Trump Whines About Megyn Kelly Some More

Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
^^^ Canadian logic.
He's hooked the low information voters.
AKA conservatives.
Oh now, Syn... you know "low information voters" was a term coined by Rush Limbaugh for leftards.

And there was another... what was that again... oh that's right... GRUBER called people stupid, and he was obama's pall that helped write and ram through obamacare. One and same... low information voter = Gruber stupid.
Well I'll tell ya, I can't hang with that kind of dumbfuckery talk.
But you CAN hang with Cruz - supposedly a Constitutional expert - dismissing "5 unelected lawyers" deciding if a law is Constitutional?

Why is that not dumbfuckery talk?
You hung with obama, supposedly taught constitutional law, yet has called the constitution a "hindrance" and "outdated" and trampled it more than any other president.
I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they obviously have is Pee Wee Herman.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.

Trump knows how to play the media. FINALLY, we have someone out in front that knows how to dine them wine them and bash them and he makes damn sure they know they are underlings.

The media thinks that they are the stars. You could see it all over the first debate. That bitch thought she ruled. Trump smacked her so hard she cried for days.

About time. He does this perfect "whoa is me". It's to die for whine. It's so New York. He gets headlines. Cripes he's so damn good. Ok ok. Ever seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? When they corner the father to get the girl to work at the travel agency. And they pull the "whoa is me"?

Trump does this all the time. It's awesome. He's playing it. They don't know what to do.
Yeah but it's getting old. We all didn't know Trump all that well when this all started. Yes Kelly was a little BITCH when she did her thing, and I still think she's a little BITCH. But Trump has said some of the most dumbass things, I mean, he called the voters of Iowa STUPID, he called Cruz nasty which is about as good of an example of the pot calling the kettle black as I've ever seen, and today he said he could SHOOT SOMEBODY and his followers wouldn't care. Well I'll tell ya, I can't hang with that kind of dumbfuckery talk. From what I've seen of Trump over the last couple months, I've seen a bombastic, narcissistic, megalomanic, and I don't like it, and on top of that, I think he's not only playing the media, but he's playing the voters. This is a GAME to him. He wants to WIN, and he'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to WIN, and with ever over the top thing he says or does and then sees that people are still supporting him, or so it may seem, he gets bolder by the day. Now you have to ask yourself, is that the kind of person you want as the most powerful person on the planet?

Not me. He gives me great pause.

He's the Donald. One thing for true he's kept the Bush/Clinton dynasty at bay. That alone makes him rock in my book.

Watch when he gets serious now. The man is not an idiot. He's outplayed them he's out foxed the Bushs and the Clintons for crying out loud. I just finished reading an interview with Rumsfeld where he's going "holy shit he took out the dynasties".

And where this Donald said he never fit in. Always made sense to me. H thought every one around him wasn't "manor born" like him.

Look at Carly for example too. She's McCains girl. These people think it's their freaking "right" to be President. Not this fucking time.

Not this time.
I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.
So, if someone is trying to bullshit you, and you know for a fact that they are blatantly lying to your face, calling them out makes you a hack?
So, if someone packs a bologna sammich on Tuesday, and you know that your car needs an oil change, does that mean you should do your laundry in the morning?
Was my question too difficult, or are you just too embarrassed to answer?

Regardless of trying to be impartial, nobody with any self-respect is going to sit there and let someone try to spin you and lie to you without calling them on it.

Would you? I wouldn't.
I have no problem with either side getting deferments to avoid nam. For crying out loud can you blame anyone who avoided that hell hole?
Is there a better choice?
Other than Trump, every other person running on both sides are better than Cruz.
Your opinion, which I respect, even though you're wrong.
Let me ask you this: do you want Cruz because you just want at least another 4 years of total gridlock? That's fine, if that's what you think is best for the country.

But don't be deluded into thinking he will get anything done. He's universally despised by everyone who has ever had to deal with him, going back to college days. Why? Because he's a total fake. This has been pointed out by many, including Rand Paul, who I would imaging you have some respect for.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.

Trump knows how to play the media. FINALLY, we have someone out in front that knows how to dine them wine them and bash them and he makes damn sure they know they are underlings.

The media thinks that they are the stars. You could see it all over the first debate. That bitch thought she ruled. Trump smacked her so hard she cried for days.

