Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Nah. Trump doesn't leave the country in shambles, the Chinese virus does.

Before the Chinese loosed this virus on the world our country was doing great.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country and great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

If not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won handily. Now with Biden, if he gets in, the USA is in for four years of misery.

Enjoy cause the rest of us sure won't.
We call it the TRUMPvirus

Rightfully so

Nope. Trump didn't loose the virus on the world. The Chinese did when they didn't lock their country down.

Chinese virus. Rightfully so.

No, he is only responsible for its spread in the US and us having more deaths than anywhere in the world.

No. The Chinese are responsible for the virus they loosed on the world. They didn't lock their country down so the world suffered.

Once it his our shores nothing anyone said or did would have stopped it. No can take personal responsibility for every American. Not all Americans followed the CDC suggestions. The rest of the world is doing no better.

You sure are one ignorant lefty loon.
the redcaps were the ones protesting lockdowns.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Anyone that would post that, without even mentioning covid, is a troll with zero cred.

The TRUMPvirus and it’s affect on the economy is Trumps responsibility

His economy is a disaster
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
How is it that the Chinese are expected to stop the spread of COVID but Trump is given a free pass?

The Chinese were blindsided by an unknown virus while Trump was given three months to prepare
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.
it really didn't.

Did you like Italy's initial response?

Guess what their economy is still in the toilet just like every other country
Everyone knows it. Even you.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Anyone that would post that, without even mentioning covid, is a troll with zero cred.

The TRUMPvirus and it’s affect on the economy is Trumps responsibility

His economy is a disaster

Nope. It came from China, where AT BEST, they lied about the disease to the world.

But you give them a pass. Because they are anti-American lefties like you.
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
How is it that the Chinese are expected to stop the spread of COVID but Trump is given a free pass?

The Chinese were blindsided by an unknown virus while Trump was given three months to prepare
Trump doesn't need a free pass since no one can control what every American will or won't do.

No one is responsible for what everyone does. If they don't want to wear masks or practice social distancing then who's to say they have to.??

If the Governors don't want to lock down their States then who's to say they have to. No POTUS can tell a State what to do just as no POTUS can tell every American what to do.

Once that virus hit our coast people were going to die and it made no difference who was in the White House. Who said what or who did what.

Blame the Chinese who loosed this virus on the world.
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.
it really didn't.

Did you like Italy's initial response?

Guess what their economy is still in the toilet just like every other country
Everyone knows it. Even you.

Don't tell me what I know when you don't know shit.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.
it really didn't.

Did you like Italy's initial response?

Guess what their economy is still in the toilet just like every other country
Everyone knows it. Even you.

Don't tell me what I know when you don't know shit.
Oh i will. You know. You are just a bad actor. No oscar for you.
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.
it really didn't.

Did you like Italy's initial response?

Guess what their economy is still in the toilet just like every other country
Everyone knows it. Even you.

Don't tell me what I know when you don't know shit.
Oh i will. You know. You are just a bad actor. No oscar for you.

I'm not an actor at all.

And I certainly don't pretend to know all the answers like you do
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
In other words, sort of like what every outgoing republican president hands over to his democrat successor.
Joe Biden has experience in fixing Republican messes
Link to him fixing anything?

Watch this dodge.

Let me check....

Yes, here it is
Seems Joe Biden was Vice President when the Obama Administration rescues us from the Great Bush Recession of 2008
He did no such thing,,,,,,couldnt even find any shovel rdy jobs
umm...that was the responsibility of the states
That's not what he said.
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
How is it that the Chinese are expected to stop the spread of COVID but Trump is given a free pass?

The Chinese were blindsided by an unknown virus while Trump was given three months to prepare

You dumbass. No one knew anything about this virus and once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. The Chinese didn't lock their country down so the rest of the world suffers. They also lied their asses off to WHO and the rest of the world.

Trump could have had six months to prepare and it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. Once it hit our shores people were going to die and it makes no difference who was in the WH.

