Trump wrong about Uyghurs in Xinjiang China

Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs
We should do to Hispanic children what Brazil does. Dump them along the road until people hire hunters to take out the feral children. It's been going on for a long time.

Death Squads Kill Brazil's Crime-Prone Street Kids
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

so your going to defend communist china,,,what a tool

and those crossing the border illegally are not rounded up, they are intercepted at the border or arrested for crimes committed and held until such time they can be sent back home or determined if they can stay,,,

dont be a fucking idiot,,you make the rest of humnity look bad
I read get "RealDave's post. I' probably going out on a limb here but doesn't "displacing people" with different beliefs and life styles with people from other parts of China sound like a Political cleansing. Where are the displaced people going ? Re education camps! What does that entail I wonder! Nobody will ever know where the bodies are buried. A million people is a comma in a sentence in a country with over a Billion people. Destroy the opposition is the Communist way ! Thanks anyway Not so REAL"istic"DAVE
You mean you don't know what's happening with the displaced muslims. I thought everyone knew.

China is harvesting thousands of human organs from its Uighur Muslim minority, UN human-rights body hears
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs
We should do to Hispanic children what Brazil does. ....

That's not funny.
The Muslims should have left jihad alone. They aren't dealing with Americans or Europeans. The same thing is going on in Myanmar. The muslims started a jihad that the government is going to finish.
The situation in Xinjiang is not a jihad, dumbass.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

You are mistaken.
No, I am not. I was in Xinjiang Province in the late 90's. It has nothing to do with religion.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

so your going to defend communist china,,,what a tool

and those crossing the border illegally are not rounded up, they are intercepted at the border or arrested for crimes committed and held until such time they can be sent back home or determined if they can stay,,,

dont be a fucking idiot,,you make the rest of humnity look bad
I read get "RealDave's post. I' probably going out on a limb here but doesn't "displacing people" with different beliefs and life styles with people from other parts of China sound like a Political cleansing. Where are the displaced people going ? Re education camps! What does that entail I wonder! Nobody will ever know where the bodies are buried. A million people is a comma in a sentence in a country with over a Billion people. Destroy the opposition is the Communist way ! Thanks anyway Not so REAL"istic"DAVE
You mean you don't know what's happening with the displaced muslims. I thought everyone knew.

China is harvesting thousands of human organs from its Uighur Muslim minority, UN human-rights body hears
Sure they are.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

You are mistaken.
No, I am not. I was in Xinjiang Province in the late 90's. It has nothing to do with religion.

Nonsense. Politics and religion are interconnected, and communism is antithetical to religion to begin with. It does have to do with religion as well as other factors. You are mistaken.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

so your going to defend communist china,,,what a tool

and those crossing the border illegally are not rounded up, they are intercepted at the border or arrested for crimes committed and held until such time they can be sent back home or determined if they can stay,,,

dont be a fucking idiot,,you make the rest of humnity look bad
I read get "RealDave's post. I' probably going out on a limb here but doesn't "displacing people" with different beliefs and life styles with people from other parts of China sound like a Political cleansing. Where are the displaced people going ? Re education camps! What does that entail I wonder! Nobody will ever know where the bodies are buried. A million people is a comma in a sentence in a country with over a Billion people. Destroy the opposition is the Communist way ! Thanks anyway Not so REAL"istic"DAVE

Tell that to the NBA!
The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion
No, it's their religion.

You said the "Chinese government want [sic] to populate" the region.

The region is already populated. By Uyghurs.

This is ethnic cleansing.

The Chinese government has already imprisoned a million Uyghurs, and the Chinese companies have provided technology which enables the government to track the movements of those who aren't behind bars.

It's a police state's wet dream. Reality has caught up to science fiction.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

SRSLY? You are an apologist for Chinese Genocide against Uyghurs?


Just plain Wow.
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs

SRSLY? You are an apologist for Chinese Genocide against Uyghurs?


Just plain Wow.

You people are just too stupid.

The Chinese government is doing this because of their rebellion not their religion. It dioes not condone any of it.

Why is that too difficult for you to get.

And if we look at Trump
The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion
No, it's their religion.

You said the "Chinese government want [sic] to populate" the region.

The region is already populated. By Uyghurs.

This is ethnic cleansing.

