Trumpery Is Metastasizing, Infecting Democratic Elections Elsewhere

And your solution is…??
I'm glad you asked. How about having the decency to take seriously the 900+ sworn statements of irregularities, the mysterious stoppage of vote counting in battleground states, AT THE SAME TIME. Covering windows into rooms where vote counting was occurring and keeping observers so far back from the tables where the counting was being done that there was no way they could observe?

The bottom line is that had any of these elements been taken seriously and actually investigated a lot fewer people would be angry over the steal. But the Dems refused. They mocked and denied and they still do but they are soon going to find out that when 70+ million of their neighbors disagree with them, it would be well for them to pay attention.
I'm glad you asked. How about having the decency to take seriously the 900+ sworn statements of irregularities, the mysterious stoppage of vote counting in battleground states, AT THE SAME TIME. Covering windows into rooms where vote counting was occurring and keeping observers so far back from the tables where the counting was being done that there was no way they could observe?

The bottom line is that had any of these elements been taken seriously and actually investigated a lot fewer people would be angry over the steal. But the Dems refused. They mocked and denied and they still do but they are soon going to find out that when 70+ million of their neighbors disagree with them, it would be well for them to pay attention.

Forum Democrats have been told who they hate.

You can't expect them to ask why, otherwise they wouldn't be democrats.
Trump and his attacks upon the democratic process, aided and abetted by his weird worshipers who perpetuate his trashing certified elections, are crapping on the will of the People and fueling mindless cynicism and paranoia.

Other authoritarian thugs are now following Trump's whine-if-you-lose philosophy. Trump has triggered an international jihad against democracy: Vilify opponents, incite cultists, and deny elections.

BRASILIA/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) -President Jair Bolsonaro mingled military parades on Brazil's Independence Day with political rallies in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia on Wednesday, firing up hundreds of thousands of supporters less than a month before a heated election.
Opponents and legal experts criticized the far-right leader for co-opting public celebrations of Brazil's bicentennial to serve his re-election campaign, in which polls show him trailing leftist rival Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ahead of a Oct. 2 vote.
"Our battle is a fight between good and evil," Bolsonaro told his supporters from a sound truck in Brasilia, amid cries of "Lula, thief" and banners calling for military intervention in Brazil's Supreme Court.
Bolsonaro toned down his attacks against the judiciary after spending more than a year blasting the courts that run Brazilian elections, which he calls vulnerable to fraud, without citing evidence.

The result of Beijing Biden cheating is that cheating in elections will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. Nobody trusts democrats at election time. This is here to stay, so stand by for a while lot more discussion of election fraud.
The result of Beijing Biden cheating is that cheating in elections will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. Nobody trusts democrats at election time. This is here to stay, so stand by for a while lot more discussion of election fraud.
Your false hype that "Nobody trusts democrats at election time" exposes you as having been indoctrinated in anti-American propaganda.

Please return to reality and document all cases of election fraud that have been confirmed by actual, evidence-based litigation.
I'm glad you asked. How about having the decency to take seriously the 900+ sworn statements of irregularities, the mysterious stoppage of vote counting in battleground states, AT THE SAME TIME. Covering windows into rooms where vote counting was occurring and keeping observers so far back from the tables where the counting was being done that there was no way they could observe?

The bottom line is that had any of these elements been taken seriously and actually investigated a lot fewer people would be angry over the steal. But the Dems refused. They mocked and denied and they still do but they are soon going to find out that when 70+ million of their neighbors disagree with them, it would be well for them to pay attention.
Swing and a MISS
Your false hype that "Nobody trusts democrats at election time" exposes you as having been indoctrinated in anti-American propaganda.

Please return to reality and document all cases of election fraud that have been confirmed by actual, evidence-based litigation.
Beijing Biden cheated. This is here to stay, and it will come up in every election from 2020 on. Nobody trusts democrats, the whole world knows he cheated. Election fraud discussions are permanent now, that's what happens when you cheat. Beijing Biden destroyed election integrity. Not even the massive censorship campaign to cover up the fraud will fix this.
Beijing Biden cheated.
You cannot cite a single ruling anywhere in the land that supports your fantasy.

Multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of failed legal appeals all confirmed the outcome certified by all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

The President did not lie about the results, attempt to foist fake electors on Congress, nor did he incite goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy in an attempt to subvert the election.

You may be confused regarding who did:

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You cannot cite a single ruling anywhere in the land that supports your fantasy.

Multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of failed legal appeals all confirmed the outcome certified by all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

The President did not lie about the results, attempt to foist fake electors on Congress, nor did he incite goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy in an attempt to subvert the election.

You may be confused regarding who did:

This is here to stay. Discussions about election fraud will be happening in every election from 2020 on, since the whole world knows Beijing Biden cheated. No matter what you say or post, this is not going away. These permanent discussions of election fraud are because the world doesn't trust democrats to not cheat.
When sovereign states, under Republican as well as Democratic administrations - following recounts, audits, investigations, and court challenges - fail to assign their certified electoral votes as desired, it is essential that the loser's lickspittles lie about the election without regard to credible evidence.

Of course, it is

View attachment 693453
but that is the coin of their realm.

“Barr is the Devil!”
“I love Bill Barr!”
It is really interesting to live during a time when a strange form of mass psychosis infects untold millions of people focusing the entirety of their maniacal attention on one man and one man only.

This type of moonbattery is groomed over decades.
So, to recap, you have conjecture, hyperbole, moon-bat baseless conspiracies, "but, I feel it in my heart the election was stold!", reguritated Qanon/OAN debunked talking points, yet still no actual, concrete FACT that would stand up in a copurt of law.