Your so ready to blame Trump because your a lefty loon idiot. You should be blaming the Chinese who loosed this virus on the world. Of course an idiot like you thinks China did a great job. What a fool you are.
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?

The economy and beating COVID are linked

Trumps inept handling of COVD prevented an economic recovery
Stock market is at record highs and unemployment has fallen every month since April.

You are an idiot and a troll.
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
How is it that the Chinese are expected to stop the spread of COVID but Trump is given a free pass?

The Chinese were blindsided by an unknown virus while Trump was given three months to prepare

You dumbass. No one knew anything about this virus and once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. The Chinese didn't lock their country down so the rest of the world suffers. They also lied their asses off to WHO and the rest of the world.

Trump could have had six months to prepare and it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. Once it hit our shores people were going to die and it makes no difference who was in the WH.

Your so ready to blame Trump when you should be flaming the Chinese who loosed this virus on the world.
When the virus hit we didn't have tests and he passed responsibility to the states. It has been failed policy. Us having the most deaths is proof of that.
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?

The economy and beating COVID are linked

Trumps inept handling of COVD prevented an economic recovery
Stock market is at record highs and unemployment has fallen every month since April.

You are an idiot and a troll.
No place else to put money. The market is a joke.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Even if your hero Obama was in office during the pandemic the economy would be shit
Maybe initially, but we wouldn’t be seeing worse infections and deaths now under Obama or any other leader who cared more about the people than himself
If you honestly believe Obama cared more about the people than himself, I have a rainbow farting unicorn in my backyard for sale, cheap.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Anyone that would post that, without even mentioning covid, is a troll with zero cred.

The TRUMPvirus and it’s affect on the economy is Trumps responsibility

His economy is a disaster

Nope. It came from China, where AT BEST, they lied about the disease to the world.

But you give them a pass. Because they are anti-American lefties like you.
China was not responsible for stopping the TRUMPvirus once it hit our shores.
That was Trumps responsibility and he failed miserably
He is the one who lied to the American people about it
Because that is wrong and everyone knows it. Trump's dereliction of duty made things much worse than they needed to be. He got thrown out on his fat ass over it.

A year ago, Trump planned on an easy re-election based on the economy.

Then COVID hit and he was expected to show leadership during a crisis. He turned out to be totally inept at performing the most basic tasks of a leader

Cost him the election
It was way more than just COVID

It was way more than COVID
But it seemed the public was willing to look the other way as long as we had a strong economy.

Trumps inept leadership during a crisis could not be overlooked

Nothing he did would have mattered. The people who didn't want to wear masks or shut down their states still wouldn't have.

And there would be nothing any president could have done to make them.

I've already told that lefty idiot the same thing. Once it hit our shores people were going to die no matter who did what or who said what. The Chinese are to blame cause they didn't lock their country down.

Winger is a lefty loon idiot.
How is it that the Chinese are expected to stop the spread of COVID but Trump is given a free pass?

The Chinese were blindsided by an unknown virus while Trump was given three months to prepare

You dumbass. No one knew anything about this virus and once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. The Chinese didn't lock their country down so the rest of the world suffers. They also lied their asses off to WHO and the rest of the world.

Trump could have had six months to prepare and it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. Once it hit our shores people were going to die and it makes no difference who was in the WH.

Your so ready to blame Trump when you should be flaming the Chinese who loosed this virus on the world.
When the virus hit we didn't have tests and he passed responsibility to the states. It has been failed policy. Us having the most deaths is proof of that.
when the virus first hit no one had any tests
Why can’t we all just admit that Obama was given a much worse economy and left Trump a much better economy than Biden will get

Why can't you just admit that no one could have saw Covid Coming and that this current economic trouble could not have been avoided no matter what party the president belonged to?

The economy and beating COVID are linked

Trumps inept handling of COVD prevented an economic recovery
Stock market is at record highs and unemployment has fallen every month since April.

You are an idiot and a troll.
No place else to put money. The market is a joke.

tell that to my 30% returns this year
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