Trump will be Making a Major Mistake if he Blocks Comey's Testimony this week.


When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking and adding 2 plus 2 and getting 5.......if short, bully shit, then bullshit is the only thing I can respond to. It seems to be the only thing the "resistance" understands.

Odd that you'd use this pharse - "When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo..." - since I've described the new right, aka the crazy right wing, as the group who posts lies, half-truths, rumor, innunoes and character assassination in place of reality, and have posted it dozens of times over the years.

And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?

Too many words for an ad hominem! And a premise which takes foolishness to new lows:
  • Public opinion was created by Wikileaks, and Trumps Stump speech, both created the fire storm of Trump&Co
  • The conflagration continues and will until Trump&Co leave office
  • Trump&Co are destructive, they are not builders and that is the reason for the Resistance Movement
  • Trump has and continued to increase the divide among our citizens
  • "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" [King James Bible]
Comey's been at the FBI for three presidents. Sessions was a Trump appointed AG, so reporting it to Sessions, is like reporting evidence of russian collusion to the Russian ambassador. Comey wrote memo's that others at the FBI reported seeing.

Do you want fries with your nothing-burger issue?

IDIOT-GRAM ^^^; The more the Russian Question remains unresolved, more and more stupid comments will be posted. This post by the sage (lol) of Main Street is just one example of how the easily fooled and biddable have gravitated to the far right, i.e., the idiot fringe.

When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking and adding 2 plus 2 and getting 5.......if short, bully shit, then bullshit is the only thing I can respond to. It seems to be the only thing the "resistance" understands.

Odd that you'd use this pharse - "When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo..." - since I've described the new right, aka the crazy right wing, as the group who posts lies, half-truths, rumor, innunoes and character assassination in place of reality, and have posted it dozens of times over the years.

And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>
When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking and adding 2 plus 2 and getting 5.......if short, bully shit, then bullshit is the only thing I can respond to. It seems to be the only thing the "resistance" understands.

Odd that you'd use this pharse - "When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo..." - since I've described the new right, aka the crazy right wing, as the group who posts lies, half-truths, rumor, innunoes and character assassination in place of reality, and have posted it dozens of times over the years.

And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.
Odd that you'd use this pharse - "When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo..." - since I've described the new right, aka the crazy right wing, as the group who posts lies, half-truths, rumor, innunoes and character assassination in place of reality, and have posted it dozens of times over the years.

And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.
You're beyond rightarded to think the FBI opens investigations because the left makes noise. But g'head... prove your claim... start by showing the noise the left made which launched the FBI investigation into Trump/Russia collusion....
And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.
You're beyond rightarded to think the FBI opens investigations because the left makes noise. But g'head... prove your claim... start by showing the noise the left made which launched the FBI investigation into Trump/Russia collusion....

"Rightarded" Luv it!! Now I have a word which accurately describes Trump supporters and anachro-libertarians.
Trump ain't gonna block anything. He's gonna be tweeting during Comeys testimony. Genius!
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.
There was no reason to block Mr. Comey from testifying. There was no threat to "National Security", the Cheeto-Faced Fascist had bragged aboutMr. Comey to his Russian Overlords. der GroppenFuhrer twitted about it. He could have claim National Security after using teeny tiny fingers to tweet.

It's N.S.A. Director Rogers I want to see, he has a bomb to drop on that lying low-life Draft Dodging Fascist in the Oval Office.
And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.
You're beyond rightarded to think the FBI opens investigations because the left makes noise. But g'head... prove your claim... start by showing the noise the left made which launched the FBI investigation into Trump/Russia collusion....

You do remember who was in charge before Trump, correct? You do know whose admin weaponized and politicized government agencies, correct? You do know whose admin was sending FISA court requests for data and unmasking American's names and leaking it to a complicit media, correct? You do know that is where the "need" for an investigation grew out of, correct? You do know that there is a Congressional investigation gearing up since those are actual broken laws with some evidence to back them up, correct? This Russian witch hunt is going to blow up in the left's face.

for your edification if it is possible for you to see beyond your irrational partisan hate and accept a little reason and logic.

The Real Collusion - American Greatness
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.
You're beyond rightarded to think the FBI opens investigations because the left makes noise. But g'head... prove your claim... start by showing the noise the left made which launched the FBI investigation into Trump/Russia collusion....

"Rightarded" Luv it!! Now I have a word which accurately describes Trump supporters and anachro-libertarians.

