Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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hey danny why dont you tell us what makes you an expert on economics?...why are you dodging that question?....can it be you are just another full of shit poster here?...
Resorting to the fewest fallacies. Right wingers can't do it.
so you have nothing? are just another here giving their worthless opinions....
lol. You have rebut my arguments with valid rebuttals; ad hominems are usually just fallacies.

Our welfare clause is General enough to promote solutions.
you cant even give me a reason why i should take the crap you throw out here as some kind of fact.....why should i or anyone else here take you seriously?...why are you avoiding telling everyone here what your expertise is in economics?....i will tell you why....because you dont have just have some clueless other words just a bunch of danny fallicies....
We have a Constitution. Why should I take right wingers seriously about Constitutional law or economics?
like i have been asking you.....why should anyone here take you seriously about economics?...
I actually resort to the fewest fallacies. Any other questions?
so they are still fallacies right? i said are a phony....
You have no valid arguments; that makes you even phonier.
if you are throwing fallacies at are they valid arguments?...go ahead danny explain that one....
Not one single private sector business is required to make a profit.
The for-profit private sector is required to seek a profit; only lousy management fails.
True, lousy management fails and good management also may fail if the business cannot be competitive in the
but there is no requirement for any business to make a profit
I know since I have been there and have experienced both sides of the totem pole.

Then you know that it can be acceptable to take a loss so as to offset the taxes from future earnings. Or that a business can show ZERO profit because it has aggressively reinvested profits and used depreciation schedules
You are referring to "showing a loss".

There is no difference.

A loss is a loss
As a business owner for 30 years, a true financial loss kept me awake all night as I would worry as to how I was going to meet my payroll if it continued. A loss based upon legal write-offs etc. is a whole different ball game. Have you ever had to meet a payroll?

Of course. And when I couldn't I laid people off.

Legally it makes no difference which all the matters in this discussion
Maximizing profits is what for-profit firms have to show, regardless of minimum wage labor costs.

They do not have to show any such thing and since payroll is usually one of the largest expenditures of any business what you pay your employees certainly does matter because payroll expenses are more than the salaries of your employees
Again, have you ever had to meet a payroll? If it is your money, you would think differently than you would if you are expending other people's money.
and what part of the phrase "of course" did you not understand?
It's not fraud at all.
It could be, that is why you have to show some business plan that shows how you expect to maximize profit on a long run basis. Minimizing costs means trying to maximize profits.
there is no requirement for any business plan unless you are borrowing money from a bank.

And how can it be fraud if you are obeying all the tax laws?
Minimizing taxes is Trying to move forward on maximizing profits.

Not necessarily.

Like I said you have absolutely no experience with owning or running a business and you know nothing about the tax codes.

Why don't you do some research and get back to me?
This thread has lost it's way, time to close the thread.
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