Trump: You know that Muslim ban I mentioned that got me elected? Sike!

Barrypuppet is having muslims flown over here overtly and covertly with no vetting process whatsoever, the southern border is open....doesn't that give you the clue that this war on terrorism was a fraud from the "git go" and that 9/11/01 was a staged event? They are dropping off muslim refugees into communities that are ill-equipt to handle them and they are doing it all over the United States. China has been busted for using the deep water port in California (given to them by Clinton) under the "Costco" brand to bring in semi automatic weapons to give to gangs. You see, under the fair trade agreement, customs agents are only allowed to inspect one out of 8 ships docking there...but yet this administration is a party to false flag events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting, Oregon and San Bernadino to try and sway people into giving up their 2nd amendment might want to wake up as to what is going on because this theater acting is blatantly clear to me.
If MIKA BRZEZINSKI realizes this, who's father was one of the strongest lefties in any administration, then ALL IS LOST!!!!
The same Mika Brzezinski who works for that network that cons claim nobody watches? Clinton is doomed, DOOMED I tell ya! :lol:
Trump can’t ‘un-ring’ the bell.

He remains in fact a bigot and a liar whether he flip-flops on his ‘Muslim ban’ or not.

I still shake my head at your utter stupidity. It is my sincere hope that one of these radical muslim sandniglets slits your throat some day.
Barrypuppet is having muslims flown over here overtly and covertly with no vetting process whatsoever, the southern border is open....doesn't that give you the clue that this war on terrorism was a fraud from the "git go" and that 9/11/01 was a staged event? They are dropping off muslim refugees into communities that are ill-equipt to handle them and they are doing it all over the United States. China has been busted for using the deep water port in California (given to them by Clinton) under the "Costco" brand to bring in semi automatic weapons to give to gangs. You see, under the fair trade agreement, customs agents are only allowed to inspect one out of 8 ships docking there...but yet this administration is a party to false flag events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting, Oregon and San Bernadino to try and sway people into giving up their 2nd amendment might want to wake up as to what is going on because this theater acting is blatantly clear to me.

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