Trump will reportedly stop criminally prosecuting migrant families that cross the border illegally

I imagine Trump's base is going to be pretty pissed off about this.
Are you joking? Hello Confounding, welcome to Earth. Enjoy your stay.

Of course, Trump could shit in their cereal and they would say it was the best shit cereal a president has ever shat. The new line is, "Look at what a good president he is! He listened to the people!"


not in a federal court WITH CRIMINAL CHARGES.

GROUP cattle call trials in front of an immigration judge is the norm for first offenders - the group pleads guilty to illegal entry, and are deported within days.
Meh, there are always those types,
Yes, a/k/a nearly every trump supporter. Look around....

I think it's a mistake to assume the loud and loyal Trump supporters here represent all of the people that get behind him for various reasons. Yeah, a lot of the ones that want to fight about it are loud, obnoxious and will never have their minds changed about anything.
it means what i said , those involved are in it for the money , power or agenda . What is an immigration expert anyway . This is the USA , keep the beggars in their zhithole countries . Why does the USA , a country with 310 million in the year 2010 Census need more third worlders for FTFun ??
think it's a mistake to assume the loud and loyal Trump supporters here represent all of the people that get behind him for various reasons.
I'm not relying on what I see here. It's the talking point dujour on Trump's State media as well.

Maybe you underestimate them a little bit. The immigration issue is everything to Trump supporters. If he backs off of it he's going to lose a lot of support.
means what i said , those involved are in it for the money , power or agenda
Which is absurd, and of which you could not possibly know the truth of, and which represents a not-clever-at-all intellectual cop out. Oh, and it is self delusion.
Maybe you underestimate them a little bit. The immigration issue is everything to Trump supporters.
He merely ended family separation. They still have their shit sandwich to eat on immigration, and they still have a toadie for white supremacists in the white house.. They defended family separation, now they are defending him for ending it. As anyone who has paid attention for the last 3 years would expect.
i HEAR that these FAMBLIES will be housed together as they await judgement FTFun . [we'll see]
He merely ended family separation.

It's all connected though. These sensitive issues are why Obama behaved the way he did. Trump is either going to be a hard ass or he's not. I don't think there's much in between.
The no tolerance policy, written by Trump's white supremacist lapdog,is still in place.

Yeah, I get it. I guess what I'm saying is I don't see how no tolerance and no family separation can co-exist. He has to go one way or the other, otherwise it's not no tolerance. He has made a concession, and it could be the first of many, or maybe not. I guess we'll see.
think that the Trump will do what he thinks is best FTFun .
...for his own image. I agree 100%. Trump, being a malignant narcissist with a sociopathic mindset, views human beings as mere objects which exist merely to affect himself. That is how he defines each and every living human being: by their effect on his public image.
Criminal charges come with constitutional protections .

It’s so much easier to deal wh them in the immigration courts than criminal courts .
Criminal charges come with constitutional protections .

It’s so much easier to deal wh them in the immigration courts than criminal courts .

criminal trials take months sometimes years - immigration courts take 1/10th of that much time ...

convince that to dumbass RW's takes f'n decades .
Criminal charges come with constitutional protections .

It’s so much easier to deal wh them in the immigration courts than criminal courts .

criminal trials take months sometimes years - immigration courts take 1/10th of that much time ...

convince that to dumbass RW's takes f'n decades .

A lot of them seem to not care to fuck with any of it. Just kick them out and close the door behind them, no questions. Build a wall so they don't walk back etc.

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