Trumpism Is Here to Stay!


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
The cat is out of the bag regardless of what happens and what variations result.

Agree or not, Trumpism is here to stay. Attempts at impeachment and even punier would make him a 21rst Century legend.

This could be the kind of stuff that couldl manifest itself for generations.
Urban Dictionary: Trumpism


defending the corruption and lies of anyone who is born wealthy, exemplifies greed, and preys on the health and resources of the 99%.

A whole load of bull shit, i.e. lies, deceit, deliberate obfuscation.

A social/political movement based on elements of (a) racism, (b) religious bigotry, (c) demeaning attitudes towards women, (d) attempts to intimidate the press, (e) economic uncertainty, (f) rejection of scientific findings and (g) general expressions of hatred that are reminiscent of German National Socialism of the Hitler era. It is often characterized by completely baseless, false statements.

(trum'piz'm), n. 1. A falsehood uttered or acted to deceive, a lie. 2. Anything which deceives; as a glittering advertisement for damaged goods, is a trumpism. Falsehood falseness falsity falsification
Deception untruth, guile misrepresentation mendacity fabricationPrevarication fibequivocation dishonesty.
The cat is out of the bag regardless of what happens and what variations result.

Agree or not, Trumpism is here to stay. Attempts at impeachment and even punier would make him a 21rst Century legend.

This could be the kind of stuff that couldl manifest itself for generations.

So you think that Mueller and this team are doing...nothing? Because they're not broadcasting their findings? Trump knows that they are on to something, that's why he's marginalizing Sessions and trying to find a way to stop the investigation.
Not really. It's the dying breath of a breed that is on its way out. And I don't even mean that with any malice. It's just the truth.

There will still be a place for younger people like me who find both parties reprehensible and want the system to change, but this slavish devotion to a lout like Trump is very temporary.
The cat is out of the bag regardless of what happens and what variations result.

Agree or not, Trumpism is here to stay. Attempts at impeachment and even punier would make him a 21rst Century legend.

This could be the kind of stuff that couldl manifest itself for generations.

So you think that Mueller and this team are doing...nothing? Because they're not broadcasting their findings? Trump knows that they are on to something, that's why he's marginalizing Sessions and trying to find a way to stop the investigation.
You really haven't got a clue, have you? You don't know wtf I'm talking about.
I don't think it can last, too many lying thieving treasonous murderers are against it. The communist have pretty much taken over the institutions that they need to collapse the country and make it into a pseudo dictatorship. o-shit-ma and the dims remade enough of the country to make the path pretty easy. Trump doesn't have enough of the dc in crowd to reverse the change and restore our freedom. When the next financial crash comes later this year, or next year, the government will stop being able to send out checks, and the full blown crisis will hit all of those unable to get ANYTHING. That will start the NWO government dictatorship. What will follow will be like what is going on in many countries across the globe, and the o-shit-ma change to a communist state will be complete. This is ancient history being repeated over as it has in hundreds of countries hundreds of times for ages. The ignorant supporters of o-shit-ass, and the dimshit communist are too stupid to even know who their ruling class dictators are.
for years i smile wryly as i say that MY generation is maybe the last of the real AMERICANS . Sorry to say it , sorry to see but it might be true as i see the USA going to HE11 . If my thinking is accurate , well i and other old guys like me have had it pretty good . President Trump may be the last hurrah 12Icer .
I don't think it can last, too many lying thieving treasonous murderers are against it. The communist have pretty much taken over the institutions that they need to collapse the country and make it into a pseudo dictatorship. o-shit-ma and the dims remade enough of the country to make the path pretty easy. Trump doesn't have enough of the dc in crowd to reverse the change and restore our freedom. When the next financial crash comes later this year, or next year, the government will stop being able to send out checks, and the full blown crisis will hit all of those unable to get ANYTHING. That will start the NWO government dictatorship. What will follow will be like what is going on in many countries across the globe, and the o-shit-ma change to a communist state will be complete. This is ancient history being repeated over as it has in hundreds of countries hundreds of times for ages. The ignorant supporters of o-shit-ass, and the dimshit communist are too stupid to even know who their ruling class dictators are.

What freedoms do you not have, hmm???
Trumpism aka. Common Sense is here to stay indeed. Make America great... it's so simple, why didn't anyone think of it in the last 60 years?
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