Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!
The wealthy have that much more than the bottom 50%. A sad fact.
1. Why is it sad that the wealthy have more than the bottom 50%? They're wealthy, after all.
2. The wealthy have more free cell phones than the poor? How?
3. The wealthy have more free food than the poor? How?
Growing inequality slows economic growth. That's part of why we haven't hit 3% growth in many, many years.
The best way to stop that is to stop taxing the mid to upper middle class so heavily. There's a wall a lot of people reach where they can't make much more money until they get to be super rich and can afford the army of tax attorneys rich liberals use to avoid taxes while complaining they don't pay enough.
the middle class is where the money is

Politicians know this idiot partisans don't
Yup. If you want a lot of money for lavish new welfare programs, that's where you go to get it.
And if you are a repub you don't bother finding money for your military spending, you just borrow. Military can't grow fast enough when you don't pay for it.
Who said anything about military spending? The truth is, we are now so entrenched everywhere around the world that we can't significantly cut military spending without the risk of wide spread instability. Heck, if we pulled out of Europe, all of a sudden a bunch of nations wouldn't be able to sustain their lavish nanny states any more because they'd have to ramp up their militaries because they don't trust their neighbors. Besides that, no one is talking about big increases in military spending. They're only talking about domestic spending increases.
I did. Republican's are a one trick pony. Cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase deficits. And repubs love it because they never tax to pay for this military spending we don't need.
Okay, where did Republicans campaign on raising military spending in the last 10 years? Where did TRUMP! make higher military spending a major push in budget negotiations? The truth is, military spending hasn't been a big debate point since TRUMP! stopped getting us into new wars. If you want to talk about one trick pony's, democrats only have one thing, more. How much should government spend on wasteful programs? More. What is the best tax rate? More. What is someone's fair share? More. It's always more.
You are under a rock?

Trump calls for military spending increase - YouTube

He was full of shit, we didn't need increased spending, but he sure ran on it.
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious
Arrest the business owners that were hosting.

not gonna happen.

we don't arrest business owners for hiring illegals so what ,makes you think we would arrest business owners for doing business in a state that allowed them to remain open?

Martial law was the only way we could have enforced your dream COVID scenario and martial law will never be used in this country
What we know is trumps response has been a big failure. We have the most deaths and our rate is right at the bottom.

No more so than any other country who did things differently.

and our COVID mortality rate is way less than 1% if you factor in the hundreds of thousands of people that have been infected and never got very sick or had a test

So far 303000 have died and that is .09% of the US population

Really how much better could it be than 9 one hundredths of one percent?
We have the most deaths in the world and one of the highest death rates and you celebrate. Now that is some stupidity. You love failure.
One of the highest death rates?

You are as big of a liar as rightwinger

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

.................................................................................................................................................................... DEATH RATE
Western Sahara2-1010.00%---17-1
United Kingdom965-1,849,4033.47%-47,141,344709,01027,815-64,170
Bosnia and Herzegovina1,020-101,4613.34%-466,426140,32430,524+553,391
Sierra Leone9-2,4403.07%---309-75
North Macedonia1,031-73,8512.91%-365,599175,51935,455+262,147
El Salvador186-41,8802.88%-584,63190,1356,457+51,205
South Africa403-860,9642.70%-5,859,178101,40614,901-23,276
South Sudan5-3,2061.93%-63,7534,989251-62
United States937-16,757,1781.83%-221,314,293676,45651,219+102306,561
You realize how many countries there are right?

WTF does that have to do with your blatant lie?
It is one of the worst. Why aren't we on the list of lowest rates?
Not even close to being one of the worst, liar.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
No, we are on of the worst obviously.
My link confirms you are a lying sack of shit, Troll.

:dig: :dig:
It confirms we have one of the worst.
Nope. You are still lying in the face of facts.
Nope we are still really bad.
Look fella, repeating the same lie over and over doesn't change the fact it is a lie.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
Why are there so many countries with lower rates?
Because there's a ton of stuff they can't do.
Try an angiogram outside of the US and they'll have to open you up with a scaple.
That's why they have a lower rate of covid deaths? Ok....
they have a lower rate because the people in those countries are more compliant and not resistant to authority.