From the guy who keeps getting his panties in a knot and falsely crying ad hom, that's pretty rich. Hypocrite much?
There was no reason to block Mr. Comey from testifying. There was no threat to "National Security", the Cheeto-Faced Fascist had bragged aboutMr. Comey to his Russian Overlords. der GroppenFuhrer twitted about it. He could have claim National Security after using teeny tiny fingers to tweet.

It's N.S.A. Director Rogers I want to see, he has a bomb to drop on that lying low-life Draft Dodging Fascist in the Oval Office.

"bomb to drop on that lying low-life Draft Dodging Fascist in the Oval Office."

Newsflash, Obama is out of office.
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.
And lower than that - whale shit low - you got the brainwashed, leftist, baby killing commie sperm gurgelers who are so freaking stupid and worthless that they need a huge, unaccountable bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.

And lower than that - whale shit low - you got the brainwashed, leftist, baby killing commie sperm gurgelers who are so freaking stupid and worthless that they need a huge, unaccountable bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.

"F" for foolish, fatuous, falderal ^^^ posted by an incipient and callow rapscallion.
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.

And lower than that - whale shit low - you got the brainwashed, leftist, baby killing commie sperm gurgelers who are so freaking stupid and worthless that they need a huge, unaccountable bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.

"F" for foolish, fatuous, falderal ^^^ posted by an incipient and callow rapscallion.
Did Rachel teach you those words?
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.

And lower than that - whale shit low - you got the brainwashed, leftist, baby killing commie sperm gurgelers who are so freaking stupid and worthless that they need a huge, unaccountable bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.

"F" for foolish, fatuous, falderal ^^^ posted by an incipient and callow rapscallion.
Did Rachel teach you those words?

Nope, I went to CAL, she went to Stanford. And you ... County Jail?
The Rightarded on the clock:

Think of a clock face, to the right of right of the '12' are the Republicans, to the left the Democrats. A little more to the right are the classic conservatives, and a little to the left are the liberals and progressives; Further to the right are the reactionaries, and further to the left are revolutionaries.

Then we come to the bottom, the '6': The idiot fringe, where the Rightarded reside, alone with anarchists and other unsavory creatures which defy the left-right paradigm reside.

And lower than that - whale shit low - you got the brainwashed, leftist, baby killing commie sperm gurgelers who are so freaking stupid and worthless that they need a huge, unaccountable bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.

"F" for foolish, fatuous, falderal ^^^ posted by an incipient and callow rapscallion.
Did Rachel teach you those words?

Nope, I went to CAL, she went to Stanford. And you ... County Jail?
And witty, too. You will make all the sexual perverts very proud.
Odd that you'd use this pharse - "When your whole "case" consists of rumor, innuendo..." - since I've described the new right, aka the crazy right wing, as the group who posts lies, half-truths, rumor, innunoes and character assassination in place of reality, and have posted it dozens of times over the years.

And yet to date, absolutely zilch in evidence of all the left's rumors, innuendo and wishful thinking. If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for? I'll tell you. Something real and actionable which you haven't been able to produce in a year of investigations and looking under every rock. You just keep the "resistance" stirred up with rumors of supposed connections that someone who knows someone told someone else's cousin who dates a guy your mom knows.
Why do you think "left" controls the FBI? It's the FBI conducting the investigation, not the "left."

I'm sorry........were you too moronic to understand that you and your ilk are participating in a court of public opinion and feeding off of "investigative" reporting by a left wing media with an agenda of bringing down the president. If not, just look at the bullshit you parrot each day of all the unsubstantiated "evidence" that convinces you of the "truth". Now you know. Does your teacher know you aren't out on the playground and using her computer while she's having a smoke?
Imbecile... since you didn't understand the first time... you wondered, "If you have evidence that will bring this president down, what are you waiting for?" But again, the "left" does not control the FBI's investigation. The "left" is waiting for the FBI to formally reveal their conclusions the same way the right is. <smh>

Moron. The only reason there is an FBI investigation is because of the left wing and their media arm beating the Russian collusion drum. There was no there there a year ago and there still is no there there. If there was, something would have happened long before now. Everything you guys take as gospel is based on rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. No one to date has been able to back up any of what they accept as truth.......and the truth is always in the pudding. Produce if you don't want to look like the moron you are and keep being laughed at. Simply put up or shut up.

I suspect that Trump is helping to keep this distraction going so he can sneak in his job-creating programs while his job-killing enemies are gnaw on their tinfoil fantasy.

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