Trump's 'America First' has ugly echoes from U.S. history

Check history, Charles Lindbergh seems to simply have been stating facts. This "America first" being a threat to the jewish establishment is a risking play by the MSM. Before the transgender qu33r Rachel Maddow presented the anti-Charles Lindbergh trope, jewish, zionist and CFR agent Max Boot said the exact same BS. Check your local newspapers, you might find similar propaganda that "America first" is scary. But think it through. We know the jewish establishment is "Israel first," but they therefore must be actively involved in policies to insure America and Europe are compromised. So the importation of third worlders, for example, is one crucial policy to fulfill their "America not first" agenda.
the only ugly I see, is coming out of CNN. and the desperate democrat party. CNN is a nasty station anymore. I'd take the National Enquire over them for political news

Well I'm not surprised.............. No wonder your are so screwed up reading National Enquirer.
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.

You of Obama's America last campaign have the ugly habit of appeasing the Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
America First Committee, founded in September 1940 by Nazi sympathizers.


America First Committee Original Four Principles:
  1. The United States must build an impregnable defense for America
  2. No foreign power, nor group of powers, can successfully attack a prepared America
  3. American democracy can be preserved only by keeping out of the European war.
  4. "Aid short of war" weakens national defense at home and threatens to involve America in war abroad.
Horrible stuff huh? Just evil!
Do we really need any more proof of how far Left the Democrat Party is? They openly embrace Socialism and hate America
And it was republicans who were America First in 1940 ... they liked Hitler. If they'd had their way, Hitler would have taken England and then the US.
cons were smart enough to learn from the horrors of WW1, but leftist had to have blood, fdr needed people to die for his failed ideas, so he antagised Japan.

And the dumbest thing anyone can say is that Germany could have invaded and beaten America.

hands down, the dumbest thing for anyone to think
If you knew your history, you'd know that the US military wasn't the world's greatest at that time.
We were not prepared to go to war, over there.

just some simple counting of populations should tell you how ignorant you are, how truly deeply you hate America.
Anyone notice its ONLY Trump saying America First? Not Cruz or Kasich or ANY other candidate....Trump is an American first and Politician second. The rest are republicans/democrat puppets of AIPAC first and foremost.Allegiance to America is not allegiance to Israel or any other foreign country and can't be accepted by the elites.
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.
"America first" was anti war, and more like the liberals in that regard. They remembered the horror of WWI. They didn't want European entanglement in an effort to avoid war. Either with Germany or England. The cowardly sneak attack by fascist Japan kicked us out of that daydream. We woke up. 9/11 was like that, too, different topic.
And here it is right here folks:

Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First,"

Only an American liberal would view "America first" as being "noxious".

it is the libtardism that it noxious to a free state
Do we really need any more proof of how far Left the Democrat Party is? They openly embrace Socialism and hate America
And it was republicans who were America First in 1940 ... they liked Hitler. If they'd had their way, Hitler would have taken England and then the US.
cons were smart enough to learn from the horrors of WW1, but leftist had to have blood, fdr needed people to die for his failed ideas, so he antagised Japan.

And the dumbest thing anyone can say is that Germany could have invaded and beaten America.

hands down, the dumbest thing for anyone to think
If you knew your history, you'd know that the US military wasn't the world's greatest at that time.

I now my history of that era at least as well as you. If not better. Dumshit.
And here it is right here folks:

Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First,"

Only an American liberal would view "America first" as being "noxious".

it is the libtardism that it noxious to a free state
Do we really need any more proof of how far Left the Democrat Party is? They openly embrace Socialism and hate America
And it was republicans who were America First in 1940 ... they liked Hitler. If they'd had their way, Hitler would have taken England and then the US.
cons were smart enough to learn from the horrors of WW1, but leftist had to have blood, fdr needed people to die for his failed ideas, so he antagised Japan.

And the dumbest thing anyone can say is that Germany could have invaded and beaten America.

hands down, the dumbest thing for anyone to think
If you knew your history, you'd know that the US military wasn't the world's greatest at that time.

I now my history of that era at least as well as you. If not better. Dumshit.
Guess not.
Are CNN executives like twenty something? Back during the years of the"greatest generation" it was "America First" everywhere you looked from the movies to the WW2 propaganda posters to radio and the newspapers. You couldn't find a politician on either side who didn't launch into a speech about "America First". It wasn't until LBJ's war in Vietnam that things started to change. JFK's inauguration speech offered the words "ask not what your Country can do for you but what you can do for your Country". Jimmie Carter started the wimp-first blame America foreign policy and he is generally considered to be among the worst presidents in history. It's not surprising that a cable news source like CNN would evolve into a blame America pile of shit just like the democrat party.
As soon as I read the title of this thread I knew the name "Hitler" would be mentioned, especially given the person who started the thread. Big surprise, huh?

If so you have great mind reading skills.

And it is true...

The America first became a haven for the American pro-Nazi movement here in the USA... And moved public option so it was a real force that prevented us protecting our ally Great Brittan and going to war with Germany later than we should have
The problem of the last 75 years has be that the US Government has not put America First.
It is about time we actually had elected officials who put America before any other agenda.

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