Trump would be correct to assert a national emergency in order to build the wall

Dude. I was not saying that the US has FIVE rights and the rest of the world has FOUR rights,

I was trying to rub in your face the point about x-1 being less than x.

I asked you to support your claim that the US has other rights that somehow balance out the one that your side wants US to cede, and you were not able to give me one.

You've utterly lost.

My point stands, moron. YOu people want to deny the US a right that ever other nation on the planet has.

Which means that for some reason that you won't be honest about, you want the US to have less rights than ever other nation.

You've doubled down on this idea by claiming that the US makes up for that one right, because we have other rights that other nations don't have.

When asked to list them, you were unable to do that.

Dude. You lose.
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
We have an ally and third largest trading partner on our southern border. We have border security.

Our welfare clause is General and we should solve our refugee issue.

An "ally" who's people have violated our national sovereignty, at least 10s of millions of times over the last couple of decades.

With "allies", like that, who needs enemies?
what are you talking about? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
Show me the immigration clause, illegal.
Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
We have an ally and third largest trading partner on our southern border. We have border security.

Our welfare clause is General and we should solve our refugee issue.

An "ally" who's people have violated our national sovereignty, at least 10s of millions of times over the last couple of decades.

With "allies", like that, who needs enemies?
what are you talking about? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
Show me the immigration clause, illegal.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
We have an ally and third largest trading partner on our southern border. We have border security.

Our welfare clause is General and we should solve our refugee issue.

An "ally" who's people have violated our national sovereignty, at least 10s of millions of times over the last couple of decades.

With "allies", like that, who needs enemies?
what are you talking about? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
Show me the immigration clause, illegal.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
there is no immigration clause, why is that, illegal.
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
And you’re brain-dead to “deduce” he said we have fewer rights than ever other country. :cuckoo:
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
”I never said that they SAID that, you moron.”

I didn’t say you claimed he “SAID that.” This would be you lying again. I said you claimed you thought that was he position, which you just confirmed.
Rube, in your retarded equation, 'X' equals the country on the planet with the fewest rights. How can you be such an imbecile as to assert Syria has more rights than us?

I was clearly not talking about either the rights that the nations support internally for their citizens, nor even what is actually the status quo.

I clearly stated that you liberals want the US to have fewer rights than other nations do, ie the right to control who and what enters their nation and becomes part of their community.

All you are doing now, is trying to confuse the issue, which was fucking clear as a bell,

to hide the fact that you argued yourself into the most idiotic position I have ever seen a man take.


I want you to know that I'm the most conservative person on this site. But, over the last 25 years the whole idea of conservatism changed. The movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) changed; I didn't.

The immigration issue is one of the most glaring examples. Here we have a majority of the people in the United States saying we do not need a border wall; the states bordering the wall do not want it; both Houses of Congress rejected it. Adding insult to injury, when private funds were solicited with a GoFundMe page, it folded up due to the lack of donations toward the goal.

The Republicans are wasting their time and screwing us out of our Rights on the pretexts of making safe from those from south of the border. Meanwhile, most of the morons chanting their little anti-immigrant mantra are involved in the very activities they wail about on this discussion board (i.e. they hire undocumented foreigners.)

In order to add teeth and move us toward a Hispanic free America, the Republicans have pushed the creation of the Department of Homeland (IN) Security, passage of the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, and the passage of the so - called "Patriot Act." They have attacked the Fourth Amendment until it's not worth the paper it's printed on and done away with the concept of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of one's peers (that is why they want to chant "illegals" instead of the more accurate undocumented foreigner.) The idiocy of the right has allowed tyrants to expand the ability to enforce the Constitution Free Zone; it has promoted warrant less searches; it has increased the used of information databases so that you can't take a dump without Uncle Scam "documenting" it.

Trillions of dollars later and the right being the most likely victim of their own idiotic legislation they still cannot tell you the difference between an unalienable Right and the benefits and the privilege of citizenship. You might have a RINO bully in the White House who is thinking he's stacking the deck in the United States Supreme Court, but one day the bill is going to come due for the unethical and dishonest tactics along with the unconstitutional measures the right is taking in vain for the illusion of a "win."

In the end, you cannot lower your standards - be they legal, political or moral, and think you can win against the Democrats when you're setting the bar below what you accuse them of.

I was taking you seriously until you dropped that bs, "hispanic free America".

1. National Sovereignty is a serious issue, not one to be decided by polls. If so many people support an open border, than change the laws to reflect that. Until then, the law calls for controlling the border.

2. No reasonable person would dismiss those who want border security as "idiots". I can't take you seriously if you pretend that there is not legitimacy when there obviously is.

