Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.
Hey the gop is the party of wealth redistribution and forcing the few to sacrifice for the needs of the many. Buck up Buster. (-:
----------------------------------- goal is to get the TRUMP elected , imo Ben .
Trump is good on guns , the border wall , muslims , the supreme court and other issues so I will go along with him on his targeting single mothers that like to , err , have children . SwimExpert and other naysayers , bachelors will be the guys paying for the 6 weeks leave so Trumps plan is worth their sacrifice .
How Democrat of you. LOL
Seems like the GOP is suddenly the party of “free shit”.
--------------------------- to heck with the GOP , the GOP needs to be destroyed Candy and Trumps plans will help . [gop and repubs , bushes equal trash Candy] .
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.
------------------------------------- gay guys / bachelors and ugly single men that can't get'er up don't have to vote for the Trump . And Mostly I agree with your reasoning but like I said , the goal is to win for the bigger issues . SO , I as a log time married man , straight guy that likes the rest of Trumps plans will vote Trump SwimExpert

So let me get this straight: The Republican party had to nominate a liberal, lifelong Democrat, Clinton donor, because moderate Republicans are too busy being Democrat-lite to win elections. And now, in order to win the General, that same liberal wearing red needs to advocate for unabashedly liberal policies.....all because liberals in the White House would be a bad thing?

This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.
Trump is good on guns , the border wall , muslims , the supreme court and other issues so I will go along with him on his targeting single mothers that like to , err , have children . SwimExpert and other naysayers , bachelors will be the guys paying for the 6 weeks leave so Trumps plan is worth their sacrifice .
How Democrat of you. LOL
-------------------------- democrats don't like guns , don't like the wall , dems love muslims and immigration and dems will stack the supreme court with liberals . Try to see the bigger picture and goal of Trump being elected Ben .
So the Trump supporters are now socialists.

You idiots were told DJT is not conservative in any way shape or form.
So the Trump supporters are now socialists.

You idiots were told DJT is not conservative in any way shape or form.
So just because he says it you think ALL his supporters agree with it?

I know you agree with everything anyone in the Dimocratic party thinks but not all people are sheep like you
This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.

In that case, we'd be better off voting for Bugs Bunny. Clinton will nominate liberals. Trump will nominate any reckless moron he can buy cheap.

There are several options for you asinine statement. Out of respect for some of your opinions that I agree with, I choose uninformed. Here is what Trump proposes.

(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.


The link gives a description of each proposed Justice.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
This is not news. Both Clinton and Trump have
So the Trump supporters are now socialists.

You idiots were told DJT is not conservative in any way shape or form.
Do you think maybe that's why he won the nomination?
This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.

In that case, we'd be better off voting for Bugs Bunny. Clinton will nominate liberals. Trump will nominate any reckless moron he can buy cheap.

There are several options for you asinine statement. Out of respect for some of your opinions that I agree with, I choose uninformed. Here is what Trump proposes.

(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.


The link gives a description of each proposed Justice.

Trump also proposed a wall on the southern border. Now he doesn't. He proposed mass deportations. Now he doesn't. He proposed not raising the minimum wage. Now he doesn't. He once proposed Hillary Clinton would be a great President. Now he doesn't. He proposed quickly retiring large portions of the national debt. Now he doesn't. He claimed to be a conservative. But now he's a liberal.

And somehow I'm supposed to believe that a single person on that list would actually be considered by Trump when the time came?
GOP establishment, the party of earmarks and corrupt backroom so called "deals"... Yes they've always been there
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
Both candidates have put forward child care benefits based on their taxes, which means neither plan will benefit the people who need it the most, the famous 47% who who earn too little to pay taxes.

Don't poor people have babies anymore?
This is just one more attempt to dupe moderates into voting for Trump. Paid maternity leave is DOA in a Republican Congress.
So will the Mexican farm worker in the states get paid time off for her anchor baby? lol
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

I'm surprised that Trump isn't saying he wants 6 years of paid maternity leave. We know he doesn't want to see women around the office. And we know he doesn't bother to pay people anyway. Seems like the perfect Trumpian scam.
Oh look... another turd posting lies and meaningless crap. Stupid liberals.
This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.

In that case, we'd be better off voting for Bugs Bunny. Clinton will nominate liberals. Trump will nominate any reckless moron he can buy cheap.

There are several options for you asinine statement. Out of respect for some of your opinions that I agree with, I choose uninformed. Here is what Trump proposes.

(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.


The link gives a description of each proposed Justice.

Trump also proposed a wall on the southern border. Now he doesn't. He proposed mass deportations. Now he doesn't. He proposed not raising the minimum wage. Now he doesn't. He once proposed Hillary Clinton would be a great President. Now he doesn't. He proposed quickly retiring large portions of the national debt. Now he doesn't. He claimed to be a conservative. But now he's a liberal.

And somehow I'm supposed to believe that a single person on that list would actually be considered by Trump when the time came?

I don't know about some of that but he has not changed his position on the southern wall. He is definitely more conservative than Hillary and I believe he would use the list he published for Justices. I will repeat, all that matters this election is the future Supreme Court.

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