Trump Whines About Megyn Kelly Some More

He's outplayed them he's out foxed the Bushs and the Clintons for crying out loud.
How has he outfoxed the Clintons?

And he hasn't outfoxed Bush, either. He's merely insulted him. Unfortunately, Jeb Bush is like his brother: not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he ends up looking like a sap.

Another, sharper candidate would be able to think on his feet. Imagine if Jeb! was a little quicker with the wit:

Trump: Jeb is so low energy.
Bush: Donald is high energy, but so are mosquitos.

Not brilliant, but with the audience laughing, and Trump looking like a chump, what could his comeback be after the laughter dies down?

Bush's biggest problem is he can't tell certain truths about Trump, like "You're only where you are because of your father". Because . . .

Jeb is the Scout leader giving the how to roast a marshmallow safely candidate.

Look I just love the fact that the "given" players Hillary and Jeb aren't going to win. I really think this is an important moment for America. Break the dynasties. The right to rule. Pass the torch to young guns. Outside the beltway. And even old Bernie man. I'm cheering him on too.
Is there a better choice?
Other than Trump, every other person running on both sides are better than Cruz.
Your opinion, which I respect, even though you're wrong.
Let me ask you this: do you want Cruz because you just want at least another 4 years of total gridlock? That's fine, if that's what you think is best for the country.

But don't be deluded into thinking he will get anything done. He's universally despised by everyone who has ever had to deal with him, going back to college days. Why? Because he's a total fake. This has been pointed out by many, including Rand Paul, who I would imaging you have some respect for.
Why would there be gridlock? I don't see any gridlock with obama. He gets everything he wants. Either congress does what he wants or he uses his "pen and his phone." Why should a republican president play it any different?
Obama hasn't created any new laws with his Executive Orders. He can't. He can only tweak the enforcement of existing laws.

So, Cruz wouldn't be able to unilaterally defund Planned Parenthood, or repeal Obamacare.

And Obama certainly has not gotten everything he wants. Far from it.
I have no problem with either side getting deferments to avoid nam. For crying out loud can you blame anyone who avoided that hell hole?
Then you're the only Right-Winger who doesn't have any issues with Clinton being at Oxford during Vietnam.

And John Wayne avoided WWII.

John Wayne basically had no option. Couldn't get out of his contract. Did you know that? And anyone avoiding that hell hole called Vietnam I have no problems with whatsoever. It's personal. Good friends. One came back all right. The other didn't. I marched. I was against the draft.

I'm a classical liberal Syn. I thought you knew that by now. Classical liberal is what you call a conservative these days.

Is there a better choice?
Other than Trump, every other person running on both sides are better than Cruz.
Your opinion, which I respect, even though you're wrong.
Let me ask you this: do you want Cruz because you just want at least another 4 years of total gridlock? That's fine, if that's what you think is best for the country.

But don't be deluded into thinking he will get anything done. He's universally despised by everyone who has ever had to deal with him, going back to college days. Why? Because he's a total fake. This has been pointed out by many, including Rand Paul, who I would imaging you have some respect for.
Why would there be gridlock? I don't see any gridlock with obama. He gets everything he wants. Either congress does what he wants or he uses his "pen and his phone." Why should a republican president play it any different?
Obama hasn't created any new laws with his Executive Orders. He can't. He can only tweak the enforcement of existing laws.

So, Cruz wouldn't be able to unilaterally defund Planned Parenthood, or repeal Obamacare.

And Obama certainly has not gotten everything he wants. Far from it.
The bill to defund obamacare is sitting waiting for a republican president to sign. It's about as gone as gone can get if a republican is elected.

As far as defunding PP, I think you're going see things happen real fast with a repub as prez, about as fast as obama and both dem houses forced the country to the left, you'll see a major push back to the right, it's just going to happen.
I have no problem with either side getting deferments to avoid nam. For crying out loud can you blame anyone who avoided that hell hole?
Then you're the only Right-Winger who doesn't have any issues with Clinton being at Oxford during Vietnam.

And John Wayne avoided WWII.

John Wayne basically had no option. Couldn't get out of his contract. Did you know that? And anyone avoiding that hell hole called Vietnam I have no problems with whatsoever. It's personal. Good friends. One came back all right. The other didn't. I marched. I was against the draft.

