Trumps 5 biggest accomplishments

Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.

i believe i saw that exchange ... even if i didn't, i wouldn't doubt they did.
Sometimes I just stare at their words and shake my head. There's nothing you can do.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
He had 2.3% growth in 2019. Candidate trump said that number was unacceptable.

there is ALWAYS some pre prez tweet or video of donny CONtradicting himself.

the best ones are the ones he denies having said - despite the proof.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.

2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.

5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.
China virus you can blame on China and the fascist Dems Gov and mayors who did zero

Yup. China is to blame for Covid and the Dems called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flight into the US.

And the Dem Governors and mayor of Seattle, Portland and Indianapolis are to blame for what happened in their cities. Wonder if any of them will get re-elected. If I lived in any of those cities I sure wouldn't vote for those knuckleheads.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.
1) best economy in world history until the virus
I was giggling too hard to continue.
  • 2.1% GDP, the greatest?
  • Bond yields crashing 60%, the greatest?
  • The NY Fed having to pour $1.4 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system, the greatest?
  • A prolonged manufacturing recession, the greatest?
  • Hyper-Keynesian spending and budget busting, signed and applauded by Trump, the greatest?
  • All of this BEFORE the virus, the greatest?
Good gawd. The Trumpiverse is a strange, bizarre, isolated and disturbing place.

On second thought, this isn't funny any more.

Apparently, it was a house of cards. The virus blew it right the fuck down.
Yeah, go figure that a bioengineered virus from a bioweapons lab in China would get loose and rip through the world and disrupt everything, huh? Didn't Obama invest in that?
He invented it. As a trick, to ruin the economy for Republicans. Yeah, that's the ticket!
1) best economy in world history until the virus
I was giggling too hard to continue.
  • 2.1% GDP, the greatest?
  • Bond yields crashing 60%, the greatest?
  • The NY Fed having to pour $1.4 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system, the greatest?
  • A prolonged manufacturing recession, the greatest?
  • Hyper-Keynesian spending and budget busting, signed and applauded by Trump, the greatest?
  • All of this BEFORE the virus, the greatest?
Good gawd. The Trumpiverse is a strange, bizarre, isolated and disturbing place.

On second thought, this isn't funny any more.

Apparently, it was a house of cards. The virus blew it right the fuck down.
Yeah, go figure that a bioengineered virus from a bioweapons lab in China would get loose and rip through the world and disrupt everything, huh? Didn't Obama invest in that?
He invented it. As a trick, to ruin the economy for Republicans. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Worse, they believe stuff like this, down to their bones.
Missing from the list Is defeating the entire Obama administration...the entire Intel community, the NSA, CIA, FBI, Cabinet, and President, House Democrats, the Deep State, and the Deep State/Liberal media...beating back multiple treasonous coup attempts, exposing the media for who they are, triggering the Left so badly that they stopped trying to hide who they are, and ALL of them coming under CRIMINAL investigation, mountains of criminal evidence against them, and the 1st of numerous indictments, plea deals, and convictions beginning...
1) best economy in world history until the virus
I was giggling too hard to continue.
  • 2.1% GDP, the greatest?
  • Bond yields crashing 60%, the greatest?
  • The NY Fed having to pour $1.4 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system, the greatest?
  • A prolonged manufacturing recession, the greatest?
  • Hyper-Keynesian spending and budget busting, signed and applauded by Trump, the greatest?
  • All of this BEFORE the virus, the greatest?
Good gawd. The Trumpiverse is a strange, bizarre, isolated and disturbing place.

On second thought, this isn't funny any more.
Trump achieved 2.9% GDP growth in 2018, moron.
After that massive tax break he passed that’s all he got?

Candidate trump said under 3% growth was unacceptable.

Oh, and in 2019 he had 2.3% growth. Long before he mishandled the pandemic. I wonder what his 2020 growth will be. 1.9%?
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus

The riots aren’t Trump’s fault. They all take place in Democratic run cities who won’t allow the federal government in. I can’t understand why Democrats are OK with the violence and looting in their cities. In any event, you can’t blame Trump for that.

Trump did plenty to go after the legality of sanctuary cities. But it’s a battle fought in the courts and that takes time.

