Trump Whines About Megyn Kelly Some More

Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
Trump is stupid. Okey dokey. He's just beat the shit out of Jeb and others you fucking idiots. Who's the winner here fools?

He's nuked the inside the beltway mother fuckers or did you miss that?

Trump tries to play the tough guy, but when the going gets tough, The Donald whines. Plus he lies his ass off (according to various fact checkers) he even lies more than Hillary and his supporters still eat his lies up.
So Trump is a pussy, a liar and he's not even a "true conservative"!! And the folks who have been bragging about being "true conservatives" on USMB for at least five years I've been here, still think he's God!
How screwy is the GOP? Clearly, John Kasich is the most qualified candidate by far, but he isn't wacko crazy, so he has no appeal to the base.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.

I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they obviously have is Pee Wee Herman.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.
Jeb was in the race so Aunt Hillary could win. I put up two interviews with the Bush girls laying it all out on how Hillary should win. Don't you guys remember it? He was going to suck out all the money.

Then whoopsies the Donald entered. Bless his soul.

Now for the rest of you you should be kissing his ass because if it wasn't for Trump we would have had the Bush coronation leading to Hillary's run for the WH.

So FUCK OFF because none of your players would have made it this far fools.
Trump is stupid. Okey dokey. He's just beat the shit out of Jeb and others you fucking idiots. Who's the winner here fools?

He's nuked the inside the beltway mother fuckers or did you miss that?

Trump tries to play the tough guy, but when the going gets tough, The Donald whines. Plus he lies his ass off (according to various fact checkers) he even lies more than Hillary and his supporters still eat his lies up.
So Trump is a pussy, a liar and he's not even a "true conservative"!! And the folks who have been bragging about being "true conservatives" on USMB for at least five years I've been here, still think he's God!
How screwy is the GOP? Clearly, John Kasich is the most qualified candidate by far, but he isn't wacko crazy, so he has no appeal to the base.
I agree about Trump, but not about Kasich. He's about as establishment as they get.

Cruz is the man, period. The only that's PROVEN he'll stand up to the establishment... the ONLY one.
Trump is stupid. Okey dokey. He's just beat the shit out of Jeb and others you fucking idiots. Who's the winner here fools?

He's nuked the inside the beltway mother fuckers or did you miss that?
He didn't 'beat' anybody – the primaries haven't even started yet; whomever is ahead in winning the nomination won't be known until the end of March.

This illustrates the true stupidity of politics by opinion polls, and the idiocy of perceiving Trump as the 'winner' when at least 60 percent of republicans don't support him.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.

I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they obviously have is Pee Wee Herman.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.

Trump knows how to play the media. FINALLY, we have someone out in front that knows how to dine them wine them and bash them and he makes damn sure they know they are underlings.

The media thinks that they are the stars. You could see it all over the first debate. That bitch thought she ruled. Trump smacked her so hard she cried for days.

About time. He does this perfect "whoa is me". It's to die for whine. It's so New York. He gets headlines. Cripes he's so damn good. Ok ok. Ever seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? When they corner the father to get the girl to work at the travel agency. And they pull the "whoa is me"?

Trump does this all the time. It's awesome. He's playing it. They don't know what to do.
Trump is stupid. Okey dokey. He's just beat the shit out of Jeb and others you fucking idiots. Who's the winner here fools?

He's nuked the inside the beltway mother fuckers or did you miss that?
He didn't 'beat' anybody – the primaries haven't even started yet; whomever is ahead in winning the nomination won't be known until the end of March.

This illustrates the true stupidity of politics by opinion polls, and the idiocy of perceiving Trump as the 'winner' when at least 60 percent of republicans don't support him.

Okey dokey. Trumps a loser.

Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.
I still can't get past the shit he said about McCain. As if a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante like Trump could ever relate to anyone who served their country in uniform. Trump isn't much of a man.
I agree. I don't understand why there's a veteran in the country supporting him. I think he's a total POS liar and flim flam man. This election is a game to him, and the white house is a prize, that's it. He has about as much class as a turd circling the bowl.
I'm actually pretty shocked. I would have bet money you would be a YUUUUGE Trump supporter.

But I'm not giving you too much credit for smarts - you're going to vote for the Cuban from Canada, right?
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.

I think most of his supporters believe him to be some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they obviously have is Pee Wee Herman.
I know you're a leftist, but you are partially correct. Trump is no hero. Trump has been a democrat his entire life, right up until just a few months ago when he decided to run for president. Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, he's a REPUBLICAN. It's a farce.

I'm surprised you're not voting for him.

Tell me you're kidding 007.

Trump knows how to play the media. FINALLY, we have someone out in front that knows how to dine them wine them and bash them and he makes damn sure they know they are underlings.

The media thinks that they are the stars. You could see it all over the first debate. That bitch thought she ruled. Trump smacked her so hard she cried for days.

About time. He does this perfect "whoa is me". It's to die for whine. It's so New York. He gets headlines. Cripes he's so damn good. Ok ok. Ever seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? When they corner the father to get the girl to work at the travel agency. And they pull the "whoa is me"?

Trump does this all the time. It's awesome. He's playing it. They don't know what to do.
Yeah but it's getting old. We all didn't know Trump all that well when this all started. Yes Kelly was a little BITCH when she did her thing, and I still think she's a little BITCH. But Trump has said some of the most dumbass things, I mean, he called the voters of Iowa STUPID, he called Cruz nasty which is about as good of an example of the pot calling the kettle black as I've ever seen, and today he said he could SHOOT SOMEBODY and his followers wouldn't care. Well I'll tell ya, I can't hang with that kind of dumbfuckery talk. From what I've seen of Trump over the last couple months, I've seen a bombastic, narcissistic, megalomanic, and I don't like it, and on top of that, I think he's not only playing the media, but he's playing the voters. This is a GAME to him. He wants to WIN, and he'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to WIN, and with ever over the top thing he says or does and then sees that people are still supporting him, or so it may seem, he gets bolder by the day. Now you have to ask yourself, is that the kind of person you want as the most powerful person on the planet?

Not me. He gives me great pause.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.

Did you just call Kelly a "bimbo"? LOL God, I love all you women's rights supporters that drop the facade and show your true colors!
OK then... I'll rescind bimbo and call her a freakin' HACK. Better?

I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.

With all due respect, 007...who in the main stream media is "impartial" these days? They don't report the news anymore...they shape it.
I can't say as though I know anyone that's truly impartial, Oldstyle. But when you're program is just so blatantly obvious, over the top... I mean c'mon. She got BOOED.
Really... they guy has to be a huge PUSSY.
But he plays a tough negotiator on TV.
He may be in real life... but if so, I guess if he ever had to negotiate with a feisty little blond bimbo, she'd grind his ass into the dirt. He'd have to run and hide.
I still can't get past the shit he said about McCain. As if a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante like Trump could ever relate to anyone who served their country in uniform. Trump isn't much of a man.
I agree. I don't understand why there's a veteran in the country supporting him. I think he's a total POS liar and flim flam man. This election is a game to him, and the white house is a prize, that's it. He has about as much class as a turd circling the bowl.
I'm actually pretty shocked. I would have bet money you would be a YUUUUGE Trump supporter.

But I'm not giving you too much credit for smarts - you're going to vote for the Cuban from Canada, right?
Is there a better choice?

Oh don't tell me... HITLERY... :lol:
I don't care what channel you're on or who you support. If you can't be impartial, then you're just freakin' a HACK.
So, if someone is trying to bullshit you, and you know for a fact that they are blatantly lying to your face, calling them out makes you a hack?
So, if someone packs a bologna sammich on Tuesday, and you know that your car needs an oil change, does that mean you should do your laundry in the morning?

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