Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

as there economy tanks...

It is very difficult to take the intelligence of a person seriously who misspells "their".

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

I remember when we thought killing more gooks than American lives lost meant we were winning the war in Vietnam.

I also remember when we thought forcing the Vietnamese to the negotiating table meant we were winning.
Meanwhile, our trade deficit continues to balloon under Trump while our stock market has been flat for almost two years, thanks to Trump's retarded trade war.
He is obviously not American, and is Indoctrinated in Communism.

Facebook, Twitter had to shut down a 100,000 fake accounts from China for spamming Chinese Propaganda.

His account should be reported and shut down too.
I am from the upper west side of Manhattan. Is Chinese propaganda anything worse than Trumps propaganda?
Chinese Propaganda is not Different than DemNazi, Dem Tard Propaganda

No one here believes for a minute you are a Patriotic American.
Why would I be proud to be American? America is the heart of antisemitic hate crimes bombings and massacres. It only seems to be getting worse. I'm scared of the future of Americas Jews. I think China at this point is better. Only Palestinian Nazis are killing as many Jews as Americans. China just isn't an antisemitic country like Nazi America, and Nazi Palestine.

Broken Record, Troll Bot. China think you not funny! Crap your hands for Not Funny Guy!
You are such a racist Nazi against Chinese people.
You whacking vision and Understandring

I am from the upper west side of Manhattan. Is Chinese propaganda anything worse than Trumps propaganda?
Chinese Propaganda is not Different than DemNazi, Dem Tard Propaganda

No one here believes for a minute you are a Patriotic American.
Why would I be proud to be American? America is the heart of antisemitic hate crimes bombings and massacres. It only seems to be getting worse. I'm scared of the future of Americas Jews. I think China at this point is better. Only Palestinian Nazis are killing as many Jews as Americans. China just isn't an antisemitic country like Nazi America, and Nazi Palestine.

Broken Record, Troll Bot. China think you not funny! Crap your hands for Not Funny Guy!
You are such a racist Nazi against Chinese people.
You whacking vision and Understandring

Chinese fat kids are rare. In America most kids are fat.
Meanwhile, our trade deficit continues to balloon under Trump while our stock market has been flat for two years, thanks to Trump's retarded trade war.
It's funny how in 1990 the Fed viewed increased budget deficits as inflationary, but now … not so. And, inflation is not yet present, because China has cut it's prices to make tariffs less effective, but supposedly the next round of tariffs, and China's countermeasures, will hit the Wal-Mart shoppers. And there's Trump's threat of an EO to America to get out of China. And if either event occurs, there will be a recession, and Trump will not be reelected.

Trump is not bringing China to its knees unless he does more, but more will cause a recession. So, what does Jina do? Will they offer Trump a deal that does little with IP, but gives him a way to save face and survive? Will Trump take it? China is not caving now. But they have to gamble: get a deal now when Trump is weak, gamble on a recession that takes out Trump, or gamble that Trump might survive, and then they'd have to deal with him for four years, when he has nothing to lose, and even the gop senate cannot do anything to stop him.
Meanwhile, our trade deficit continues to balloon under Trump while our stock market has been flat for two years, thanks to Trump's retarded trade war.
It's funny how in 1990 the Fed viewed increased budget deficits as inflationary, but now … not so. And, inflation is not yet present, because China has cut it's prices to make tariffs less effective, but supposedly the next round of tariffs, and China's countermeasures, will hit the Wal-Mart shoppers. And there's Trump's threat of an EO to America to get out of China. And if either event occurs, there will be a recession, and Trump will not be reelected.

Trump is not bringing China to its knees unless he does more, but more will cause a recession. So, what does Jina do? Will they offer Trump a deal that does little with IP, but gives him a way to save face and survive? Will Trump take it? China is not caving now. But they have to gamble: get a deal now when Trump is weak, gamble on a recession that takes out Trump, or gamble that Trump might survive, and then they'd have to deal with him for four years, when he has nothing to lose, and even the gop senate cannot do anything to stop him.
This has put China in a the catbird seat. They have a buffet of options now. Trump has no idea how badly he is being played.
Meanwhile, our trade deficit continues to balloon under Trump while our stock market has been flat for two years, thanks to Trump's retarded trade war.
It's funny how in 1990 the Fed viewed increased budget deficits as inflationary, but now … not so. And, inflation is not yet present, because China has cut it's prices to make tariffs less effective, but supposedly the next round of tariffs, and China's countermeasures, will hit the Wal-Mart shoppers. And there's Trump's threat of an EO to America to get out of China. And if either event occurs, there will be a recession, and Trump will not be reelected.

Trump is not bringing China to its knees unless he does more, but more will cause a recession. So, what does Jina do? Will they offer Trump a deal that does little with IP, but gives him a way to save face and survive? Will Trump take it? China is not caving now. But they have to gamble: get a deal now when Trump is weak, gamble on a recession that takes out Trump, or gamble that Trump might survive, and then they'd have to deal with him for four years, when he has nothing to lose, and even the gop senate cannot do anything to stop him.
This has put China in a the catbird seat. They have a buffet of options now. Trump has no idea how badly he is being played.
The Chinese did a trade deal with the EU, and emerging markets favor them, unless they're in Asia and fear the Chinese more than us

Trump isolated us. And it's now us against the world. He's done a deal so we can have cheap Lexies and Acuras again. And he appears to be trying to make nice with Merkel and BMW. But that's not affecting Jina … not after he let the EU deal seperately

Assuming he plays out his hand, and throws the world into recession by upping tariffs to more than China can absorb, would China then fold on not taking IP? I doubt it. Not now, after they have an EU deal on trade and IP.
waffle - waffle

Trump sends mixed messages to China on trade war
Asked during a meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson if he had any second thoughts about escalating the trade conflict, Trump told reporters, "Yeah. For sure."

He added, "I have second thoughts about everything."

Hours later, the White House backpedaled. Press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement saying the press had "greatly misinterpreted" Trump's comments.

the fat fuck is unhinged -
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Have you seen Europe? Stagnation is not the worst thing in the world. Now that rates are declining once more the stock prices will go up.

too bad the economy is not strong enough to drive them up without dropping the rates more and more.

Tough to do so when the rest of the world is hurting. A lot of uncertainty. That being said the consumer drives 2/3 of the economy here so as long as they are employed and spending we should be OK.
Have you seen Europe? Stagnation is not the worst thing in the world. Now that rates are declining once more the stock prices will go up.

too bad the economy is not strong enough to drive them up without dropping the rates more and more.

Tough to do so when the rest of the world is hurting. A lot of uncertainty. That being said the consumer drives 2/3 of the economy here so as long as they are employed and spending we should be OK.

except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.
Have you seen Europe? Stagnation is not the worst thing in the world. Now that rates are declining once more the stock prices will go up.

too bad the economy is not strong enough to drive them up without dropping the rates more and more.

Tough to do so when the rest of the world is hurting. A lot of uncertainty. That being said the consumer drives 2/3 of the economy here so as long as they are employed and spending we should be OK.

except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.

I agree we need to tackle the budget
Have you seen Europe? Stagnation is not the worst thing in the world. Now that rates are declining once more the stock prices will go up.

too bad the economy is not strong enough to drive them up without dropping the rates more and more.

Tough to do so when the rest of the world is hurting. A lot of uncertainty. That being said the consumer drives 2/3 of the economy here so as long as they are employed and spending we should be OK.

except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.

I agree we need to tackle the budget

not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

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