3. I note that you did not even mention any of the many legitimate issues that are related to illegal immigration. You insulted pro-border people several times, but never addressed any of the ACTUAL reasons that people support the wall. That does not help your credibility.


You cannot fool all the people all the time. The pretexts for all the anti-immigrant hysteria over the past few years has run the gamut. Each time those who obsess over the border think they've found their magic elixir - the silver bullet that justifies their absolute stupidity, racism, or whatever in the Hell motivates them to keep beating a dead horse.

All of that boiled down you to making empty assertions and playing the Race Card. Your attempt to appear reasonable is rendered less credible every time you do that.

The people who obsess over a wall have tried the "they're illegal" mantra; they falsely accused undocumented foreigners of not paying taxes; accused them of "stealing jobs" (which was proven to be a textbook socialist accusation); the right has accused the Hispanics of destroying our culture (then saying it's all good provided they do it all "legally.") and now this totally bogus argument that they a threat to national security.

1. If they are here illegally, and either working under the table or under a fake id, they are not paying their full share of taxes.

2. They are stealing jobs and depressing wages. Saying "socialism" is not an argument.

3. The cultural issue is valid.

4. The invasion of tens of millions of unvetted people, is obvious a national security threat.

In 1986, the civilians who were manning the border were accusing the Soviets of befriending Mexico and testing us by sending helicopters over the border. One place they made the accusation was Brownsville, Texas. Supposedly, the Mexican government was training hordes of guerrilla fighters to invade the U.S. at the most opportune moment. I believed all that B.S. back then and was as committed to my stupidity as you are to yours. I researched it, wrote about it, and ghost wrote for prominent expositors of that ideology. I had even manned the border in 1977!

Never heard that one. That unfounded accusations were made long ago by other people, does not undermine the legitimacy of my arguments.

Indeed, it is pretty special of you to argue that it does.

The reality is that in 1953, the United States announced plans to send all the undocumented Hispanics back across the border. And so they started "Operation Wetback." In less than five years our unemployment rate doubled!!!! Americans did not understand the economics of their own country and way beyond half a century of arguing about it, you STILL don't get it.

Standard lib tactic. When their point is very weak, they don't actually SAY it, they just IMPLY it, so that the person they are debating has to first MAKE their point for them, and then challenge it.

Giving the liberal in question, the clever, albeit, dishonest out of claiming the other person misrepresented their argument.

You want to make a point about what happened in 1953, make it clearly.

If those who obsess over a wall are correct, then the absence of a wall means we never were a sovereign country....

That is silliness.

So, how in the Hell did we build the greatest nation in recorded history? OR did historians lie about our achievements?
If we needed a wall in order to be a sovereign nation, then the Right of conquest means we never became a nation and the Hispanics have as much a right to be here as you do since your laws would be ultra vires - null and void. It is an idiotic argument. Only two days ago a news story had this:

Meaningless supporting arguments for an argument, that hopes to grow into a straw man someday.

"A bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials issued a statement Monday saying that “there is no factual basis” for President Trump’s proclamation of a national emergency to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border."

Former senior national security officials issue declaration on national emergency

When you have governors of border states, both Houses of Congress in bipartisan language, a majority of the American people, and a bipartisan group of national security officials telling you that you're wrong, maybe you should apprise yourself of the facts.

Trump won the election with his primary message of Building the Wall.

This is a democratic republic. Winning the election trumps all the polling data and any authorities you want to cite.

That this is even being discussed instead of just DONE, is a scandal in of itself.

The one thing that puts me on the opposite side of the fence is the right's inability to use their damn brains.

Meaningless partisan swill.

All over the United States the state governments are cracking down on your Second Amendment Rights. The feds are following suit. Donald Trump is anti - gun having supported an "assault weapons ban," waiting periods to purchase firearms, the bump stock ban, and now Red Flag Laws. A lot of those gun toting idiots from the right haven't the sense God gave a goat.

Trump nominated William Barr as his Attorney General. That POS is anti - gun and is in favor of ASSET FORFEITURE LAWS. So, while all of this gun stuff is being enacted, the list of who's next grows longer and longer. So, you think you won't give up your guns? What a bunch of non-thinking dolts! When Uncle Scam nails you on firearm violations, they will take your weapons, seize the balance of your assets and turn them into wall money.

"Under the powers delegated by such statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens," says a 2007 CRS report."

Meaningless attempt at deflection.

President Trump could declare a national emergency. But would that get him funds for a wall?

"The Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency takes around $3.6 billion in funds earmarked for military construction—as well as $600 million in asset forfeiture funds and around $2.5 billion drawn from Department of Defense funds aimed at drug interdiction—and adds it to the $1.375 billion Congress had included in the actual spending bill to build a wall along the US southern border wall almost all experts agree won't actually work."

