Trumponomics Doctorate!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The marketing of vigilantism-daydream comic book adapted American TV shows such as Gotham reflect a new age interest in traffic-conscious issues such as the mercantilism-disruptive Sunni-Shia problem (threatening stable negotiations between OPEC and the EU) that will have to be addressed by a Trump Administration necessarily committed to 'trade-centric politics.'

This is the modern 'Apologetics Asylum'!

Besides, I want the luxury to simply sit back and appreciate the pro-society work of our gracious First Lady and not worry about what our President is doing with 'trade-related militarism' (i.e., NATO).

Remember how Reaganomics generated sarcastic films such as Trading Places? Well, I truly hope 'Trumponomics' (whatever that shapes up to be!) inspires more 'consumerism-imaginarium' films such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!


The Dark Knight (aka, 'Batman') had to serve as a 'diplomat' over the new 1990s urban war in Gotham City between Red Team A (Joker and Harley Quinn) and Red Team B (Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, a Joker-copycat, and a few other 'ghouls'). The war was titled the Turf Trouble by the Gotham Gazette and while it was not as problematic as the era of pure anarchy that Batman had to deal with in the 1970s, it was certainly something to coordinate. Red Team A was comprised of just two individuals --- the diabolical Joker and Harley Quinn who nevertheless wielded enough acumen to take on Red Team B.

The war concerned media intellectual property rights in the new Gotham Batman designed with the help of the GCPD. Red Team A wanted to use punk-rock and graffiti to sell pluralism politics to the masses, but Red Team B wanted to use consumer electronics and ice-cream to hype consumerism-culture as it pertained to the distribution of brand-name products such as Apple iPads. During the troubles of the 1970s, Red Team A was involved in dangerous eco-terrorism messages in the Gotham Gazette, while Red Team B was involved in various acts of anti-corporate vandalism across Gotham City.

Red Team A really hated Red Team B and vice-versa. Batman's challenge was to find a way to create an intellectual arena in which the two teams could compete peacefully, especially since President Trump was brining a special delegation of Sunni and Shia merchants to Gotham City for a special consumerism design presentation involving renewable energy products and technologies. Batman wanted to ensure Trump that Red Team A and Red Team B would welcome the Sunni-Shia delegation with maturity and mercantile objectivity, since Sunni-Shia religious conflicts had hindered previous American attempts as politically neutral commerce-based contracts.

Since Batman wanted the Sunni-Shia merchant conference to be a great success, he thought of ways to convince Joker and Harley Quinn (Red Team A) to co-opt smartphone case-designs with Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and the Joker-copycat (Red Team B). Batman decided he would motivate them to come up with composite designs to sell at the conference, and the plan worked! The Sunni-Shia merchant conference was a great success, and President Trump commissioned video-game developers to design a special SimCity business-themed video game to showcase Gotham City's capitalism-conscious contributions to the Sunni-Shia 'debate' and continuing globalization-politics related negotiations relevant to the emerging free market. Now, all he worried about was whether or not there would be a Harley Quinn copycat who would undermine all this progress with unnecessary anti-consumerism terrorism reminiscent of 9/11!


THE DARK KNIGHT (aka, 'Batman')






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