Do you really think a 6 week total lockdown like Italy where people weren't even allowed to walk on the streets would be possible in this country?
Do you really think the Trump.cult wouldnt be acting like such morons about wearing masks and distancing if their Dear Leader had not downplayed the pandemic and urged them not to follow these measures? Of course not. So there you have it.
The leading death states are run by Dimwingers, Dummy.
There are plenty of right wing states in the top 10. The virus isn't partisan.
Define "plenty".
Get a dictionary.
no help when you make up your own definitions
Last I checked TX and FL are 2 and 3. Weren't they red last election?
So, 20% is "plenty".
66% of the top 3.
^^^^^Troll changes his story from Top 10 to Top 3 after getting owned.^^^^

It's cute you think covid is partisan.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
lots of people feel they are better off now than 4 years ago (before this virus)....and democrats do a lot of shit things too,i lived 50 years in California and watched that states quality of living go from an almost utopia for just about everyone living there to what it is now for many residents of that state.....not that great.....
Sure they do, but repubs repeat the same failure over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. They keep telling the people that this time the square peg will fit into the round hole. It never will. Dems at least have some ideas. Clearly we need to do something about the cost of healthcare, repubs have shown they have nothing. Do you think the square peg will ever fit in the round hole?
see here you are again just bad mouthing the right.....when i mentioned the bullshit in california you laughed at me instead of commenting on explain the laugh.....
I agree they do dumb things, but that is partly because they have been so successful. Largest economy in the country. If they weren't so successful they couldn't do much of the dumb things they do. Hopefully their population drops will teach them to not be so dumb. The only successful right wing states are loaded with some natural resource.

The repubs do the same thing over and over. Do you think the square peg will fit in the round hole?
so if you are succesful you fuck up more than those that cant get shit going?.....what dumb things has that success made them do?....
All their regulations. If they weren't such a big economy they couldn't make them happen. Companies would just not sell into CA. But because they are so successful they can dictate things like that.
and they are now seeing lots of companies leaving, not only for that, but for their tax rate too, which is a business killer,at least for the small companies it is....
And they will either change or fail. I suspect they will change. Repubs don't change, tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits, repeat.
for the past 30 years California hasnt changed much in the way they of their big mainstays is raise taxes or charge fees,and if those dont help....raise them some more........
And pre covid they had a surplus budget.

California Projected A $6 Billion Budget Surplus In January. Now, Its Deficit Forecast Tops A Daunting $54 Billion. | Kaiser Health News (
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!
The wealthy have that much more than the bottom 50%. A sad fact.
1. Why is it sad that the wealthy have more than the bottom 50%? They're wealthy, after all.
2. The wealthy have more free cell phones than the poor? How?
3. The wealthy have more free food than the poor? How?
Growing inequality slows economic growth. That's part of why we haven't hit 3% growth in many, many years.
The best way to stop that is to stop taxing the mid to upper middle class so heavily. There's a wall a lot of people reach where they can't make much more money until they get to be super rich and can afford the army of tax attorneys rich liberals use to avoid taxes while complaining they don't pay enough.
the middle class is where the money is

Politicians know this idiot partisans don't
Yup. If you want a lot of money for lavish new welfare programs, that's where you go to get it.
And if you are a repub you don't bother finding money for your military spending, you just borrow. Military can't grow fast enough when you don't pay for it.
Who said anything about military spending? The truth is, we are now so entrenched everywhere around the world that we can't significantly cut military spending without the risk of wide spread instability. Heck, if we pulled out of Europe, all of a sudden a bunch of nations wouldn't be able to sustain their lavish nanny states any more because they'd have to ramp up their militaries because they don't trust their neighbors. Besides that, no one is talking about big increases in military spending. They're only talking about domestic spending increases.
I did. Republican's are a one trick pony. Cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase deficits. And repubs love it because they never tax to pay for this military spending we don't need.
So are democrats

Borrow increase welfare spending raise taxes and still increase the debt.

Democrats only care about the debt when republicans are in office

Case in point Senile Joe's tax plan will stagnate the economy result in negative GDP and GNP and result in over a half million lost jobs because he's going to chase businesses out of the US to countries with more friendly tax laws.
Trump was running an ad against Joe where Joe stated he was for freezing government spending to balance the budget. It made me want to vote joe more.
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious
Arrest the business owners that were hosting.

not gonna happen.

we don't arrest business owners for hiring illegals so what ,makes you think we would arrest business owners for doing business in a state that allowed them to remain open?

Martial law was the only way we could have enforced your dream COVID scenario and martial law will never be used in this country
What we know is trumps response has been a big failure. We have the most deaths and our rate is right at the bottom.

No more so than any other country who did things differently.

and our COVID mortality rate is way less than 1% if you factor in the hundreds of thousands of people that have been infected and never got very sick or had a test

So far 303000 have died and that is .09% of the US population

Really how much better could it be than 9 one hundredths of one percent?
We have the most deaths in the world and one of the highest death rates and you celebrate. Now that is some stupidity. You love failure.
One of the highest death rates?

