Trump: You know that Muslim ban I mentioned that got me elected? Sike!

Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.
So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?
So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?
So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?

Yeah, when the rubber hit the road, we would be better off voting for a career criminal that treats her underlings like shit. What this country needs is a globalist and Sal Alinskyite that is connected to not only the CFR, Trilateral Commission but the Bilderburg group whose biggest goal is to end the sovereignty of all nations and install the U.N constitution that is all about collectivism with no individual rights, 24/7 surveillance and non-compliant serfs get their chip cut off until they see the errors of their ways.

That is what we are being led that the kind of world that you want to live in? Not me....I will die fighting against it with every fiber of my being.

Like I said. Despite the fact that Trump Never ever mentioned the Bilderburg group you believe he's fighting it.

Trump seems to be a formless mass that you guys just pour your beliefs into. Anything!

I have no say in this election because I gave up my U.S citizenship and reclaimed my "American" status but I know what this country is getting with Hitlery. You don't know her past like I do and how deeply they are linked with the Bush crime family because they are thicker than thieves. GH Bush was basically the president the whole time Reagan was in office. Reagan didn't want Bush as his VP but he was pushed on him and less than three months later Reagan is shot by the son of a family that is long time friends with the Bush family? It's not a coincidence. Bush knew in 1992 that Bill Clinton was going to take over and it was agreed upon. Dole agreed to take the fall in 1996. It was agreed upon that GW Bush would takeover in 2000 and they rigged the election in 2000 and 2004. Hanging chads in 2000 and then the Diebold electronic voting machines with no paper trail in 2004....not that it would have mattered because John Kerry was a "Skull and Bones" alumni and a "brother" of Bush Jr. It is sooooo easy to connect the dots when you wake up and see that we have been played for fools.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

It's about WINNING...Do you need to see this again, asshole? He's taken LESSONS from you corrupt DemoRATS and YOU fuckers don't have a fucking clue how to beat him!!!

So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?
No link to back what you claim? You liberals have been doing that all day. LIARS.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Obama gave MANY anti-Same Sex Marriage speeches and SUDDENLY reversed his position.
I lived did you.
Except I see the reversal in an objective timeframe.
So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?
No link to back what you claim? You liberals have been doing that all day. LIARS.

Its been out for a couple weeks now.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban proposal temporary, just a suggestion

Trump's Muslim Ban 'Suggestion' Still Lacks Specifics Months After Being Proposed

You better now? Will you stop lumping me in with these strawman liberals you rail about not providing links?

Of course not.
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Again, he's pliable, and will rethink positions when needed.... But Obozo NEVER did that, it was his way or the highway! He's a fucking dictator!


Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Obama gave MANY anti-Same Sex Marriage speeches and SUDDENLY reversed his position.
I lived did you.
Except I see the reversal in an objective timeframe.

Yeah, you keep saying suddenly, I get what you're trying to do. But ppl voted for Obama ANYWAY. With Trump he's saying both thing...he will and then he wont. And you like both!
Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Again, he's pliable, and will rethink positions when needed.... But Obozo NEVER did that, it was his way or the highway! He's a fucking dictator

If he's pliable again I ask, what are you voting for Trump FOR?

His ability to tell you something and immediately back peddle saying it was a ruse to get your vote?

Say anything for the sale huh?
Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Again, he's pliable, and will rethink positions when needed.... But Obozo NEVER did that, it was his way or the highway! He's a fucking dictator

If he's pliable again I ask, what are you voting for Trump FOR?

His ability to tell you something and immediately back peddle saying it was a ruse to get your vote?

Say anything for the sale huh?

I have posted this several times...
Trump has been talking Fair Trade and Business Visa abuse for over 10 years.

I am 100% convinced you will ignore this post and ask me this question again In three days.
Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.
Again, he's pliable, and will rethink positions when needed.... But Obozo NEVER did that, it was his way or the highway! He's a fucking dictator

If he's pliable again I ask, what are you voting for Trump FOR?

His ability to tell you something and immediately back peddle saying it was a ruse to get your vote?

Say anything for the sale huh?

BUT we KNOW what the Hildebeast is...she has a POLITICAL HISTORY, dumbass!