I'm a classical liberal Syn. I thought you knew that by now. Classical liberal is what you call a conservative these days.

I never knew that.... "classical liberal" is a new conservative.... hmmmm....
Is there a better choice?
Other than Trump, every other person running on both sides are better than Cruz.

It's funny that you don't realize that Cruz is a big phony.

Whoa whoa whoa Syn. Phony? How so? I don't get that at all.
Harvard/Princeton guy who mentioned that fact to practically everyone he met. By definition, that's elitist.

Wouldn't even study with anyone who attended a lesser Ivy League school. That makes him a snob.

Clerked for a Supreme Court Justice. Yet turns around and derides them as "5 unelected lawyers". That makes him a hypocrite, and dishonest.

Was an eager beaver member of the Bush admin., defending all of his policies, which he now renounces. Trump being a former Democrat is somehow disqualifying to some, but Cruz flip-flopping on policy isn't?

Wife is/was a Goldman-Sachs executive. Yet he rails against "the establishment". More hypocrisy.

Then he tries to cook bacon at the end of an assault rifle, and hangs out in camo with the Duck Dynasty retards, trying to look like a good old boy.

He's a total phony, a total liar, and a man of zero public service accomplishments.

Plus, he's never run a thing in his life. No executive experience. So anyone who supports him is also a hypocrite, since that's been a Republican mantra for decades.

He's also not a natural-born citizen, which also makes his supporters hypocrites. At least the ones who were birthers about Obama, who was born in Hawaii to a mother born in Kansas.
I have no problem with either side getting deferments to avoid nam. For crying out loud can you blame anyone who avoided that hell hole?
Then you're the only Right-Winger who doesn't have any issues with Clinton being at Oxford during Vietnam.

And John Wayne avoided WWII.

John Wayne basically had no option. Couldn't get out of his contract. Did you know that? And anyone avoiding that hell hole called Vietnam I have no problems with whatsoever. It's personal. Good friends. One came back all right. The other didn't. I marched. I was against the draft.

I'm a classical liberal Syn. I thought you knew that by now. Classical liberal is what you call a conservative these days.


Come on. How many people do you think got out by saying "My boss won't let me"? An acting contract is no reason not to go. Elvis went.
I have no problem with either side getting deferments to avoid nam. For crying out loud can you blame anyone who avoided that hell hole?
Then you're the only Right-Winger who doesn't have any issues with Clinton being at Oxford during Vietnam.

And John Wayne avoided WWII.

John Wayne basically had no option. Couldn't get out of his contract. Did you know that? And anyone avoiding that hell hole called Vietnam I have no problems with whatsoever. It's personal. Good friends. One came back all right. The other didn't. I marched. I was against the draft.

I'm a classical liberal Syn. I thought you knew that by now. Classical liberal is what you call a conservative these days.

I never knew that.... "classical liberal" is a new conservative.... hmmmm....
Clinton supporters are best described as the regressive left.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
You may not agree with FOX News's conservative slant but saying it isn't part of the mainstream media is simply ignorant.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
You may not agree with FOX News's conservative slant but saying it isn't part of the mainstream media is simply ignorant.
I'm sure it seems mainstream for people over 90 years old.
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Trump contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation because he knows Hillary and Bill are for sale. A few million to hedge your bets is a drop in the bucket to someone like Trump.
Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
When FOX News reaches the point where it could seriously be considered mainstream media we'll know the Apocalypse is near.
You may not agree with FOX News's conservative slant but saying it isn't part of the mainstream media is simply ignorant.
I'm sure it seems mainstream for people over 90 years old.

At this junction the only people who can remember when the mainstream media WAS impartial are all getting to be about that age! What's your point?
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
That must be why the Clinton's and the Trump's attend each others social gatherings. We know Donald is a committed conservative because he contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Trump contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation because he knows Hillary and Bill are for sale. A few million to hedge your bets is a drop in the bucket to someone like Trump.
I wonder why Ivanka and Chelsea go on shopping trips together? Must be because these two families hate each other so much.
They're both the spoiled children of wealth. Why wouldn't they go shopping together? How are Hillary and Bill any different than The Donald?

Admit it, Liminal...the biggest farce of this election cycle is Hillary claiming to be fighting for the Middle Class!

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