Trumps 5 biggest accomplishments

He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
/----/ Here Turdcorn:
“Unfortunately, we expect this budget to include the same destructive and irrational cuts the President has floated in previous years,” said a statement from the Democrat-controlled House Budget Committee. “From attacks on health care and vital programs, to undermining investments in our national security and further destabilizing our long-term fiscal health.”
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
Don't forget the hundreds of judicial appointments!
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.
View attachment 376035
2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
View attachment 376036 Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.
View attachment 376038
5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.
View attachment 376039

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.

What the hell do you mean by highest gdp in history, deplorable?

My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.
View attachment 376035
2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
View attachment 376036 Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.
View attachment 376038
5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.
View attachment 376039

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.

What the hell do you mean by highest gdp in history, deplorable?

He doesn't actually know, otherwise he would not be saying it.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus

Well, he sent federal agents into Portland and local officials demanded they leave. Had Trump kept them there, people would be whining that he was militarizing the response...
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
/----/ Here Turdcorn:
“Unfortunately, we expect this budget to include the same destructive and irrational cuts the President has floated in previous years,” said a statement from the Democrat-controlled House Budget Committee. “From attacks on health care and vital programs, to undermining investments in our national security and further destabilizing our long-term fiscal health.”

The President signs off on every expenditure. If his signature is on it, he approved it. Blaming Congress is like blaming a 4 year old for the family's debt.

I hope you're just pretending to be this ignorant of the constitution.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
Thanks for agreeing that Congress signs off on every dime spent.

They sign off on the bill.
The president signs the bill into law.

You really don't have a clue how the constitution works. Perhaps I should send the FBI back to your house to instruct you?
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus

Well, he sent federal agents into Portland and local officials demanded they leave. Had Trump kept them there, people would be whining that he was militarizing the response...

Welcome to the Presidency. If someone sneezes and you say "God Bless You" you have people questioning on why you didn't say Gesundheit. A lot of conservatives think Trump is the first President to have opposition. It's really quite hilarious.
Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.
All the Dims in here claim the shutdown recession is Trump's fault. How is your example any less stupid?
If they're saying that, they're wrong, and most likely playing partisan politics. Like you do. Peas in a pod.

This stuff is my profession. You're just a Trumpster. Your opinions on economics are ignorant and worthless.
I know you are a money guy. If someone told me that unemployment was at record lows and that wages were gaining, I'd say that is great. Why is that not the case?
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
/----/ Here Turdcorn:
“Unfortunately, we expect this budget to include the same destructive and irrational cuts the President has floated in previous years,” said a statement from the Democrat-controlled House Budget Committee. “From attacks on health care and vital programs, to undermining investments in our national security and further destabilizing our long-term fiscal health.”

The President signs off on every expenditure. If his signature is on it, he approved it. Blaming Congress is like blaming a 4 year old for the family's debt.

I hope you're just pretending to be this ignorant of the constitution.
The president HAS to sign a budget. He can't just say I won't sign anything without consequences. How long could a president hold not approving a budget?
Lowest unemployment in US history
Highest wages in US history
Best stock market ever in value

The blob hasn't gotten close to matching Obama's performance in the stock market.

or an actual unemployment drop worthy of declaring his own. all he did was piggyback off obama - 2008 the unemployment figure was +/- 10% & despite having a (R) CONgressional majority 6 of the 8 years of his 2 terms, he was able to bring it down to about 5%.

donny's managed to drop unemployment figures ( from 5% )in his 3 years of his only term to about +/- 3.5 before the pandemic.

& all this 'sudden' drop in the filing of bennies & the 'uptick' in the employment gain are just the lockdown easing & people are returning to the jobs thay already had.
The Trumpsters here have told me it was Obama's fault that unemployment reached 10% during his first year.

I am not making this up.

There is no way to communicate with people like that.
All the Dims in here claim the shutdown recession is Trump's fault. How is your example any less stupid?
If they're saying that, they're wrong, and most likely playing partisan politics. Like you do. Peas in a pod.

This stuff is my profession. You're just a Trumpster. Your opinions on economics are ignorant and worthless.
I know you are a money guy. If someone told me that unemployment was at record lows and that wages were gaining, I'd say that is great. Why is that not the case?
Because neither is the economy. The best measure and most comprehensive single gauge of the economy is the Gross Domestic Product and its trajectory. And because economic growth comes at a cost, and it sure as hell did here, with a massive increase in spending and massive Fed intervention.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. We couldn’t even get past 3% GDP growth. Obama couldn’t either, but Trump said he was pathetic for not being able to do so.
2. NAFTA 2.0 is a minor improvement on basically the same NAFTA that people on both side have demonized.
3. ISIS was already shrinking when he took office. Obama put together a larger coalition against them who were doing most of the hard work to defeat them. Trump continued the strategy.
4. illegal immigrants population was already falling under Obama.
5. okay. And how is that going?
6. Was the UAE at war with Israel?
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
/----/ Here Turdcorn:
“Unfortunately, we expect this budget to include the same destructive and irrational cuts the President has floated in previous years,” said a statement from the Democrat-controlled House Budget Committee. “From attacks on health care and vital programs, to undermining investments in our national security and further destabilizing our long-term fiscal health.”

