frequently. Eddie, come over here :itsok:
He lost NY and I'm in Fla now and he might lose that too

He lost CA too what's your point? Trump whooped your ass bad, it was a crushing defeat. He won 30 states, over 300 EC votes, and the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Poor Hillary, she cried.

Mr. Broken record We won chimes in again.

Trump won his home state of FL in 2016 and stays there frequently. Eddie, come over here :itsok:
He lost NY and I'm in Fla now and he might lose that too

He lost CA too what's your point? Trump whooped your ass bad, it was a crushing defeat. He won 30 states, over 300 EC votes, and the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Poor Hillary, she cried.

Mr. Broken record We won chimes in again.


I see pointing out how team Trump crushed the left annoyed you. Just deal with it, its your punishment for electing Obama.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

Maybe you should lend him some of your adult diapers.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Isn't President Trump a former businessman who'd take a few acres of dirt and convert it into a fabulous work of art dedicated to hospitality where his fellow Americans and their guests could go, relax, and make good things happen at business conferences? And his home state earned a lot of tax money from the enterprises that President Trump in his days as an entrepreneur of good tidings to all who stayed in his hotels! His work contributed millions of dollars into the NY economy. Thanks for reminding me that when someone is great, there's always a detractor hiding in the wings to sling mud out of envy bordering on serious jealousy.

yup - his casinos he turned into a fabulous piece of BANKRUPTCY
Where every casino went bankrupt.
Could it be he ran for President because he was running from investigation and prison?
It's as good a reason as has been seen.
Trump has wanted to be president for decades. He even ran in 2000 as a Reform Party candidate, but lost in the primaries to Pat Buchanan.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

Still living in your fantasies. After they are done doing all of that then we can ask where all the other AGs were these past 30 years who never found an inkling wrong with any of Trump's business. You know, in the state that has hated him so much all that time.
Wow. You live in a delusion.

The NY AG found Trump University to be fraudulent and ordered it shut down. Donald "I Never Settle" Trump also had to settle a suit by his victims for $25 million.

Oh, and then there is this active case: Attorney General Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Donald J. Trump Foundation And Its Board Of Directors For Extensive And Persistent Violations Of State And Federal Law | New York State Attorney General

So much for "never found an inkling wrong with any of Trump's business [sic]".
Heck if anyone denies he is a POS is either a POS themselves or are idiots. The orange **** spent his life fooling people and the spend his time insulting and name calling all those who refuse to lick his balls.

No, he's spending his time running this country like he ran his businesses. Now we have 7.1 million job openings in the country. We have 6 million unemployed. So even if every single person on unemployment took a job, we still wouldn't have enough people to fill the other 1.1 million.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

Maybe you should lend him some of your adult diapers.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Isn't President Trump a former businessman who'd take a few acres of dirt and convert it into a fabulous work of art dedicated to hospitality where his fellow Americans and their guests could go, relax, and make good things happen at business conferences? And his home state earned a lot of tax money from the enterprises that President Trump in his days as an entrepreneur of good tidings to all who stayed in his hotels! His work contributed millions of dollars into the NY economy. Thanks for reminding me that when someone is great, there's always a detractor hiding in the wings to sling mud out of envy bordering on serious jealousy.

yup - his casinos he turned into a fabulous piece of BANKRUPTCY
Where every casino went bankrupt.
Nope. Only five did, and two of them were Trump's.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.


FOS. When the AG can take over the Presidents job, then this country is doomed and taken over by Communists.

I was talking to a guy that unloaded my truck this afternoon. I knew him when we were kids. He said he doesn't follow politics closely, but he never realized what a POS the Democrats were. Between Kavanaugh, Mueller, the activist judges stopping him, he finally realized that Democrats are anti-Americans and not only not be allowed to have leadership of anything, but booted out of the country besides.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.


FOS. When the AG can take over the Presidents job, then this country is doomed and taken over by Communists.
No one is above the law. Not even the Naked Emperor.
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.


