Trump Will Flip Rosenstein


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I have no idea who the author of this is but I find it to be a most intriguing piece. Can the president possibly turn a died-in-the-wool Shrillary supporter to be on his side?

Watch and learn. You will see Rod Rosenstein become President Trump's best friend. He may not survive the friendship, but he really doesn't have any other choice but to do as he is told after what is said he did in the closing days of James Comey's reign as FBI director and the Mueller appointment as special counsel. As is usually the case, Andrew C. McCarthy explains Rosenstein's underhanded "weasel" machinations the best.

This goes through all the machinations that led up to the appointment of Mueller as a special counsel.

What are Rosenstein's options?

1. Deny, deny, deny.

2. Resign and hope for the book deal and GfundMe account.

3. Listen quietly while Trump tells him what he is going to do.

The way I see it, Rosenstein doesn't have a choice.

The full piece @

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