You are as big of a liar as rightwinger

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

.................................................................................................................................................................... DEATH RATE
Western Sahara2-1010.00%---17-1
United Kingdom965-1,849,4033.47%-47,141,344709,01027,815-64,170
Bosnia and Herzegovina1,020-101,4613.34%-466,426140,32430,524+553,391
Sierra Leone9-2,4403.07%---309-75
North Macedonia1,031-73,8512.91%-365,599175,51935,455+262,147
El Salvador186-41,8802.88%-584,63190,1356,457+51,205
South Africa403-860,9642.70%-5,859,178101,40614,901-23,276
South Sudan5-3,2061.93%-63,7534,989251-62
United States937-16,757,1781.83%-221,314,293676,45651,219+102306,561
You realize how many countries there are right?

WTF does that have to do with your blatant lie?
It is one of the worst. Why aren't we on the list of lowest rates?
Not even close to being one of the worst, liar.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
No, we are on of the worst obviously.
My link confirms you are a lying sack of shit, Troll.

:dig: :dig:
It confirms we have one of the worst.
Nope. You are still lying in the face of facts.
Nope we are still really bad.
Look fella, repeating the same lie over and over doesn't change the fact it is a lie.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
Why are there so many countries with lower rates?
Because there's a ton of stuff they can't do.
Try an angiogram outside of the US and they'll have to open you up with a scaple.
That's why they have a lower rate of covid deaths? Ok....
they have a lower rate because the people in those countries are more compliant and not resistant to authority.

Do you really think a 6 week total lockdown like Italy where people weren't even allowed to walk on the streets would be possible in this country?
Do you really think the Trump.cult wouldnt be acting like such morons about wearing masks and distancing if their Dear Leader had not downplayed the pandemic and urged them not to follow these measures? Of course not. So there you have it.
The leading death states are run by Dimwingers, Dummy.
There are plenty of right wing states in the top 10. The virus isn't partisan.
Define "plenty".
Get a dictionary.
no help when you make up your own definitions
Last I checked TX and FL are 2 and 3. Weren't they red last election?
So, 20% is "plenty".
66% of the top 3.
^^^^^Troll changes his story from Top 10 to Top 3 after getting owned.^^^^

It's cute you think covid is partisan.
Never said that, Troll.

But that doesn't change the fact Dimwingers mismanaged it to a higher degree.
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!
The wealthy have that much more than the bottom 50%. A sad fact.
1. Why is it sad that the wealthy have more than the bottom 50%? They're wealthy, after all.
2. The wealthy have more free cell phones than the poor? How?
3. The wealthy have more free food than the poor? How?
Growing inequality slows economic growth. That's part of why we haven't hit 3% growth in many, many years.
The best way to stop that is to stop taxing the mid to upper middle class so heavily. There's a wall a lot of people reach where they can't make much more money until they get to be super rich and can afford the army of tax attorneys rich liberals use to avoid taxes while complaining they don't pay enough.
the middle class is where the money is

Politicians know this idiot partisans don't
Yup. If you want a lot of money for lavish new welfare programs, that's where you go to get it.
And if you are a repub you don't bother finding money for your military spending, you just borrow. Military can't grow fast enough when you don't pay for it.
Who said anything about military spending? The truth is, we are now so entrenched everywhere around the world that we can't significantly cut military spending without the risk of wide spread instability. Heck, if we pulled out of Europe, all of a sudden a bunch of nations wouldn't be able to sustain their lavish nanny states any more because they'd have to ramp up their militaries because they don't trust their neighbors. Besides that, no one is talking about big increases in military spending. They're only talking about domestic spending increases.
I did. Republican's are a one trick pony. Cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase deficits. And repubs love it because they never tax to pay for this military spending we don't need.
Okay, where did Republicans campaign on raising military spending in the last 10 years? Where did TRUMP! make higher military spending a major push in budget negotiations? The truth is, military spending hasn't been a big debate point since TRUMP! stopped getting us into new wars. If you want to talk about one trick pony's, democrats only have one thing, more. How much should government spend on wasteful programs? More. What is the best tax rate? More. What is someone's fair share? More. It's always more.
You are under a rock?

Trump calls for military spending increase - YouTube

He was full of shit, we didn't need increased spending, but he sure ran on it.
Obama destroyed the military.The shipyards around here went bankrupt or merged with the bigger companies. The area is still recovering from that clown.
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious
Arrest the business owners that were hosting.

not gonna happen.

we don't arrest business owners for hiring illegals so what ,makes you think we would arrest business owners for doing business in a state that allowed them to remain open?