The Chinese government has already imprisoned a million Uyghurs, and the Chinese companies have provided technology which enables the government to track the movements of those who aren't behind bars.

It's a police state's wet dream. Reality has caught up to science fiction.

You have no clue how China does things.

The idea the Uyghurs did not want the influx of people has nothing to do with their religion.
The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion
No, it's their religion.

You said the "Chinese government want [sic] to populate" the region.

The region is already populated. By Uyghurs.

This is ethnic cleansing.

The Chinese government has already imprisoned a million Uyghurs, and the Chinese companies have provided technology which enables the government to track the movements of those who aren't behind bars.

It's a police state's wet dream. Reality has caught up to science fiction.

You have no clue how China does things......

The same could be said to you.
Muslim women "forced to share beds" with male Chinese

Muslim women ‘forced to share beds’ with male Chinese officials after husbands detained in internment camps.

Muslim women whose husbands have been detained in Chinese internment camps are reportedly being forced to share beds with male government officials assigned to monitor them in their homes.

The monitoring forms part of the systematic repression of Muslims in China’s western Xinjiang region, where experts and human rights groups believe more than a million Uighurs – most of them men – have been arbitrarily detained in secretive re-education camps.

Since early last year, Uighur families in Xinjiang have been required to invite government officials into their homes, provide them information about their lives and political views, and comply with political indoctrination.

China has deployed more than a million spies – most of them male and part of the country’s Han ethnic majority – to stay in Uighur households every two months as part of what it calls the “Pair Up and Become Family” programme.

The officer described the spies as “helping” the Uighur families “with their ideology, bringing new ideas” and “talk to them about life, during which time they develop feelings for one another”.

China has said the home visits are aimed at “fostering ethnic harmony,” with officials tasked with teaching families Mandarin and Communist Party songs, participating in group activities, and helping out around the house.

After initially denying the existence of internment camps, the government later began referring to them as voluntary “vocational training centres”.

But former detainees have alleged that inmates are subjected to torture, medical experiments and gang rape.

People will look back at this like we look back at the Holocaust
Trump is putting on sanctions against certain Chins companies citing religious freedom violations in Xinjiang Province in China.

The problem is that the situastion there has nothing to do with religion. Trump is either lying again or too stupid to know what the situation really is.

Xinjiang Province has a large population of Uyghurs which are primarily Muslim. The Chinese government want to populate thst province & build settlements send in people from other parts of China. The Uyghurs rebelled and have been for over twenty years. This is why the Uyghurs are being rounded up & some imprisoned. The rebellion, not their religion

Maybe China should get some drone footage of our rounding up immigrant Hispanic children at the border and keeping them in camps.

At U.N., Trump pushes religious freedom at event slamming China over Uighurs
Huh? We are round up children??
WHAT ACTUAL “RESISTANCE” LOOKS LIKE: “He refused”: China sees online tributes to an official who freed Muslims in Xinjiang.
Muslim women "forced to share beds" with male Chinese

Muslim women ‘forced to share beds’ with male Chinese officials after husbands detained in internment camps.

Muslim women whose husbands have been detained in Chinese internment camps are reportedly being forced to share beds with male government officials assigned to monitor them in their homes.

The monitoring forms part of the systematic repression of Muslims in China’s western Xinjiang region, where experts and human rights groups believe more than a million Uighurs – most of them men – have been arbitrarily detained in secretive re-education camps.

Since early last year, Uighur families in Xinjiang have been required to invite government officials into their homes, provide them information about their lives and political views, and comply with political indoctrination.

China has deployed more than a million spies – most of them male and part of the country’s Han ethnic majority – to stay in Uighur households every two months as part of what it calls the “Pair Up and Become Family” programme.

The officer described the spies as “helping” the Uighur families “with their ideology, bringing new ideas” and “talk to them about life, during which time they develop feelings for one another”.

China has said the home visits are aimed at “fostering ethnic harmony,” with officials tasked with teaching families Mandarin and Communist Party songs, participating in group activities, and helping out around the house.

After initially denying the existence of internment camps, the government later began referring to them as voluntary “vocational training centres”.

But former detainees have alleged that inmates are subjected to torture, medical experiments and gang rape.

It’s beyond Orwellian.

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