Sounds like a good start.

Trump's Border Wall Lawsuit Tops This Week’s Internet News Roundup

What in the Hell is wrong with those who worship a freaking wall at the expense of their Liberties????? Can't you understand the real objective?

Is Life so dear or peace so sweet that it should be purchased at the price of chains?" Patrick Henry

Building a Wall to protect the nation from outside forces, is perhaps the most legitimate possible use of seizure powers.

What a wall of text for you to just say you believe you have a monopoly on understanding - even if you have to load your responses with bullshit, lies, misunderstandings and disproven theories. Correll, you've had your ass kicked so many times that I almost feel sorry for you.

I will trust the posters here to review the links and feel free to ignore you when you call valid links deflection. You don't know what you're talking about. You did more to discredit your own argument if I took fifty paragraphs picking your dung apart.

You're such a fucking rube. :lol:

Rube, using your numbers, according to what you said, the U.S. has 4 rights while every other nation on Earth has at least 5.
... see now why folks here laugh at you? You didn't posit anyone said we have one less right ... you idiotically framed it that gave us fewer rights than every other country. Which of course, is insane enough on its own -- but then you doubled down on insanity, and bizarrely attributed that to someone who said no such thing....

Dude. I was not saying that the US has FIVE rights and the rest of the world has FOUR rights,

I was trying to rub in your face the point about x-1 being less than x.

I asked you to support your claim that the US has other rights that somehow balance out the one that your side wants US to cede, and you were not able to give me one.

You've utterly lost.

My point stands, moron. YOu people want to deny the US a right that ever other nation on the planet has.

Which means that for some reason that you won't be honest about, you want the US to have less rights than ever other nation.

You've doubled down on this idea by claiming that the US makes up for that one right, because we have other rights that other nations don't have.

When asked to list them, you were unable to do that.

Dude. You lose.
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.


What a pantload!

While trying to be a smart ass, unable to make a cogent argument, you belittle and demean every person you disagree with.

Nobody really understands what you're saying because you never really say anything - at least anything of substance.

As a constitutionalist, you now have detractors on BOTH sides of the political aisle telling you that your crap isn't worth responding to. When you mature and start acting like an adult, I might try to take you serious. Otherwise, if all you have is calling people stupid on each point you disagree with, it simply isn't enough to impress anyone except brainwashed dullards with a shoe size higher than their IQ (like you.)

When you disagree, you call people libtards and say it is a standard liberal tactic. Prove it. Cite your source for such an outrageous and ridiculous allegation. If you cannot prove it (which you cannot) then we will simply accept the fact that you are a liar looking for attention. I'm not a liberal and if you had an IQ, you'd realize it.
Last edited:
An "ally" who's people have violated our national sovereignty, at least 10s of millions of times over the last couple of decades.

With "allies", like that, who needs enemies?
what are you talking about? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
Show me the immigration clause, illegal.

There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Only a complete moron could read that and not understand what my point was.

So, don't pretend that the reason you did not address what I actually said, was because of anything wrong with me, or what I said, punk.
there is no immigration clause, why is that, illegal.

Why should I address your points, when you never address mine?

Go bother someone, else, coward.
Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
And you’re brain-dead to “deduce” he said we have fewer rights than ever other country. :cuckoo:

Why else would he, and all you other libs, want the US to not have the right to secure our border and control who and what enters our community, while ever other nation has that same right?

It is brain dead to ignore the obvious meaning of his position.
Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
”I never said that they SAID that, you moron.”

I didn’t say you claimed he “SAID that.” This would be you lying again. I said you claimed you thought that was he position, which you just confirmed.

And I have explained why I think that.

If you think I am wrong, the way you would argue that, is to explain the flaw you find in my argument, instead of making unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion,

you moron.
I was clearly not talking about either the rights that the nations support internally for their citizens, nor even what is actually the status quo.

I clearly stated that you liberals want the US to have fewer rights than other nations do, ie the right to control who and what enters their nation and becomes part of their community.

All you are doing now, is trying to confuse the issue, which was fucking clear as a bell,

to hide the fact that you argued yourself into the most idiotic position I have ever seen a man take.


I want you to know that I'm the most conservative person on this site. But, over the last 25 years the whole idea of conservatism changed. The movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) changed; I didn't.

The immigration issue is one of the most glaring examples. Here we have a majority of the people in the United States saying we do not need a border wall; the states bordering the wall do not want it; both Houses of Congress rejected it. Adding insult to injury, when private funds were solicited with a GoFundMe page, it folded up due to the lack of donations toward the goal.

