Trump Whines About Megyn Kelly Some More

OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
You may not agree with FOX News's conservative slant but saying it isn't part of the mainstream media is simply ignorant.
I'm sure it seems mainstream for people over 90 years old.

At this junction the only people who can remember when the mainstream media WAS impartial are all getting to be about that age! What's your point?
FOX News has worked for many years to poison the well. They created this monster and now they can't control it. The result is right wing populism waiting for a leader.....they think they've found one.
They're both the spoiled children of wealth. Why wouldn't they go shopping together? How are Hillary and Bill any different than The Donald?

Admit it, Liminal...the biggest farce of this election cycle is Hillary claiming to be fighting for the Middle Class!
I won't vote for Trump or Clinton under any circumstances.
They're both the spoiled children of wealth. Why wouldn't they go shopping together? How are Hillary and Bill any different than The Donald?

Admit it, Liminal...the biggest farce of this election cycle is Hillary claiming to be fighting for the Middle Class!
Donald was born to wealth and privilege and it shows. He's a superficial unthinking dilettante who seems to believe there should always be different rules and special consideration for a man of his importance.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.

I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they obviously have is Pee Wee Herman.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.

Trump knows how to play the media. FINALLY, we have someone out in front that knows how to dine them wine them and bash them and he makes damn sure they know they are underlings.

The media thinks that they are the stars. You could see it all over the first debate. That bitch thought she ruled. Trump smacked her so hard she cried for days.

About time. He does this perfect "whoa is me". It's to die for whine. It's so New York. He gets headlines. Cripes he's so damn good. Ok ok. Ever seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? When they corner the father to get the girl to work at the travel agency. And they pull the "whoa is me"?

Trump does this all the time. It's awesome. He's playing it. They don't know what to do.


You took the words out of my mouth. What an awesome sales gig. She can't attack him now without making a fool of herself. In addition, millions more will watch just to see if she does.

But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
What could be more mainstream than being the ratings leader?
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation is not a Liberal organization.

Another FAIL.
Hillary complains about the media bringing up all of her past scandals and it's a 'vast rightwing conspiracy' bought and argued by Liberals....

The media shows bias towards a Republican and suddenly it's 'whining'.

Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds...
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation is not a Liberal organization.

Another FAIL.
The Clinton Foundation is NOT a Liberal organization?!


Oh yeah, it's - run by Bill and Hillary Clinton - a bastion of Conservative ideals!

:lmao: :lmao:
Hillary complains about the media bringing up all of her past scandals and it's a 'vast rightwing conspiracy'
She had no past scandals.

If you think she had, name it, and the outcome of the investigation.
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation is not a Liberal organization.

Another FAIL.
The Clinton Foundation is NOT a Liberal organization?!


Oh yeah, it's - run by Bill and Hillary Clinton - a bastion of Conservative ideals!

:lmao: :lmao:
You're a fucking moron. It's not a political organization, it's a charity.
She had no past scandals?


Dude, I think you have missed a couple scheduled doses of medication!

Her political career / history is filled with them...
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation is not a Liberal organization.

Another FAIL.
The Clinton Foundation is NOT a Liberal organization?!


Oh yeah, it's - run by Bill and Hillary Clinton - a bastion of Conservative ideals!

:lmao: :lmao:
You're a fucking moron. It's not a political organization, it's a charity.
You poor actually DO think the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a 'Charity'. I guess I would's the Clinton's own political 'Go Fund Me' charity!

Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation is not a Liberal organization.

Another FAIL.
The Clinton Foundation is NOT a Liberal organization?!


Oh yeah, it's - run by Bill and Hillary Clinton - a bastion of Conservative ideals!

:lmao: :lmao:
You're a fucking moron. It's not a political organization, it's a charity.
You mean it's a cash cow for the Clintons in the guise of a philanthropic organization.
Hillary complains about the media bringing up all of her past scandals and it's a 'vast rightwing conspiracy'
She had no past scandals.

If you think she had, name it, and the outcome of the investigation.

With all due respect, Synth...saying that Hillary Clinton had no past scandals is like saying the sun doesn't rise in the east every morning. Whitewater? The cattle futures investment? TravelGate? Dodging sniper fire in Bosnia? The pardoning of Puerto Rican terrorists in search of the Puerto Rican vote in New York? FileGate?
Hillary complains about the media bringing up all of her past scandals and it's a 'vast rightwing conspiracy'
She had no past scandals.

If you think she had, name it, and the outcome of the investigation.

With all due respect, Synth...saying that Hillary Clinton had no past scandals is like saying the sun doesn't rise in the east every morning. Whitewater? The cattle futures investment? TravelGate? Dodging sniper fire in Bosnia? The pardoning of Puerto Rican terrorists in search of the Puerto Rican vote in New York? FileGate?
What were the results of the Whitewater investigation? Use facts and links to prove she was guilty of...anything.

Same for the others.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.
I still can't get past the shit he said about McCain. As if a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante like Trump could ever relate to anyone who served their country in uniform. Trump isn't much of a man.
I agree. I don't understand why there's a veteran in the country supporting him. I think he's a total POS liar and flim flam man. This election is a game to him, and the white house is a prize, that's it. He has about as much class as a turd circling the bowl.
Trump has found a way to get the most mileage out of the people with the least intelligence. He's motivated and mobilized all the angry confused people with mediocre IQs.
I totally agree. He's cashing in on people that are just plain mad, and I am too, but the majority of his supporters haven't even looked at who Trump really is, his past, what he's said, his LIBERAL LEFTIST opinions of just MONTHS ago, because... BECAUSE... they're not very bright. He's hooked the low information voters.

Trump was never serious about becoming POTUS anyway. NO CANDIDATE is going to miss the debate just prior to Super Tuesday. He's always been in this race to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap, and he's been very successful at doing that. 17% of population, Hispanics are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when we needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75%, insuring that regardless of who the GOP nominee is, Hispanics have been insulted into Clinton's column & they're going to stay there. Trump will be gone here very shortly. These numbers are so bad it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

The right wing--as stupid as they are took the bait and swallowed it hook--line--and sinker. Trump even insulted their intelligence last week by making a comment that if he shot someone right out in the street he wouldn't lose their support. They're so stupid he probably wouldn't--LOL They didn't even know that Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Trump is just trying to lose the clingers, so he can drop out of this race.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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