Trump WILL make doubt

If Democrats believed their own propaganda they would be well into impeachment already.

NO, dimwit.........Since Trump hasn't yet COMPLETELY destroyed the GOP, the relatively slow impeachment pace is intentional.
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As most of us have long known, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were "acquitted" by the Senate during their impeachment trial.......And, Nixon had the decency to retire (and be pardoned) when his ousting was imminent.

BUT, our "beloved" Trump is a bit different....He will not quit.....and, most likely given his "gift" to republican senators based on back-stabbing the Kurds........will find that this upcoming early Spring impeachment trial may have the long-awaited results......Forced removal of a president while still in office.

Refusing to comply with subpoenas....and refusing to recognize that we have equal branches of government and NOT a despotic, narcissistic virtually Trump writing his OWN Articles of [self] Impeachment.

Rage against the machine old man. I'm willing to bet you've been screaming like this for 3 years.
As most of us have long known, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were "acquitted" by the Senate during their impeachment trial.......And, Nixon had the decency to retire (and be pardoned) when his ousting was imminent.

BUT, our "beloved" Trump is a bit different....He will not quit.....and, most likely given his "gift" to republican senators based on back-stabbing the Kurds........will find that this upcoming early Spring impeachment trial may have the long-awaited results......Forced removal of a president while still in office.

Refusing to comply with subpoenas....and refusing to recognize that we have equal branches of government and NOT a despotic, narcissistic virtually Trump writing his OWN Articles of [self] Impeachment.

**Goalpost move alert**
If Democrats believed their own propaganda they would be well into impeachment already.

NO, dimwit.........Since Trump hasn't yet COMPLETELY destroyed the GOP, the relatively slow impeachment pace is intentional.
OMG this shit is stupid...

This Democrat is so dumb he/she literally believes that Democrats are doing impeachment slowly on purpose because trump is destroying the GOP.

Like I said before and can't be refuted... if Democrats believed their own propaganda they would be well into impeachment already and negligent if they didn't and allowed putins spy to remain president for political reasons.

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