Trumpette's, avert your eyes. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.

NEGATIVE, 'ghost-rider'....BARRY himself that foreign nations interfering in elections was / is nothing new. He was right......


Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never … If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
- Abraham Lincoln

Russia can totally, significantly weaken us. And probably just did. And we only have ourselves to blame.
-- Barack Obama

Barry and his administration ... not the Russians ... intentionally, willingly, knowingly used Russian Intel Service counter-Intelligence propaganda, that they assessed was already being used against US Foreign Policy, to commit FISA Court Abuses, break laws, and violate Constitutional Rights to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
Do you ever get tired of lying?
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.

"Further, a body of reporting, to include different intelligence disciplines, open source reporting on Russian leadership policy preferences, and Russian media content, showed that Moscow sought to denigrate then-candidate Clinton."
Nope, it doesn't say that.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
I asked you to quote the text of the report that says this, not regurgitate fake news.

Love how Democrats pass their own TDS opinions as fact over and over.
Why am I not surprised to see you distort the truth and lie?
Both Azar's declaration of a health emergency and Trump's PR stunt, the China travel restrictions, were inadequate in addressing the magnitude of the crisis and ineffectual in their implementation. Trump didn't declare a national emergency until 03/03 2020 and even then sought to under mind his own proclamation. You're lying about Biden. It's the same lie I see all you sacks of shit tell over and over.

Trump declares national emergency in latest bid to combat coronavirus
Trump said the move would free up $50 billion in additional funding and waive requirements to speed up coronavirus testing and care.

PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China
PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.
Fake NEEEEWS!! Everyone knows that they did NOTHING to help Pootie's Puppet!
They're working now to help BIDEN!! :D

The idea that Trump would need any help in defeating the dementia-suffering, sexually harassing extortionist pedophile is hilarious......

You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.

NEGATIVE, 'ghost-rider'....BARRY himself that foreign nations interfering in elections was / is nothing new. He was right......


Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never … If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
- Abraham Lincoln

Russia can totally, significantly weaken us. And probably just did. And we only have ourselves to blame.
-- Barack Obama

Barry and his administration ... not the Russians ... intentionally, willingly, knowingly used Russian Intel Service counter-Intelligence propaganda, that they assessed was already being used against US Foreign Policy, to commit FISA Court Abuses, break laws, and violate Constitutional Rights to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
Do you ever get tired of lying?
I never lie, thus I never get tired....of debunking snowflake opinionated BS
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Sure it did. And China helped you go buy an extra large China made Butt Plug so you can be Putin's butt puppet.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
I asked you to quote the text of the report that says this, not regurgitate fake news.

Love how Democrats pass their own TDS opinions as fact over and over.
Why am I not surprised to see you distort the truth and lie?
Both Azar's declaration of a health emergency and Trump's PR stunt, the China travel restrictions, were inadequate in addressing the magnitude of the crisis and ineffectual in their implementation. Trump didn't declare a national emergency until 03/03 2020 and even then sought to under mind his own proclamation. You're lying about Biden. It's the same lie I see all you sacks of shit tell over and over.

Trump declares national emergency in latest bid to combat coronavirus
Trump said the move would free up $50 billion in additional funding and waive requirements to speed up coronavirus testing and care.

PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China
PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.

The left seeks to split the proverbial hair In defense of Biden, claiming he did not call the President Xenophobic.....he just declared instituting a travel ban was Xenophobic. :p

Biden has since declared the travel ban was the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Fake NEEEEWS!! Everyone knows that they did NOTHING to help Pootie's Puppet!
They're working now to help BIDEN!! :D

The idea that Trump would need any help in defeating the dementia-suffering, sexually harassing extortionist pedophile is hilarious......

You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.

NEGATIVE, 'ghost-rider'....BARRY himself that foreign nations interfering in elections was / is nothing new. He was right......


Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never … If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
- Abraham Lincoln

Russia can totally, significantly weaken us. And probably just did. And we only have ourselves to blame.
-- Barack Obama

Barry and his administration ... not the Russians ... intentionally, willingly, knowingly used Russian Intel Service counter-Intelligence propaganda, that they assessed was already being used against US Foreign Policy, to commit FISA Court Abuses, break laws, and violate Constitutional Rights to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
Do you ever get tired of lying?
I never lie, thus I never get tired....of debunking snowflake opinionated BS
You don’t debunk. You make stuff up and then run away like a little bitch when you’re called out.

You do it ever single time.
Amazing that internet Trumpers think that they know stuff that the Senate Intel committee wasn’t privy too.

that’s the GOP Senate Intel Committee
Amazing that internet Trumpers think that they know stuff that the Senate Intel committee wasn’t privy too.

that’s the GOP Senate Intel Committee
It's classic cognitive dissonance. Trumpers still believe in lies about Don/Vlad. When they are reminded of the truth they freak out.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
I dont get your point???

russia is always trying to get someone elected,,,
You don’t debunk. You make stuff up and then run away like a little bitch when you’re called out.
You do it ever single time.
What I do every single time is debunk your masters' talking points and the false narratives pushed by TDS-suffering snowflakes. In numerous threads I have provided DOZENS of links, articles, official reports, transcripts, testimony, and more to stop the spread of TDS-20 bullshit, consisting mainly of unsupported ignorance and uneducated opinion.....such as bogus accusations like this one.

I also point out how your complete lack of common sense and ability to think things through are traits in you Democrats have successfully exploited to ensure you remain a 'Gruber' snowflake.

For example, again.... WHY would the Russians - who Dems / snowflakes claim wanted Trump to win, feed Russian Intel Service Counter-Intel propaganda - assessed / acknowledged by the FBI as such being used by the Russians against US Foreign Policy elsewhere - to a foreign Trump-hating spy who was working for the Russians, knowing he would then deliver it to Hillary and the Obama administration to use against Trump in the 2016 election?

In what world, besides the land of reality-denying snowflakes, would it make sense for the Russians to hand Hillary and the Obama administration the tool / tools they needed to commit crimes / FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team to try to prevent him winning IF THE RUSSIANS WANTED TRUMP TO WIN?



It's classic cognitive dissonance. Trumpers still believe in lies about Don/Vlad. When they are reminded of the truth they freak out.

Hillary Lost the election.
Obama failed at his coup, based on a debunked narrative and numerous crimes...such as the exposed FISA Court abuses
Every attempt to get rid of Trump failed
Democrats spent 4+ years and millions of dollars only to admit they politically Impeached him in the House based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses....

...and idiots like you still attempt to push their failed attempts and debunked lies.

Bwuhahahaha.....the only mental disorder here comes from TDS-suffering hate-driven snowflakes.....God bless 'em.


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