About time. He does this perfect "whoa is me". It's to die for whine. It's so New York. He gets headlines. Cripes he's so damn good. Ok ok. Ever seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? When they corner the father to get the girl to work at the travel agency. And they pull the "whoa is me"?

Trump does this all the time. It's awesome. He's playing it. They don't know what to do.
Yeah but it's getting old. We all didn't know Trump all that well when this all started. Yes Kelly was a little BITCH when she did her thing, and I still think she's a little BITCH. But Trump has said some of the most dumbass things, I mean, he called the voters of Iowa STUPID, he called Cruz nasty which is about as good of an example of the pot calling the kettle black as I've ever seen, and today he said he could SHOOT SOMEBODY and his followers wouldn't care. Well I'll tell ya, I can't hang with that kind of dumbfuckery talk. From what I've seen of Trump over the last couple months, I've seen a bombastic, narcissistic, megalomanic, and I don't like it, and on top of that, I think he's not only playing the media, but he's playing the voters. This is a GAME to him. He wants to WIN, and he'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to WIN, and with ever over the top thing he says or does and then sees that people are still supporting him, or so it may seem, he gets bolder by the day. Now you have to ask yourself, is that the kind of person you want as the most powerful person on the planet?

Not me. He gives me great pause.

He's the Donald. One thing for true he's kept the Bush/Clinton dynasty at bay. That alone makes him rock in my book.

Watch when he gets serious now. The man is not an idiot. He's outplayed them he's out foxed the Bushs and the Clintons for crying out loud. I just finished reading an interview with Rumsfeld where he's going "holy shit he took out the dynasties".

And where this Donald said he never fit in. Always made sense to me. H thought every one around him wasn't "manor born" like him.

Look at Carly for example too. She's McCains girl. These people think it's their freaking "right" to be President. Not this fucking time.

Not this time.
Don't get me wrong, TD, I'm not going to vote for him in the primaries unless it looks like he's winning a landslide, then I will.

I mean any, and I mean ANY, of the people running for prez on the republican side beat the HOLY HELL otta any of the dem JOKES. I like Cruz, Carson, even old Huck... but like I say, I hope the people don't get burnt with Trump, but I will vote for him. I just think there's something not right about the guy because not long ago, he was a DEMOCRAT...

Is there a better choice?
Other than Trump, every other person running on both sides are better than Cruz.
Your opinion, which I respect, even though you're wrong.
Let me ask you this: do you want Cruz because you just want at least another 4 years of total gridlock? That's fine, if that's what you think is best for the country.

But don't be deluded into thinking he will get anything done. He's universally despised by everyone who has ever had to deal with him, going back to college days. Why? Because he's a total fake. This has been pointed out by many, including Rand Paul, who I would imaging you have some respect for.
Why would there be gridlock? I don't see any gridlock with obama. He gets everything he wants. Either congress does what he wants or he uses his "pen and his phone." Why should a republican president play it any different?
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
^^^ Canadian logic.

He's drawn all the fire. And haven't you seen the articles I put up about Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill? Clintons and Bushes are joined at the hip man. Both W daughters gave it up early in the game.

Jeb only jumped in to make sure Hillary would win. Now the D side. I love that old bastard. Go Bernie! I love that guy. He's got a lot of balls too. Policies of course I hate but he's got gumption to get out there and hit it.
He's outplayed them he's out foxed the Bushs and the Clintons for crying out loud.
How has he outfoxed the Clintons?

And he hasn't outfoxed Bush, either. He's merely insulted him. Unfortunately, Jeb Bush is like his brother: not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he ends up looking like a sap.

Another, sharper candidate would be able to think on his feet. Imagine if Jeb! was a little quicker with the wit:

Trump: Jeb is so low energy.
Bush: Donald is high energy, but so are mosquitos.

Not brilliant, but with the audience laughing, and Trump looking like a chump, what could his comeback be after the laughter dies down?

Bush's biggest problem is he can't tell certain truths about Trump, like "You're only where you are because of your father". Because . . .
I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure
Actually, he's just like John Wayne: they both got deferments to avoid serving in the military, and they both play tough guys on the screen.

Oreo supports McCains girl. Can you imagine her winning and old John gets to be Secretary of Defense?
Megan McCain? Or Failin' Palin? Or the Black girl that McCain fathered out of wedlock in the late 1990s?

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