Martial law was the only way we could have enforced your dream COVID scenario and martial law will never be used in this country
What we know is trumps response has been a big failure. We have the most deaths and our rate is right at the bottom.

No more so than any other country who did things differently.

and our COVID mortality rate is way less than 1% if you factor in the hundreds of thousands of people that have been infected and never got very sick or had a test

So far 303000 have died and that is .09% of the US population

Really how much better could it be than 9 one hundredths of one percent?
We have the most deaths in the world and one of the highest death rates and you celebrate. Now that is some stupidity. You love failure.
One of the highest death rates?

You are as big of a liar as rightwinger

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

.................................................................................................................................................................... DEATH RATE
Western Sahara2-1010.00%---17-1
United Kingdom965-1,849,4033.47%-47,141,344709,01027,815-64,170
Bosnia and Herzegovina1,020-101,4613.34%-466,426140,32430,524+553,391
Sierra Leone9-2,4403.07%---309-75
North Macedonia1,031-73,8512.91%-365,599175,51935,455+262,147
El Salvador186-41,8802.88%-584,63190,1356,457+51,205
South Africa403-860,9642.70%-5,859,178101,40614,901-23,276
South Sudan5-3,2061.93%-63,7534,989251-62
United States937-16,757,1781.83%-221,314,293676,45651,219+102306,561
You realize how many countries there are right?

WTF does that have to do with your blatant lie?
It is one of the worst. Why aren't we on the list of lowest rates?
Not even close to being one of the worst, liar.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
No, we are on of the worst obviously.
My link confirms you are a lying sack of shit, Troll.

:dig: :dig:
It confirms we have one of the worst.
Nope. You are still lying in the face of facts.
Nope we are still really bad.
Look fella, repeating the same lie over and over doesn't change the fact it is a lie.

:dig: :dig: :dig:
Why are there so many countries with lower rates?
Because there's a ton of stuff they can't do.
Try an angiogram outside of the US and they'll have to open you up with a scaple.
That's why they have a lower rate of covid deaths? Ok....
they have a lower rate because the people in those countries are more compliant and not resistant to authority.

Do you really think a 6 week total lockdown like Italy where people weren't even allowed to walk on the streets would be possible in this country?
Do you really think the Trump.cult wouldnt be acting like such morons about wearing masks and distancing if their Dear Leader had not downplayed the pandemic and urged them not to follow these measures? Of course not. So there you have it.
The leading death states are run by Dimwingers, Dummy.
There are plenty of right wing states in the top 10. The virus isn't partisan.
Define "plenty".
Get a dictionary.
no help when you make up your own definitions
Last I checked TX and FL are 2 and 3. Weren't they red last election?
So, 20% is "plenty".
66% of the top 3.
^^^^^Troll changes his story from Top 10 to Top 3 after getting owned.^^^^

It's cute you think covid is partisan.
Never said that, Troll.

But that doesn't change the fact Dimwingers mismanaged it to a higher degree.
It started at the top when the president left an international pandemic to the states. Giant failure.
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!
The wealthy have that much more than the bottom 50%. A sad fact.
1. Why is it sad that the wealthy have more than the bottom 50%? They're wealthy, after all.
2. The wealthy have more free cell phones than the poor? How?
3. The wealthy have more free food than the poor? How?
Growing inequality slows economic growth. That's part of why we haven't hit 3% growth in many, many years.
The best way to stop that is to stop taxing the mid to upper middle class so heavily. There's a wall a lot of people reach where they can't make much more money until they get to be super rich and can afford the army of tax attorneys rich liberals use to avoid taxes while complaining they don't pay enough.
the middle class is where the money is

Politicians know this idiot partisans don't
Yup. If you want a lot of money for lavish new welfare programs, that's where you go to get it.
And if you are a repub you don't bother finding money for your military spending, you just borrow. Military can't grow fast enough when you don't pay for it.
Who said anything about military spending? The truth is, we are now so entrenched everywhere around the world that we can't significantly cut military spending without the risk of wide spread instability. Heck, if we pulled out of Europe, all of a sudden a bunch of nations wouldn't be able to sustain their lavish nanny states any more because they'd have to ramp up their militaries because they don't trust their neighbors. Besides that, no one is talking about big increases in military spending. They're only talking about domestic spending increases.
I did. Republican's are a one trick pony. Cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase deficits. And repubs love it because they never tax to pay for this military spending we don't need.
Okay, where did Republicans campaign on raising military spending in the last 10 years? Where did TRUMP! make higher military spending a major push in budget negotiations? The truth is, military spending hasn't been a big debate point since TRUMP! stopped getting us into new wars. If you want to talk about one trick pony's, democrats only have one thing, more. How much should government spend on wasteful programs? More. What is the best tax rate? More. What is someone's fair share? More. It's always more.
You are under a rock?