FOS. When the AG can take over the Presidents job, then this country is doomed and taken over by Communists.

I was talking to a guy that unloaded my truck this afternoon. I knew him when we were kids. He said he doesn't follow politics closely, but he never realized what a POS the Democrats were. Between Kavanaugh, Mueller, the activist judges stopping him, he finally realized that Democrats are anti-Americans and not only not be allowed to have leadership of anything, but booted out of the country besides.
I DID follow politics and did realize the republicans were nothing but anti american scum
Maybe you should lend him some of your adult diapers.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Isn't President Trump a former businessman who'd take a few acres of dirt and convert it into a fabulous work of art dedicated to hospitality where his fellow Americans and their guests could go, relax, and make good things happen at business conferences? And his home state earned a lot of tax money from the enterprises that President Trump in his days as an entrepreneur of good tidings to all who stayed in his hotels! His work contributed millions of dollars into the NY economy. Thanks for reminding me that when someone is great, there's always a detractor hiding in the wings to sling mud out of envy bordering on serious jealousy.
Sorry buttress Trump is low life scum
Sorry, Edward, Trump and his family are top-drawer folks. They make good things happen for the American people. That truly burns self-fluffing Democrats who think it's just fine to spread gossip and hatred about their political adversaries. They'd rather try to pull achievers down to their level of the mud, and it just never pans out when they do it to someone who's hit so many home runs outta the park for the American people only God can count them. You guys have had 2 years of complete and total harassment of the Trump family. Let it go, dear sir. Just let it go and try to muster for yourself something else to do than project your own slime onto someone who doesn't make a habit of jumping into your sty..
Trump has been a slimebag a racist a cheater on 3 wives a crook and a father who bred a pos like Trump jr And he won't change his stripes
Maybe but we can all thank our lucky star that that crazed warmongering crook, didn’t win.

How the F could anyone vote for her? One would have to be out of their mind.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Isn't President Trump a former businessman who'd take a few acres of dirt and convert it into a fabulous work of art dedicated to hospitality where his fellow Americans and their guests could go, relax, and make good things happen at business conferences? And his home state earned a lot of tax money from the enterprises that President Trump in his days as an entrepreneur of good tidings to all who stayed in his hotels! His work contributed millions of dollars into the NY economy. Thanks for reminding me that when someone is great, there's always a detractor hiding in the wings to sling mud out of envy bordering on serious jealousy.
Sorry buttress Trump is low life scum
Sorry, Edward, Trump and his family are top-drawer folks. They make good things happen for the American people. That truly burns self-fluffing Democrats who think it's just fine to spread gossip and hatred about their political adversaries. They'd rather try to pull achievers down to their level of the mud, and it just never pans out when they do it to someone who's hit so many home runs outta the park for the American people only God can count them. You guys have had 2 years of complete and total harassment of the Trump family. Let it go, dear sir. Just let it go and try to muster for yourself something else to do than project your own slime onto someone who doesn't make a habit of jumping into your sty..
Trump has been a slimebag a racist a cheater on 3 wives a crook and a father who bred a pos like Trump jr And he won't change his stripes
Maybe but we can all thank our lucky star that that crazed warmongering crook, didn’t win.

How the F could anyone vote for her? One would have to be out of their mind.
I see you bought the republican bullshit hook line and sinker
While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

The desperation is soooooooo thick.

While President Donald Trump crisscrosses the U.S. exhorting voters to keep Republicans in control of the House and Senate, one campaign that could have a crucial impact on him is in his home state, where he’s so unpopular, he dare not meddle.

Whoever wins the Nov. 6 attorney general’s race in New York will have the power to investigate Trump’s real estate empire, charitable foundation and all other family business. The state’s top attorney also can pursue litigation against the Trump administration’s policies on taxes, environmental, consumer and worker safety deregulation and immigration. Or not.

Maybe you should lend him some of your adult diapers.
LOL Notice how close the POS gets to his home state The people who know him the best He was a pos born and bred in NY and hasn't changed his stripes
Ahhh memories of Al Gore....

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