The Republicans are wasting their time and screwing us out of our Rights on the pretexts of making safe from those from south of the border. Meanwhile, most of the morons chanting their little anti-immigrant mantra are involved in the very activities they wail about on this discussion board (i.e. they hire undocumented foreigners.)

In order to add teeth and move us toward a Hispanic free America, the Republicans have pushed the creation of the Department of Homeland (IN) Security, passage of the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, and the passage of the so - called "Patriot Act." They have attacked the Fourth Amendment until it's not worth the paper it's printed on and done away with the concept of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of one's peers (that is why they want to chant "illegals" instead of the more accurate undocumented foreigner.) The idiocy of the right has allowed tyrants to expand the ability to enforce the Constitution Free Zone; it has promoted warrant less searches; it has increased the used of information databases so that you can't take a dump without Uncle Scam "documenting" it.

Trillions of dollars later and the right being the most likely victim of their own idiotic legislation they still cannot tell you the difference between an unalienable Right and the benefits and the privilege of citizenship. You might have a RINO bully in the White House who is thinking he's stacking the deck in the United States Supreme Court, but one day the bill is going to come due for the unethical and dishonest tactics along with the unconstitutional measures the right is taking in vain for the illusion of a "win."

In the end, you cannot lower your standards - be they legal, political or moral, and think you can win against the Democrats when you're setting the bar below what you accuse them of.

I was taking you seriously until you dropped that bs, "hispanic free America".

1. National Sovereignty is a serious issue, not one to be decided by polls. If so many people support an open border, than change the laws to reflect that. Until then, the law calls for controlling the border.

2. No reasonable person would dismiss those who want border security as "idiots". I can't take you seriously if you pretend that there is not legitimacy when there obviously is.

3. I note that you did not even mention any of the many legitimate issues that are related to illegal immigration. You insulted pro-border people several times, but never addressed any of the ACTUAL reasons that people support the wall. That does not help your credibility.


You cannot fool all the people all the time. The pretexts for all the anti-immigrant hysteria over the past few years has run the gamut. Each time those who obsess over the border think they've found their magic elixir - the silver bullet that justifies their absolute stupidity, racism, or whatever in the Hell motivates them to keep beating a dead horse.

All of that boiled down you to making empty assertions and playing the Race Card. Your attempt to appear reasonable is rendered less credible every time you do that.

The people who obsess over a wall have tried the "they're illegal" mantra; they falsely accused undocumented foreigners of not paying taxes; accused them of "stealing jobs" (which was proven to be a textbook socialist accusation); the right has accused the Hispanics of destroying our culture (then saying it's all good provided they do it all "legally.") and now this totally bogus argument that they a threat to national security.

1. If they are here illegally, and either working under the table or under a fake id, they are not paying their full share of taxes.

2. They are stealing jobs and depressing wages. Saying "socialism" is not an argument.

3. The cultural issue is valid.

4. The invasion of tens of millions of unvetted people, is obvious a national security threat.

In 1986, the civilians who were manning the border were accusing the Soviets of befriending Mexico and testing us by sending helicopters over the border. One place they made the accusation was Brownsville, Texas. Supposedly, the Mexican government was training hordes of guerrilla fighters to invade the U.S. at the most opportune moment. I believed all that B.S. back then and was as committed to my stupidity as you are to yours. I researched it, wrote about it, and ghost wrote for prominent expositors of that ideology. I had even manned the border in 1977!

Never heard that one. That unfounded accusations were made long ago by other people, does not undermine the legitimacy of my arguments.

Indeed, it is pretty special of you to argue that it does.

The reality is that in 1953, the United States announced plans to send all the undocumented Hispanics back across the border. And so they started "Operation Wetback." In less than five years our unemployment rate doubled!!!! Americans did not understand the economics of their own country and way beyond half a century of arguing about it, you STILL don't get it.

Standard lib tactic. When their point is very weak, they don't actually SAY it, they just IMPLY it, so that the person they are debating has to first MAKE their point for them, and then challenge it.

Giving the liberal in question, the clever, albeit, dishonest out of claiming the other person misrepresented their argument.

You want to make a point about what happened in 1953, make it clearly.

If those who obsess over a wall are correct, then the absence of a wall means we never were a sovereign country....

That is silliness.

So, how in the Hell did we build the greatest nation in recorded history? OR did historians lie about our achievements?
If we needed a wall in order to be a sovereign nation, then the Right of conquest means we never became a nation and the Hispanics have as much a right to be here as you do since your laws would be ultra vires - null and void. It is an idiotic argument. Only two days ago a news story had this:

Meaningless supporting arguments for an argument, that hopes to grow into a straw man someday.