Trump calls for military spending increase - YouTube

He was full of shit, we didn't need increased spending, but he sure ran on it.
Obama destroyed the military.The shipyards around here went bankrupt or merged with the bigger companies. The area is still recovering from that clown.
We had plenty of military. I bet if they increased taxes for the increased spending your tune would change. But you guys love the freebies. Tax cut and more military. So responsible.
Not only did Congress know about COVID but they invested based on it being big.
See what Loeffer is being accused of.
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!

I have known for a long time about this disparity, but I never said the Rich are not paying taxes, they are using the swiss cheese tax code to reduce their tax payment.

Some of the rich can just pass part of their tax liability into us through their businesses, which are NOT figured in your report!
It's no wonder that Trump won't share his taxes....
he doesn't have to.

There is absolutely no Constitutional requirement for any president to make his personal records public
And clearly repubs have lowered the bar enough that they will still vote for him. Man he has lowered the bar. Giant deficits are good. Ok to cheat on your third with with a porn star. Ruling by executive order is good. Lots and lots of golf is good....

For Christ's sake

Democrats only care about deficits and debt when republicans are in office and vice versa

Get your head out of your ass
And yet dems have a much better record. Clinton balanced the budget and bush ruined it. Obama fixed the bush mess and had deficits decreasing and then trump drastically increased them. It's clear your head is up your ass.
Clinton balanced nothing. Newt did.

Clinton vetoed the budget TWICE, and only signed it when there was a veto proof majority, Dummy.

Learn some history.
Sure, and trump with full control of the government drastically increased deficits. Seems we need a dem president I guess.

and every democratic president in my life time increased the debt just like every republican president.

so stop pretending there is any difference
And Clinton and Obama have shown to be far more responsible than Trump.

both still added to the debt so no difference

You don't seem to realize that outside forces have more to do with the economy than does what ever idiot happens to be president

There are many direct affects on the economy that a President has and one directly affects you. The price of gas.
Whereas Obama once said: "I prefer higher gas prices". (How did he go about doing that?) with Federal OIL LEASES.


The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!

I have known for a long time about this disparity, but I never said the Rich are not paying taxes, they are using the swiss cheese tax code to reduce their tax payment.

Some of the rich can just pass part of their tax liability into us through their businesses, which are NOT figured in your report!
It's no wonder that Trump won't share his taxes....
he doesn't have to.

There is absolutely no Constitutional requirement for any president to make his personal records public
And clearly repubs have lowered the bar enough that they will still vote for him. Man he has lowered the bar. Giant deficits are good. Ok to cheat on your third with with a porn star. Ruling by executive order is good. Lots and lots of golf is good....

For Christ's sake

Democrats only care about deficits and debt when republicans are in office and vice versa

Get your head out of your ass
And yet dems have a much better record. Clinton balanced the budget and bush ruined it. Obama fixed the bush mess and had deficits decreasing and then trump drastically increased them. It's clear your head is up your ass.
Clinton balanced nothing. Newt did.

Clinton vetoed the budget TWICE, and only signed it when there was a veto proof majority, Dummy.

Learn some history.
Sure, and trump with full control of the government drastically increased deficits. Seems we need a dem president I guess.

and every democratic president in my life time increased the debt just like every republican president.

so stop pretending there is any difference
And Clinton and Obama have shown to be far more responsible than Trump.

both still added to the debt so no difference

You don't seem to realize that outside forces have more to do with the economy than does what ever idiot happens to be president

There are many direct affects on the economy that a President has and one directly affects you. The price of gas.
Whereas Obama once said: "I prefer higher gas prices". (How did he go about doing that?) with Federal OIL LEASES.

View attachment 429149
View attachment 429150
You have some imagination.
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!

I have known for a long time about this disparity, but I never said the Rich are not paying taxes, they are using the swiss cheese tax code to reduce their tax payment.

Some of the rich can just pass part of their tax liability into us through their businesses, which are NOT figured in your report!
It's no wonder that Trump won't share his taxes....
he doesn't have to.