As far as massive spending, COVID-19 didn’t help that. But massive spending by both sides is not going to stop anytime soon until Americans vote for the side that says they will cut spending.

Environmental bad laws and tech giants? Huh?

Trump A+
- Great economy
- Lowest unemployment for all
- First president to take illegal immigration seriously
- Help for African-Americans: First Step Act, Federal funding for black colleges and opportunity zones.
- Peace negotiations with North Korea
- Record stock market
- Low gas prices. Gas hit $3 in both the Obama and Bush admins
- Represents law and order in a time when Democrats are allowing rioting, looting and murder in their cities.
- Good response to COVID-19 despite Democrats and MSM lying 24/7.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus

The riots aren’t Trump’s fault. They all take place in Democratic run cities who won’t allow the federal government in. I can’t understand why Democrats are OK with the violence and looting in their cities. In any event, you can’t blame Trump for that.

Trump did plenty to go after the legality of sanctuary cities. But it’s a battle fought in the courts and that takes time.

As far as massive spending, COVID-19 didn’t help that. But massive spending by both sides is not going to stop anytime soon until Americans vote for the side that says they will cut spending.

Environmental bad laws and tech giants? Huh?

Trump A+
- Great economy
- Lowest unemployment for all
- First president to take illegal immigration seriously
- Help for African-Americans: First Step Act, Federal funding for black colleges and opportunity zones.
- Peace negotiations with North Korea
- Record stock market
- Low gas prices. Gas hit $3 in both the Obama and Bush admins
- Represents law and order in a time when Democrats are allowing rioting, looting and murder in their cities.
- Good response to COVID-19 despite Democrats and MSM lying 24/7.
Trump won’t go after illegal employers. If you don’t go after them you’re wasting your time.

Do you know why Canada doesn’t have an illegal worker problem? Canadian companies don’t hire illegal workers. Wake up
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.
All the Dims in here claim the shutdown recession is Trump's fault. How is your example any less stupid?
1) best economy in world history until the virus
I was giggling too hard to continue.
  • 2.1% GDP, the greatest?
  • Bond yields crashing 60%, the greatest?
  • The NY Fed having to pour $1.4 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system, the greatest?
  • A prolonged manufacturing recession, the greatest?
  • Hyper-Keynesian spending and budget busting, signed and applauded by Trump, the greatest?
  • All of this BEFORE the virus, the greatest?
Good gawd. The Trumpiverse is a strange, bizarre, isolated and disturbing place.

On second thought, this isn't funny any more.

Apparently, it was a house of cards. The virus blew it right the fuck down.
Closing businesses tends to be bad for business. You had a way to avoid that?

With some real leadership, from someone seeking to unite us in the face of a common enemy, we could have been done with this whole thing 2 months ago.

And I'm not talking about heavy handed mandates or regulation. I actually like that Trump left it largely up to the states. But then he backstabbed them by undermining their responses, and accusing them of orchestrating the shutdowns to get back at him by bringing down the economy. This is insane. I live in Colorado. The first thing Governor Polis did when the outbreaks started taking off was to shut down the ski resorts. These resorts are the economic backbone of the state. There's no way in hell a governor would take such a drastic step as a political ploy. On top of that, the President actively dismissed the danger and floated asinine conspiracy theories undermining actual efforts to fight the pandemic.
How would this "uniting" be accomplished?
Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.
All the Dims in here claim the shutdown recession is Trump's fault. How is your example any less stupid?
If they're saying that, they're wrong, and most likely playing partisan politics. Like you do. Peas in a pod.

This stuff is my profession. You're just a Trumpster. Your opinions on economics are ignorant and worthless.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
/----/ So does Congress, but the president doesn't have a line-item veto like many governors do. He has to take it all or veto it, then Congress can override the veto if they have the votes. Now, what did you Libtards do when Reagan, Bush, and Trump refused to sign a spending bill? What did you say about them? How did you act?
Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.
All the Dims in here claim the shutdown recession is Trump's fault. How is your example any less stupid?
If they're saying that, they're wrong, and most likely playing partisan politics. Like you do. Peas in a pod.

This stuff is my profession. You're just a Trumpster. Your opinions on economics are ignorant and worthless.
leftwing propaganda is your profession? Talk about ignorant and worthless.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
Thanks for agreeing that Congress signs off on every dime spent.

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