"A bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials issued a statement Monday saying that “there is no factual basis” for President Trump’s proclamation of a national emergency to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border."

Former senior national security officials issue declaration on national emergency

When you have governors of border states, both Houses of Congress in bipartisan language, a majority of the American people, and a bipartisan group of national security officials telling you that you're wrong, maybe you should apprise yourself of the facts.

Trump won the election with his primary message of Building the Wall.

This is a democratic republic. Winning the election trumps all the polling data and any authorities you want to cite.

That this is even being discussed instead of just DONE, is a scandal in of itself.

The one thing that puts me on the opposite side of the fence is the right's inability to use their damn brains.

Meaningless partisan swill.

All over the United States the state governments are cracking down on your Second Amendment Rights. The feds are following suit. Donald Trump is anti - gun having supported an "assault weapons ban," waiting periods to purchase firearms, the bump stock ban, and now Red Flag Laws. A lot of those gun toting idiots from the right haven't the sense God gave a goat.

Trump nominated William Barr as his Attorney General. That POS is anti - gun and is in favor of ASSET FORFEITURE LAWS. So, while all of this gun stuff is being enacted, the list of who's next grows longer and longer. So, you think you won't give up your guns? What a bunch of non-thinking dolts! When Uncle Scam nails you on firearm violations, they will take your weapons, seize the balance of your assets and turn them into wall money.

"Under the powers delegated by such statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens," says a 2007 CRS report."

Meaningless attempt at deflection.

President Trump could declare a national emergency. But would that get him funds for a wall?

"The Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency takes around $3.6 billion in funds earmarked for military construction—as well as $600 million in asset forfeiture funds and around $2.5 billion drawn from Department of Defense funds aimed at drug interdiction—and adds it to the $1.375 billion Congress had included in the actual spending bill to build a wall along the US southern border wall almost all experts agree won't actually work."

Sounds like a good start.

Trump's Border Wall Lawsuit Tops This Week’s Internet News Roundup

What in the Hell is wrong with those who worship a freaking wall at the expense of their Liberties????? Can't you understand the real objective?

Is Life so dear or peace so sweet that it should be purchased at the price of chains?" Patrick Henry

Building a Wall to protect the nation from outside forces, is perhaps the most legitimate possible use of seizure powers.

What a wall of text for you to just say you believe you have a monopoly on understanding - even if you have to load your responses with bullshit, lies, misunderstandings and disproven theories. Correll, you've had your ass kicked so many times that I almost feel sorry for you.

I will trust the posters here to review the links and feel free to ignore you when you call valid links deflection. You don't know what you're talking about. You did more to discredit your own argument if I took fifty paragraphs picking your dung apart.

A link can be valid, and still have nothing to do with this topic, and thus be nothing but a deflection.


It is odd that you tried to pretend otherwise.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
And you’re brain-dead to “deduce” he said we have fewer rights than ever other country. :cuckoo:

Why else would he, and all you other libs, want the US to not have the right to secure our border and control who and what enters our community, while ever other nation has that same right?

It is brain dead to ignore the obvious meaning of his position.
Calling not wanting to rebuild the wall, not wanting the right to secure the border is a fallacious argument.

And again, even if that were the argument, and it’s not, not having that one right doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
”I never said that they SAID that, you moron.”

I didn’t say you claimed he “SAID that.” This would be you lying again. I said you claimed you thought that was he position, which you just confirmed.

And I have explained why I think that.

If you think I am wrong, the way you would argue that, is to explain the flaw you find in my argument, instead of making unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion,

you moron.
You lied. Deal with it.
Dude. I was not saying that the US has FIVE rights and the rest of the world has FOUR rights,

I was trying to rub in your face the point about x-1 being less than x.

I asked you to support your claim that the US has other rights that somehow balance out the one that your side wants US to cede, and you were not able to give me one.

You've utterly lost.

My point stands, moron. YOu people want to deny the US a right that ever other nation on the planet has.

Which means that for some reason that you won't be honest about, you want the US to have less rights than ever other nation.

You've doubled down on this idea by claiming that the US makes up for that one right, because we have other rights that other nations don't have.

When asked to list them, you were unable to do that.

Dude. You lose.
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.


What a pantload!

While trying to be a smart ass, unable to make a cogent argument, you belittle and demean every person you disagree with.

Nobody really understands what you're saying because you never really say anything - at least anything of substance.

As a constitutionalist, you now have detractors on BOTH sides of the political aisle telling you that your crap isn't worth responding to. When you mature and start acting like an adult, I might try to take you serious. Otherwise, if all you have is calling people stupid on each point you disagree with, it simply isn't enough to impress anyone except brainwashed dullards with a shoe size higher than their IQ (like you.)