There is absolutely no Constitutional requirement for any president to make his personal records public
And clearly repubs have lowered the bar enough that they will still vote for him. Man he has lowered the bar. Giant deficits are good. Ok to cheat on your third with with a porn star. Ruling by executive order is good. Lots and lots of golf is good....

For Christ's sake

Democrats only care about deficits and debt when republicans are in office and vice versa

Get your head out of your ass
And yet dems have a much better record. Clinton balanced the budget and bush ruined it. Obama fixed the bush mess and had deficits decreasing and then trump drastically increased them. It's clear your head is up your ass.
Clinton balanced nothing. Newt did.

Clinton vetoed the budget TWICE, and only signed it when there was a veto proof majority, Dummy.

Learn some history.
Sure, and trump with full control of the government drastically increased deficits. Seems we need a dem president I guess.

and every democratic president in my life time increased the debt just like every republican president.

so stop pretending there is any difference
And Clinton and Obama have shown to be far more responsible than Trump.

both still added to the debt so no difference

You don't seem to realize that outside forces have more to do with the economy than does what ever idiot happens to be president

There are many direct affects on the economy that a President has and one directly affects you. The price of gas.
Whereas Obama once said: "I prefer higher gas prices". (How did he go about doing that?) with Federal OIL LEASES.

View attachment 429149
View attachment 429150
Lets take a look at the effect he had:
Gasoline Prices Adjusted for Inflation | US Inflation Calculator

2008 average gas price 3.317
2016 average gas price 2.204

What an evil plot. It came down over a dollar. Wow!
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.

You realize that the TAX code has built in loopholes for the super rich people to exploit to save millions in taxes?
So tell me then... how come the bottom 50% of Americans paid just 3% while the top 50 paid 97%?

  • In 2017, 143.3 million taxpayers reported earning $10.9 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose to 21 percent, from 19.7 percent in 2016. Their share of federal individual income taxes rose to 38.5 percent, from to 37.3 percent in 2016.
  • In 2017, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent).
But of course FACTS mean nothing to dummies that constantly make money off the government!
For example:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had a cell phone!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. things that DIDN"T exist in 1890!

I have known for a long time about this disparity, but I never said the Rich are not paying taxes, they are using the swiss cheese tax code to reduce their tax payment.

Some of the rich can just pass part of their tax liability into us through their businesses, which are NOT figured in your report!
It's no wonder that Trump won't share his taxes....
he doesn't have to.

There is absolutely no Constitutional requirement for any president to make his personal records public
And clearly repubs have lowered the bar enough that they will still vote for him. Man he has lowered the bar. Giant deficits are good. Ok to cheat on your third with with a porn star. Ruling by executive order is good. Lots and lots of golf is good....

For Christ's sake

Democrats only care about deficits and debt when republicans are in office and vice versa

Get your head out of your ass
And yet dems have a much better record. Clinton balanced the budget and bush ruined it. Obama fixed the bush mess and had deficits decreasing and then trump drastically increased them. It's clear your head is up your ass.

Clinton surfed the tech bubble to a one year balanced budget but he still added to the debt.

You need to learn to put things into context.

The tech bubble popped right after Blow Job Billy left office then we got hit with 9\11 and the stupid Iraq war that democrats voted for too.

Open your eyes and learn to see what's actually there and not just the crap you want to see
Yes I have heard all the excuses, they don't change the facts.
you don't deal in facts as is plain to see by your emotional responses to facts.

You don't even know that Congress not the President holds the purse strings so the budget doesn't belong to the President as much as it does to Congress. And when the president has to deal with a Congress of the opposition we tend to get better policy because that is how our system was designed to work.
It was all trump policy. Trump wanted the tax cuts and the military spending. Deficits increased drastically because repubs don't pay for anything.

just like Obama increased deficits just like Clinton did all but for one of 8 years just like Reagan, Carter and Bush1&2 did

JEsus Christ stop pretending one party is some how the paragon of economic virtue and open your eyes
Interestingly enough, Obama instituted less new spending than any president for decades.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
lots of people feel they are better off now than 4 years ago (before this virus)....and democrats do a lot of shit things too,i lived 50 years in California and watched that states quality of living go from an almost utopia for just about everyone living there to what it is now for many residents of that state.....not that great.....
Sure they do, but repubs repeat the same failure over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. They keep telling the people that this time the square peg will fit into the round hole. It never will. Dems at least have some ideas. Clearly we need to do something about the cost of healthcare, repubs have shown they have nothing. Do you think the square peg will ever fit in the round hole?
see here you are again just bad mouthing the right.....when i mentioned the bullshit in california you laughed at me instead of commenting on explain the laugh.....
I agree they do dumb things, but that is partly because they have been so successful. Largest economy in the country. If they weren't so successful they couldn't do much of the dumb things they do. Hopefully their population drops will teach them to not be so dumb. The only successful right wing states are loaded with some natural resource.