FORTY TWO YEARS of unethical and immoral character!

Last year must've been the year of change because Trump was never a Republican until he wanted your vote. That's the art of the deal.

Of course he was! He was both a Republican and a DemoRAT DEPENDING on what he thought would be the BEST for his business....Look it up, dimwit, it's available on the NET.... his VOTER REGISTRATION!

So he has no core values or loyalty. Sounds great.

Core values such as Obama being anti-Same Sex Marriage?
Until he was SUDDENLY Pro-Same Sex Marriage.
It takes a lot of effort to be a buffoon but you seem to do it with so little effort.

The only difference is that Obama says he changed his mind. Not suddenly. Trump says he's for a Muslim ban and 3 months later says just kidding. See, people voted for Obama when he was same sex marriage. People are coring for Trump for the Ban that he admits isn't solid..he's thinking it over.

Barrypuppet is having muslims flown over here overtly and covertly with no vetting process whatsoever, the southern border is open....doesn't that give you the clue that this war on terrorism was a fraud from the "git go" and that 9/11/01 was a staged event? They are dropping off muslim refugees into communities that are ill-equipt to handle them and they are doing it all over the United States. China has been busted for using the deep water port in California (given to them by Clinton) under the "Costco" brand to bring in semi automatic weapons to give to gangs. You see, under the fair trade agreement, customs agents are only allowed to inspect one out of 8 ships docking there...but yet this administration is a party to false flag events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting, Oregon and San Bernadino to try and sway people into giving up their 2nd amendment might want to wake up as to what is going on because this theater acting is blatantly clear to me.
She's LOSING her strongest SYCOPHANTS in the MSM...That CAN'T be good!!!!

  • MSNBC’s Brzezinski: Feels Like Clinton Is ‘Lying Straight Out’ About Her Emails ^ | 26 May 2016 | Ian Hanchett
    On Thursday, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski said that it feels like Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “lying straight out” about her emails. Brzezinski said, “Here are the things that, like over time, we remember here, her saying repeatedly it was allowed. A private server, set up in her home, by an IT guy who was given immunity, and his emails are missing. And she even joked when she was asked, and I think in a high school gym, did you wipe the server, meaning get rid of everything so no one could see...
If MIKA BRZEZINSKI realizes this, who's father was one of the strongest lefties in any administration, then ALL IS LOST!!!!

She's LOSING her strongest SYCOPHANTS in the MSM...That CAN'T be good!!!!

  • MSNBC’s Brzezinski: Feels Like Clinton Is ‘Lying Straight Out’ About Her Emails ^ | 26 May 2016 | Ian Hanchett
    On Thursday, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski said that it feels like Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “lying straight out” about her emails. Brzezinski said, “Here are the things that, like over time, we remember here, her saying repeatedly it was allowed. A private server, set up in her home, by an IT guy who was given immunity, and his emails are missing. And she even joked when she was asked, and I think in a high school gym, did you wipe the server, meaning get rid of everything so no one could see...
If MIKA BRZEZINSKI realizes this, who's father was one of the strongest lefties in any administration, then ALL IS LOST!!!!


Her old man Zbigniew Brzezinski is one the the major players on the globalist scene and one sorry piece of shit. He is a David Rockefeller minion that helped to form the Trilateral Commission.
Trump can’t ‘un-ring’ the bell.

He remains in fact a bigot and a liar whether he flip-flops on his ‘Muslim ban’ or not.
So if he's not standing by a ban then why do people think he's standing by a ban?

I know, I know politicians lie. But he's not a politician according to people who see themselves in Trump, somehow. And they claim to not like lies. So when someone says they'll do something to get elected. Then says before the primary that thing wasn't real.

What are you voting FOR?
Trump supporters are voting for a candidate who reflects their own bigotry, hate, and stupidity.

Other republicans are voting for Trump because they’re blind partisan hacks who’ll support whatever reprobate the party nominates – in this case Trump, and they’ll ignore the fact that Trump is a bigot, liar, con man, and otherwise unqualified to be president.

Trying to understand why republicans support Trump in the context of logic and reason is pointless.

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