When you disagree, you call people libtards and say it is a standard liberal tactic. Prove it. Cite your source for such an outrageous and ridiculous allegation. If you cannot prove it (which you cannot) then we will simply accept the fact that you are a liar looking for attention. I'm not a liberal and if you had an IQ, you'd realize it.

Do you agree that every nation on the planet has the right to determine who enters and becomes a part of their community?
Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
And you’re brain-dead to “deduce” he said we have fewer rights than ever other country. :cuckoo:

Why else would he, and all you other libs, want the US to not have the right to secure our border and control who and what enters our community, while ever other nation has that same right?

It is brain dead to ignore the obvious meaning of his position.
Calling not wanting to rebuild the wall, not wanting the right to secure the border is a fallacious argument.

And again, even if that were the argument, and it’s not, not having that one right doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country.

1. It's not just not building the Wall. It's on every facet of this issue, the Left falls on one side, ie of NOT securing the border.

2. x-1 is less than x. Your denial of this is the type of thing that only a brain damaged toddler would do. One that started out as a slow learner before the major brain injury.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
”I never said that they SAID that, you moron.”

I didn’t say you claimed he “SAID that.” This would be you lying again. I said you claimed you thought that was he position, which you just confirmed.

And I have explained why I think that.

If you think I am wrong, the way you would argue that, is to explain the flaw you find in my argument, instead of making unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion,

you moron.

There you go again, unable to sustain a credible argument so you resort to name calling. If this were a formal debate, you already lost the argument.

In your world, unless we have a wall, then we cannot secure our borders. That might be your opinion, but certainly does not constitute a fact.

You bounce from securing the border to wanting to know who is crossing the border. Come on. Do you think that a country that has published comic books on how to evade immigration authorities is going to level with you about who is crossing the border?

Furthermore, if you suspect all Hispanics of being criminals absent Due Process, then by virtue of the 14th Amendment, ALL persons are entitled to the equal protection of the laws. So, a guy from Georgia should have to be scrutinized carefully before being allowed into South Carolina. AND being that Georgia is being overwhelmed by people moving here, maybe it's time to put up a wall around Georgia and deny access to all that may come here to do business.

Additionally, since you don't give a rip about the presumption of innocence, maybe you support Nancy Pelosi's ideas on gun control? Make people wait to exercise a constitutional Right? Delve into their background and then deny their Rights because they have a "mental health record" after they saw a mental health official for impotence or breaking their cigarette smoking addiction?
Oh, my, you’re severely mentally retarded. I didn’t mean we have only 4 rights. I even said I was using your numbers to illustrate what an abject imbecile you are; and now you step forward to highlight you’re even dumber than I said:

Moron, you didn’t say we have one less right than before ... you said we have less rights than every other country on Earth.

G’head.... demonstrate that....

There are 194 countries on Earth. We’re #53 on that list I posted. Show the forum how we lose one right and drop from #53 to #194......


Your attempt to confuse this issue, to hide your idiocy is denied.

My point stands. YOu fucktards, whom fight against any and every type of border security, believe that the nation AMERICA should have less rights than every other nation.

Every way you have addressed this so far, has been pure idiocy and increasingly dishonest idiocy.
Your point is DOA as we do not have fewer rights than every other country on the planet nor did anyone but you assert such a ridiculous claim.

Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.


What a pantload!

While trying to be a smart ass, unable to make a cogent argument, you belittle and demean every person you disagree with.

Nobody really understands what you're saying because you never really say anything - at least anything of substance.

As a constitutionalist, you now have detractors on BOTH sides of the political aisle telling you that your crap isn't worth responding to. When you mature and start acting like an adult, I might try to take you serious. Otherwise, if all you have is calling people stupid on each point you disagree with, it simply isn't enough to impress anyone except brainwashed dullards with a shoe size higher than their IQ (like you.)

When you disagree, you call people libtards and say it is a standard liberal tactic. Prove it. Cite your source for such an outrageous and ridiculous allegation. If you cannot prove it (which you cannot) then we will simply accept the fact that you are a liar looking for attention. I'm not a liberal and if you had an IQ, you'd realize it.

Do you agree that every nation on the planet has the right to determine who enters and becomes a part of their community?
Sure, a case could be made along those lines. But virtually no one is denying we have that same right.

I want you to know that I'm the most conservative person on this site. But, over the last 25 years the whole idea of conservatism changed. The movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) changed; I didn't.

The immigration issue is one of the most glaring examples. Here we have a majority of the people in the United States saying we do not need a border wall; the states bordering the wall do not want it; both Houses of Congress rejected it. Adding insult to injury, when private funds were solicited with a GoFundMe page, it folded up due to the lack of donations toward the goal.