The repubs do the same thing over and over. Do you think the square peg will fit in the round hole?
so if you are succesful you fuck up more than those that cant get shit going?.....what dumb things has that success made them do?....
All their regulations. If they weren't such a big economy they couldn't make them happen. Companies would just not sell into CA. But because they are so successful they can dictate things like that.
and they are now seeing lots of companies leaving, not only for that, but for their tax rate too, which is a business killer,at least for the small companies it is....
And they will either change or fail. I suspect they will change. Repubs don't change, tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits, repeat.
for the past 30 years California hasnt changed much in the way they of their big mainstays is raise taxes or charge fees,and if those dont help....raise them some more........
And pre covid they had a surplus budget.

California Projected A $6 Billion Budget Surplus In January. Now, Its Deficit Forecast Tops A Daunting $54 Billion. | Kaiser Health News (
yea with about a hundred billion in unfunded pension liabilities...
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
lots of people feel they are better off now than 4 years ago (before this virus)....and democrats do a lot of shit things too,i lived 50 years in California and watched that states quality of living go from an almost utopia for just about everyone living there to what it is now for many residents of that state.....not that great.....
Sure they do, but repubs repeat the same failure over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. They keep telling the people that this time the square peg will fit into the round hole. It never will. Dems at least have some ideas. Clearly we need to do something about the cost of healthcare, repubs have shown they have nothing. Do you think the square peg will ever fit in the round hole?
see here you are again just bad mouthing the right.....when i mentioned the bullshit in california you laughed at me instead of commenting on explain the laugh.....
I agree they do dumb things, but that is partly because they have been so successful. Largest economy in the country. If they weren't so successful they couldn't do much of the dumb things they do. Hopefully their population drops will teach them to not be so dumb. The only successful right wing states are loaded with some natural resource.

The repubs do the same thing over and over. Do you think the square peg will fit in the round hole?
so if you are succesful you fuck up more than those that cant get shit going?.....what dumb things has that success made them do?....
All their regulations. If they weren't such a big economy they couldn't make them happen. Companies would just not sell into CA. But because they are so successful they can dictate things like that.
and they are now seeing lots of companies leaving, not only for that, but for their tax rate too, which is a business killer,at least for the small companies it is....
And they will either change or fail. I suspect they will change. Repubs don't change, tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits, repeat.
for the past 30 years California hasnt changed much in the way they of their big mainstays is raise taxes or charge fees,and if those dont help....raise them some more........
And pre covid they had a surplus budget.

California Projected A $6 Billion Budget Surplus In January. Now, Its Deficit Forecast Tops A Daunting $54 Billion. | Kaiser Health News (
yea with about a hundred billion in unfunded pension liabilities...
That's still better than repubs. Trump cut taxes and drastically increased military spending.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
well hang on, lack of brain....there will be a war started by the evil scum demonRATs, i guess thats not a waste of aMERICAN lives or money, right?
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
well hang on, lack of brain....there will be a war started by the evil scum demonRATs, i guess thats not a waste of aMERICAN lives or money, right?
Who is starting a war? The sad far right are the ones who keep suggesting it. What's this war about btw?
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
lots of people feel they are better off now than 4 years ago (before this virus)....and democrats do a lot of shit things too,i lived 50 years in California and watched that states quality of living go from an almost utopia for just about everyone living there to what it is now for many residents of that state.....not that great.....
Sure they do, but repubs repeat the same failure over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. They keep telling the people that this time the square peg will fit into the round hole. It never will. Dems at least have some ideas. Clearly we need to do something about the cost of healthcare, repubs have shown they have nothing. Do you think the square peg will ever fit in the round hole?
see here you are again just bad mouthing the right.....when i mentioned the bullshit in california you laughed at me instead of commenting on explain the laugh.....
I agree they do dumb things, but that is partly because they have been so successful. Largest economy in the country. If they weren't so successful they couldn't do much of the dumb things they do. Hopefully their population drops will teach them to not be so dumb. The only successful right wing states are loaded with some natural resource.

