Trumpery Is Metastasizing, Infecting Democratic Elections Elsewhere

Trump and his attacks upon the democratic process, aided and abetted by his weird worshipers who perpetuate his trashing certified elections, are crapping on the will of the People and fueling mindless cynicism and paranoia.
Other than that, things are going pretty OK. :smoke:

Trump and his attacks upon the democratic process
You mean like hiding nuclear secrets in a pair of dirty ladies underwear so the FBI would have to go searching through Barron's comic books?

who perpetuate his trashing certified elections
Yes but the 2020 election is certified TRASH, so, a difference without a distinction.

his weird worshipers ~ ~ ~ are crapping on the will of the People
You mean the people WANTED $5.99/gallon gasoline, empty store shelves, high crime, rampant invasion and hyperinflation???

fueling mindless cynicism and paranoia.
Kind of like declaring Trump would start WWIII if elected. :71:

Brazil's president prepares for election loss by declaring vote rigged
But I thought they were the ones who taught you guys how to cheat!
Focusing on Trump instead of the current state of the country is something you Democrats must do to be able to function.
I enjoy how apostate Trump toadies need to pretend the Loser is not contriving to be a media headliner and dominate and pervert the political Sturm und Drang.

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 4.13.03 PM.png

The "Just ignore him and he'll go away!" advice is exceedingly fatuous.
Shitlips appears concerned. 👍

I guess even libtards occasionally see a glimmer of reality. And the reality is that Donald Trump IS a threat.

He is a threat to the thieving DNC, their Deep State and their relentless quest for power for the mere sake of power.
And your solution is…??
It is really interesting to live during a time when a strange form of mass psychosis infects untold millions of people focusing the entirety of their maniacal attention on one man and one man only.
Shitlips appears concerned. 👍

I guess even libtards occasionally see a glimmer of reality. And the reality is that Donald Trump IS a threat.

He is a threat to the thieving DNC, their Deep State and their relentless quest for power for the mere sake of power.
They want to say that because Trump is a threat then we're a threat.
But in truth the only threat is any Democrat in the continental United States.
And your solution is…??
Solution to what, exactly, Fran?

Since you seem incapable of posting coherently, I’ll take a guess. You seem to be under the mistaken belief that there is a problem. But if my reading of the tea leaves is correct, then the “solution” is to re-elect President Trump.
what are you 12? damn just arguing with a 6th grader. there's the bell recess is over junior
So, to recap, you have conjecture, hyperbole, moon-bat baseless conspiracies, "but, I feel it in my heart the election was stold!", reguritated Qanon/OAN debunked talking points, yet still no actual, concrete FACT that would stand up in a copurt of law.

So, to recap, you have conjecture, hyperbole, moon-bat baseless conspiracies, "but, I feel it in my heart the election was stold!", reguritated Qanon/OAN debunked talking points, yet still no actual, concrete FACT that would stand up in a copurt of law.

on ignore you go, I can't stomach dumbasses

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