The Republicans are wasting their time and screwing us out of our Rights on the pretexts of making safe from those from south of the border. Meanwhile, most of the morons chanting their little anti-immigrant mantra are involved in the very activities they wail about on this discussion board (i.e. they hire undocumented foreigners.)

In order to add teeth and move us toward a Hispanic free America, the Republicans have pushed the creation of the Department of Homeland (IN) Security, passage of the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, and the passage of the so - called "Patriot Act." They have attacked the Fourth Amendment until it's not worth the paper it's printed on and done away with the concept of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of one's peers (that is why they want to chant "illegals" instead of the more accurate undocumented foreigner.) The idiocy of the right has allowed tyrants to expand the ability to enforce the Constitution Free Zone; it has promoted warrant less searches; it has increased the used of information databases so that you can't take a dump without Uncle Scam "documenting" it.

Trillions of dollars later and the right being the most likely victim of their own idiotic legislation they still cannot tell you the difference between an unalienable Right and the benefits and the privilege of citizenship. You might have a RINO bully in the White House who is thinking he's stacking the deck in the United States Supreme Court, but one day the bill is going to come due for the unethical and dishonest tactics along with the unconstitutional measures the right is taking in vain for the illusion of a "win."

In the end, you cannot lower your standards - be they legal, political or moral, and think you can win against the Democrats when you're setting the bar below what you accuse them of.

I was taking you seriously until you dropped that bs, "hispanic free America".

1. National Sovereignty is a serious issue, not one to be decided by polls. If so many people support an open border, than change the laws to reflect that. Until then, the law calls for controlling the border.

2. No reasonable person would dismiss those who want border security as "idiots". I can't take you seriously if you pretend that there is not legitimacy when there obviously is.

3. I note that you did not even mention any of the many legitimate issues that are related to illegal immigration. You insulted pro-border people several times, but never addressed any of the ACTUAL reasons that people support the wall. That does not help your credibility.


You cannot fool all the people all the time. The pretexts for all the anti-immigrant hysteria over the past few years has run the gamut. Each time those who obsess over the border think they've found their magic elixir - the silver bullet that justifies their absolute stupidity, racism, or whatever in the Hell motivates them to keep beating a dead horse.

All of that boiled down you to making empty assertions and playing the Race Card. Your attempt to appear reasonable is rendered less credible every time you do that.

The people who obsess over a wall have tried the "they're illegal" mantra; they falsely accused undocumented foreigners of not paying taxes; accused them of "stealing jobs" (which was proven to be a textbook socialist accusation); the right has accused the Hispanics of destroying our culture (then saying it's all good provided they do it all "legally.") and now this totally bogus argument that they a threat to national security.

1. If they are here illegally, and either working under the table or under a fake id, they are not paying their full share of taxes.

2. They are stealing jobs and depressing wages. Saying "socialism" is not an argument.

3. The cultural issue is valid.

4. The invasion of tens of millions of unvetted people, is obvious a national security threat.

In 1986, the civilians who were manning the border were accusing the Soviets of befriending Mexico and testing us by sending helicopters over the border. One place they made the accusation was Brownsville, Texas. Supposedly, the Mexican government was training hordes of guerrilla fighters to invade the U.S. at the most opportune moment. I believed all that B.S. back then and was as committed to my stupidity as you are to yours. I researched it, wrote about it, and ghost wrote for prominent expositors of that ideology. I had even manned the border in 1977!

Never heard that one. That unfounded accusations were made long ago by other people, does not undermine the legitimacy of my arguments.

Indeed, it is pretty special of you to argue that it does.

The reality is that in 1953, the United States announced plans to send all the undocumented Hispanics back across the border. And so they started "Operation Wetback." In less than five years our unemployment rate doubled!!!! Americans did not understand the economics of their own country and way beyond half a century of arguing about it, you STILL don't get it.

Standard lib tactic. When their point is very weak, they don't actually SAY it, they just IMPLY it, so that the person they are debating has to first MAKE their point for them, and then challenge it.

Giving the liberal in question, the clever, albeit, dishonest out of claiming the other person misrepresented their argument.

You want to make a point about what happened in 1953, make it clearly.

If those who obsess over a wall are correct, then the absence of a wall means we never were a sovereign country....

That is silliness.

So, how in the Hell did we build the greatest nation in recorded history? OR did historians lie about our achievements?
If we needed a wall in order to be a sovereign nation, then the Right of conquest means we never became a nation and the Hispanics have as much a right to be here as you do since your laws would be ultra vires - null and void. It is an idiotic argument. Only two days ago a news story had this:

Meaningless supporting arguments for an argument, that hopes to grow into a straw man someday.