Jess Ann believes without a shadow of doubt rich old white two time presidential candidate failure foot in mouth gaffe machine dementia riddled campaign in basement to keep him off TV *Joe received more votes than any president ever including the first black president in history twice!

Sound logic you use there Jessie Ann!
Beijing Biden
This is a lie that an ilk alienated from America and democracy have been trained to mindlessly parrot.

Those who respect the rule of law accept the verdict of the American electorate in the form of the certified election results of all states, and the documented findings of all recounts, audits, and court challenges and, as patriots, deplore goon attacks on Congress.
This is a lie that an ilk alienated from America and democracy have been trained to mindlessly parrot.

Those who respect the rule of law accept the verdict of the American electorate in the form of the certified election results of all states, and the documented findings of all recounts, audits, and court challenges and, as patriots, deplore goon attacks on Congress.
Regardless of how much you defend your political narrative, this mistrust of democrats is here to stay. The entire world knows Beijing Biden cheated, so no matter how much you defend the notion that he won legitimately, Democrat election fraud will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. The more censorship is used to suppress discussions of Beijing Biden cheating, the more the world will mistrust democrats at election time. Discussions of Beijing Biden election fraud are permanent now.
The entire world knows Beijing Biden cheated...
Please document your lie.

In what legal venue was your lie subjected to the rules of evidence, sworn testimony, etc. and validated?

I am aware of the 2020 certified election results of all states, the documented findings of all recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges, as well as the failed fake elector scam, and the insipid goon attack on outnumbered police defending democracy, but none discredited the President's victory.

You appear to be substituting the blind faith dogma of weird worshipers for the actual adjudications based upon irrefutable empirical data.

The former is, as one Republican Trump appointee succinctly put it,

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The latter is the irrefutable reality. If you can't handle it, enjoy your fantasy life.

A group of eight prominent Republicans including judges and lawyers have reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that the 2020 presidential election was not "stolen" from former President Donald Trump.

A detailed report released on Thursday titled "Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election" includes a state-by-state debunking of popular election fraud claims promoted by Trump and his allies. The group that released the report consists of GOP election lawyer Ben Ginsberg, former U.S. Senators John Danforth and Gordon Smith, former Solicitor General Ted Olson, former congressional chief of staff David Hoppe and three former federal judges.
The report reviewed all 64 failed lawsuits launched in the aftermath of the election, as well as multiple post-election reviews and audits that failed to prove massive fraud. The Republicans wrote that, "Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case." They said that reviews that took place after the election "also failed to support the allegations from Trump and his supporters."
Of course, if you'd rather trip the light fantastic at your personal Trump inaugural ball, why not?

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Please document your lie.

In what legal venue was your lie subjected to the rules of evidence, sworn testimony, etc. and validated?

I am aware of the 2020 certified election results of all states, the documented findings of all recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges, as well as the failed fake elector scam, and the insipid goon attack on outnumbered police defending democracy, but none discredited the President's victory.

You appear to be substituting the blind faith dogma of weird worshipers for the actual adjudications based upon irrefutable empirical data.

The former is, as one Republican Trump appointee succinctly put it,

View attachment 694286
The latter is the irrefutable reality. If you can't handle it, enjoy your fantasy life.

A group of eight prominent Republicans including judges and lawyers have reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that the 2020 presidential election was not "stolen" from former President Donald Trump.

A detailed report released on Thursday titled "Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election" includes a state-by-state debunking of popular election fraud claims promoted by Trump and his allies. The group that released the report consists of GOP election lawyer Ben Ginsberg, former U.S. Senators John Danforth and Gordon Smith, former Solicitor General Ted Olson, former congressional chief of staff David Hoppe and three former federal judges.
The report reviewed all 64 failed lawsuits launched in the aftermath of the election, as well as multiple post-election reviews and audits that failed to prove massive fraud. The Republicans wrote that, "Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case." They said that reviews that took place after the election "also failed to support the allegations from Trump and his supporters."
Of course, if you'd rather trip the light fantastic at your personal Trump inaugural ball, why not?
WRONG! You cannot make the permanent discussion of Beijing Biden election fraud go away.
Regardless of how much you defend your political narrative, this mistrust of democrats is here to stay. The entire world knows Beijing Biden cheated, so no matter how much you defend the notion that he won legitimately, Democrat election fraud will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. The more censorship is used to suppress discussions of Beijing Biden cheating, the more the world will mistrust democrats at election time. Discussions of Beijing Biden election fraud are permanent now.
They also believe that Progressives help progress....when in fact most of them stand in the way of progress.
Yes, they definitely love to tinker with language as a means of changing the perception of reality. They cannot make peace with the idea of our Constitution being the supreme model for laws because the government THEY want, cannot coexist within a Constitutional Republic. So, it's an existential struggle for both sides.

So far, they've taken most of the ground because conservatives tend to just want to live and let live but now we've reached the point where that doesn't work for them any longer. They've made it clear by their actions and by the flame baiting Biden did, that they are not backing up and they aren't going to accept the wishes of their opponents regardless of voting results.

I believe that those pulling the strings at DOJ, understand that ultimately they have no case that can legally bar him from running again and unless they are actually insane, they must know by now that nothing they can do will ever sway his base. That said, the only other "benefit" they can hope to gain from an indictment and conviction is to stir up their base when he beats the case and runs again. If he runs and wins, they WILL be in the streets like they were when Saint Floyd di Fentanyl assumed room temperature.


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