The President signs off on every expenditure. If his signature is on it, he approved it. Blaming Congress is like blaming a 4 year old for the family's debt.

I hope you're just pretending to be this ignorant of the constitution.
The president HAS to sign a budget. He can't just say I won't sign anything without consequences. How long could a president hold not approving a budget?

This is why we have shut downs.
I believe we’ve been living on CRs for years now.
The only thing the blob did right was not start any more wars. He did so out of pure cowardice. He's not up to the job. But the bottom line is that new wars have not started. Good job little man.

His economy made Ears look like an amateur.

Everyone knows it and so do you unless you're as fcking stupid as I suspect you are

Throw your Chinese crap out and bought Made In The USA yet?

If not? Shut your piehole
The only thing the blob did right was not start any more wars. He did so out of pure cowardice. He's not up to the job. But the bottom line is that new wars have not started. Good job little man.

His economy made Ears look like an amateur.

Everyone knows it and so do you unless you're as fcking stupid as I suspect you are

Throw your Chinese crap out and bought Made In The USA yet?

If not? Shut your piehole

Both you and I and your blob are globalists.
He did not do enough to stop massive spending , stop the riots, bad environmental laws and did nothing to go after sanctuary cities and tech giants

I grade him a B to B plus
/—-/ Presidents can’t control spending. If They could Reagan would have balanced the budget.

The President signs off on every dime spent.
So does Congress, moron.

Factually incorrect. The Congress can pass anything it wants and, unless there is a veto over-ride, nothing gets spent without your blob's signature. But it's good to see that in your warped, small, pathetic, fractured mind, that republicans are at least 1/2 responsible for all of the spending.
/----/ Here Turdcorn:
“Unfortunately, we expect this budget to include the same destructive and irrational cuts the President has floated in previous years,” said a statement from the Democrat-controlled House Budget Committee. “From attacks on health care and vital programs, to undermining investments in our national security and further destabilizing our long-term fiscal health.”

The President signs off on every expenditure. If his signature is on it, he approved it. Blaming Congress is like blaming a 4 year old for the family's debt.

I hope you're just pretending to be this ignorant of the constitution.
The president HAS to sign a budget. He can't just say I won't sign anything without consequences. How long could a president hold not approving a budget?

This is why we have shut downs.
I believe we’ve been living on CRs for years now.
/—-/ We’re back to budgets now
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.
View attachment 376035
2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
View attachment 376036 Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.
View attachment 376038
5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.
View attachment 376039

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.

What the hell do you mean by highest gdp in history, deplorable?
If you know how to read a graph, look at the GDP in 2019-2020, its the highest in US history. Then the pandemic dip. It will be back up next year.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.
View attachment 376035
2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
View attachment 376036 Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.
View attachment 376038
5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.
View attachment 376039

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.

What the hell do you mean by highest gdp in history, deplorable?

View attachment 376125
He's just repeating tRump's lies. He doesn't actually know what it is.
My order only

1) best economy in world history until the virus
2) great new trade deals like nafta 2.0
3) obliterating Isis in Syria and Iraq
4) first president to try to stop the flow of massive immigration. He has 1/4 of wall finished and illegals invaders are now released in Mexico
5) standing up to China
6) peace deal of Israel and UAE
1. Destroyed the economy.
2. Renamed a couple of trade deals with no real.changes. destroyed a few others.
3. Wasn't us.
4. 1/2 lie, 1/2 constitutional violation.
5. Sucking Xi's dick is "standing up"? Not in my book.
6. Merely a label change. Israel and UAE have had trade agreements,. security agreements, and intelligence sharing for decades.

tRump has accomplished nothing.
1. Destroyed the economy? Trump had the highest GDP in history until the pandemic hit.
View attachment 376035
2. Everyone knows that Navarro and Lightheizer are doing better trade deals than prior admins, even if you deny it.
3. Take a look at ISIS, and who defeated them. They grew to the height of their power under Obama.
View attachment 376036 Obama let ISIS spread. Trump killed ISIS in a year.
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
4. Trump, the wall, and the deal with Mexico are reducing the flow of migrants north.
View attachment 376038
5. Sucking Xi's dick is what both Joe and Hunter Biden do, to get that cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest". China hates Trump's tariffs.
6. Other ME countries also want to get new peace deals. It is a step forward, especially since it pisses Iran off so much.
View attachment 376039

So you can continue to post garbage or try to handle the truth.

What the hell do you mean by highest gdp in history, deplorable?
If you know how to read a graph, look at the GDP in 2019-2020, its the highest in US history. Then the pandemic dip. It will be back up next year.
View attachment 376160
You've got to be kidding me. That graph shows that every single president has presided over the highest GDP in history. It's cumulative. When they talk about high GDP what they are talking about it growth, in which tRump loses to Obama, who you kids decided for having low growth.


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