"A bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials issued a statement Monday saying that “there is no factual basis” for President Trump’s proclamation of a national emergency to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border."

Former senior national security officials issue declaration on national emergency

When you have governors of border states, both Houses of Congress in bipartisan language, a majority of the American people, and a bipartisan group of national security officials telling you that you're wrong, maybe you should apprise yourself of the facts.

Trump won the election with his primary message of Building the Wall.

This is a democratic republic. Winning the election trumps all the polling data and any authorities you want to cite.

That this is even being discussed instead of just DONE, is a scandal in of itself.

The one thing that puts me on the opposite side of the fence is the right's inability to use their damn brains.

Meaningless partisan swill.

All over the United States the state governments are cracking down on your Second Amendment Rights. The feds are following suit. Donald Trump is anti - gun having supported an "assault weapons ban," waiting periods to purchase firearms, the bump stock ban, and now Red Flag Laws. A lot of those gun toting idiots from the right haven't the sense God gave a goat.

Trump nominated William Barr as his Attorney General. That POS is anti - gun and is in favor of ASSET FORFEITURE LAWS. So, while all of this gun stuff is being enacted, the list of who's next grows longer and longer. So, you think you won't give up your guns? What a bunch of non-thinking dolts! When Uncle Scam nails you on firearm violations, they will take your weapons, seize the balance of your assets and turn them into wall money.

"Under the powers delegated by such statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens," says a 2007 CRS report."

Meaningless attempt at deflection.

President Trump could declare a national emergency. But would that get him funds for a wall?

"The Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency takes around $3.6 billion in funds earmarked for military construction—as well as $600 million in asset forfeiture funds and around $2.5 billion drawn from Department of Defense funds aimed at drug interdiction—and adds it to the $1.375 billion Congress had included in the actual spending bill to build a wall along the US southern border wall almost all experts agree won't actually work."

Sounds like a good start.

Trump's Border Wall Lawsuit Tops This Week’s Internet News Roundup

What in the Hell is wrong with those who worship a freaking wall at the expense of their Liberties????? Can't you understand the real objective?

Is Life so dear or peace so sweet that it should be purchased at the price of chains?" Patrick Henry

Building a Wall to protect the nation from outside forces, is perhaps the most legitimate possible use of seizure powers.

What a wall of text for you to just say you believe you have a monopoly on understanding - even if you have to load your responses with bullshit, lies, misunderstandings and disproven theories. Correll, you've had your ass kicked so many times that I almost feel sorry for you.

I will trust the posters here to review the links and feel free to ignore you when you call valid links deflection. You don't know what you're talking about. You did more to discredit your own argument if I took fifty paragraphs picking your dung apart.

A link can be valid, and still have nothing to do with this topic, and thus be nothing but a deflection.


It is odd that you tried to pretend otherwise.

Your ignorance and inability to connect dots does not a deflection make.
Your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my point is not credible.

YOu ARE stupid, but your previous replies demonstrated an understanding of what I was actually saying.

My point stands. THe lefties that fight against the US securing the border, want the US to have fewer rights than every other nation on the world, as ever other nation has that specific right.

I understand exactly what you said. You said you thought danielpalos position was that we have fewer rights than every other nation. And like it or not, that is what you said...

“You can't justify your position of America and Americans having fewer rights than EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE FUCKING WORLD.” ~ a rube

He never said that. No one did but you. You’re a friggin’ maniac. :ack-1:

There absolutely are countries with fewer rights than in the U.S..

As i have pointed out before, that the idea of looking at a man's actions and, deducing what this means about their internal thought processes,

that this is an alien concept to you,

is something wrong with YOU, not me.

To be very clear, so that you can't pretend to not understand, without looking grotesquely stupid,

I never said that they SAID that, you moron.
”I never said that they SAID that, you moron.”

I didn’t say you claimed he “SAID that.” This would be you lying again. I said you claimed you thought that was he position, which you just confirmed.

And I have explained why I think that.

If you think I am wrong, the way you would argue that, is to explain the flaw you find in my argument, instead of making unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion,

you moron.

There you go again, unable to sustain a credible argument so you resort to name calling. If this were a formal debate, you already lost the argument.

In your world, unless we have a wall, then we cannot secure our borders. That might be your opinion, but certainly does not constitute a fact.

Dude, I've made my argument over and over, and this moron is denying the very principle of looking at a man's actions and deducing what his thinking is from that.

To be clear, he is not arguing that my reasoning is wrong, he is arguing that the very idea of using reasoning to figure out what people think, based on their behavior, is wrong.

Also, he almost certainly started with insults.

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