The repubs do the same thing over and over. Do you think the square peg will fit in the round hole?
so if you are succesful you fuck up more than those that cant get shit going?.....what dumb things has that success made them do?....
All their regulations. If they weren't such a big economy they couldn't make them happen. Companies would just not sell into CA. But because they are so successful they can dictate things like that.
and they are now seeing lots of companies leaving, not only for that, but for their tax rate too, which is a business killer,at least for the small companies it is....
And they will either change or fail. I suspect they will change. Repubs don't change, tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits, repeat.
for the past 30 years California hasnt changed much in the way they of their big mainstays is raise taxes or charge fees,and if those dont help....raise them some more........
And pre covid they had a surplus budget.

California Projected A $6 Billion Budget Surplus In January. Now, Its Deficit Forecast Tops A Daunting $54 Billion. | Kaiser Health News (
yea with about a hundred billion in unfunded pension liabilities...
That's still better than repubs. Trump cut taxes and drastically increased military spending.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
well hang on, lack of brain....there will be a war started by the evil scum demonRATs, i guess thats not a waste of aMERICAN lives or money, right?
Who is starting a war? The sad far right are the ones who keep suggesting it. What's this war about btw?
I have watched you utterly debunk falsehood after falsehood in this thread. Not one poster has admitted an error or thanked you for the correction. Which is definitive proof that these are lies, not errors, and that they know they are lying and do not care. I appreciate your efforts.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Before it hit he couldn't hit 3% gdp growth while running a trillion dollar deficit. Weak..
And what excuse do you have ready to go when Biden won't be able to crack 3%? Because it's guaranteed you won't be saying he's weak.
I'll say it's weak, I'm not a democrat.
you sure post like you are one....
Why? Because I'm fiscally responsible? Yeah the repubs sure through that one out.
nope.....just about every thread i see you in you always seem to be on the side of the dems/liberals no matter what the topic is....i have never seen you bad mouth the left,and i have been in a quite a few threads with you...maybe you feel if you do that one of them will call you a "trumper" that why?...
And what should I support repubs on right now? I agreed with them when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order, they threw that out with trump. I agreed when they pretended to care about deficits, they through that out too. Tariffs never work and are failed policy. So what failed policy you want me to support?
if you always seem to be agreeing with the left in these threads then does that not make you look like you are one of them?..
I don't like either very much. You don't have any failed policy you think I should be supporting then?
why would i want you to support a failed policy?...but then both sides have so many of them its getting hard to find one that actually works...most just help a percentage of people and everybody else,tough shit.....
Well the right does the same thing over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. I don't support that so I'm not a republican. Dems aren't much better, but 4 years ago was a whole lot better than now so trumps failures are extreme.
lots of people feel they are better off now than 4 years ago (before this virus)....and democrats do a lot of shit things too,i lived 50 years in California and watched that states quality of living go from an almost utopia for just about everyone living there to what it is now for many residents of that state.....not that great.....
Sure they do, but repubs repeat the same failure over and over. They cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt. They keep telling the people that this time the square peg will fit into the round hole. It never will. Dems at least have some ideas. Clearly we need to do something about the cost of healthcare, repubs have shown they have nothing. Do you think the square peg will ever fit in the round hole?
see here you are again just bad mouthing the right.....when i mentioned the bullshit in california you laughed at me instead of commenting on explain the laugh.....
I agree they do dumb things, but that is partly because they have been so successful. Largest economy in the country. If they weren't so successful they couldn't do much of the dumb things they do. Hopefully their population drops will teach them to not be so dumb. The only successful right wing states are loaded with some natural resource.

The repubs do the same thing over and over. Do you think the square peg will fit in the round hole?
so if you are succesful you fuck up more than those that cant get shit going?.....what dumb things has that success made them do?....
All their regulations. If they weren't such a big economy they couldn't make them happen. Companies would just not sell into CA. But because they are so successful they can dictate things like that.
and they are now seeing lots of companies leaving, not only for that, but for their tax rate too, which is a business killer,at least for the small companies it is....
And they will either change or fail. I suspect they will change. Repubs don't change, tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits, repeat.
for the past 30 years California hasnt changed much in the way they of their big mainstays is raise taxes or charge fees,and if those dont help....raise them some more........
And pre covid they had a surplus budget.

California Projected A $6 Billion Budget Surplus In January. Now, Its Deficit Forecast Tops A Daunting $54 Billion. | Kaiser Health News (
yea with about a hundred billion in unfunded pension liabilities...
That's still better than repubs. Trump cut taxes and drastically increased military spending.
is it? glad you think so.....that budget surplus they have will be eatin up in no time and they will still have a huge pension liability problem...democrats like to spend money they dont have....thats why they like to raise taxes....California is going to have financial problems for quite a while....
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