Trump's 'America First' has ugly echoes from U.S. history

'America First' - another lame excuse for the warmongering right to start more failed, illegal wars.

Like I said, doesn't matter what he says, lefties will lie about it.

Trump's American First is about the EXACT OPPOSITE of more wars.

Indeed, one of my dislikes about him, is that he is parroting some of the LEFT'S talking points with regard to those "failed, illegal wars".
Trump's teleprompter speech was bizarre and frightening the way he showed a lack of knowledge about foreign affairs.

I wonder how much worse off we will be with Trumps lack of knowledge of foreign affairs compared to Hellary's deep understanding.
'America First' is a moronic, ignorant contrivance of the right, a manifestation of simple minded jingoism common to most conservative dullards, the product of the right's unwarranted fear of change and diversity.

It's further evidence of why Trump has no business being president.
There it is right there folks ! Your typical American liberal who has no more love for his own country than he does for Zimbabwe, or anywhere else.
As an avid history buff, I was rather surprised that Trump ended up using a slogan that has a powerful connection with the Isolationists who argued we should not get involved in World War 2.

Not that there is anything wrong the slogan itself- just the connotations of the slogan
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.
You mean the people that didn't want to get Americans killed in WW1 and WW2 and Korea, and Viet Nam are bad people?

You have any idea how many people died for your party, any idea at all?
Do you have any idea how many brave men and women lost their lives stopping YOU from having to speak 'high German today?
Of course your 'type' would have been the first ones in the gas chambers built in Detroit back then.
Trump's teleprompter speech was bizarre and frightening the way he showed a lack of knowledge about foreign affairs.

He's a businessman that knows how to create jobs. What Hillary's excuse for her lack of foreign affair knowledge?
Clinton knows more about foreign affairs and the real world than Trump will ever know. He is a blank slate when it comes to foreign affairs. That dope gave a national speech yesterday and claimed ISIS in Libya was controlling oil fields and making millions selling oil from Libya. He feeds his supporters misinformed garbage and they eat it up. Maybe you can provide a link to support the master bull shitters claims?
Where have you been?

Islamic State-linked fighters seizing oil-rich land in Libya
You should have read your three-month-old article. It does not say ISIS had gotten control of the oil fields. It says they were attempting to get control of the areas around the oil fields and causing problems. It also said efforts were being taken to blunt them. They efforts worked and ISIS still does not control the oil fields or profit from Libyan oil. So, Trump was completely wrong and his comments made in his speech were inaccurate and showed his lack of knowledge. Your link supports the comments of my post.
As an avid history buff, I was rather surprised that Trump ended up using a slogan that has a powerful connection with the Isolationists who argued we should not get involved in World War 2.

Not that there is anything wrong the slogan itself- just the connotations of the slogan

As most people are NOT history buffs, and it has been over 80 years, he probably figured there was no reason to not use a slogan that accurately reflects his platform, despite obscure historical "connections".

And indeed, if the Left tries to play this as "Evidence" of a Trump being a fascist, they will look pretty stupid.
As an avid history buff, I was rather surprised that Trump ended up using a slogan that has a powerful connection with the Isolationists who argued we should not get involved in World War 2.

Not that there is anything wrong the slogan itself- just the connotations of the slogan

As most people are NOT history buffs, and it has been over 80 years, he probably figured there was no reason to not use a slogan that accurately reflects his platform, despite obscure historical "connections".

And indeed, if the Left tries to play this as "Evidence" of a Trump being a fascist, they will look pretty stupid.
Oh we leave the stupid to Donald.
As an avid history buff, I was rather surprised that Trump ended up using a slogan that has a powerful connection with the Isolationists who argued we should not get involved in World War 2.

Not that there is anything wrong the slogan itself- just the connotations of the slogan

As most people are NOT history buffs, and it has been over 80 years, he probably figured there was no reason to not use a slogan that accurately reflects his platform, despite obscure historical "connections".

And indeed, if the Left tries to play this as "Evidence" of a Trump being a fascist, they will look pretty stupid.
Oh we leave the stupid to Donald.

The OP and the linked article shows that is not true.

Not to mention the posts by the libs in this thread.
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.

Which has absolutely nothing, nada, zero, nil, zip, ...NOTHING to do with anything.
LOL absolutely hilarious to read all the liberal idiots who now pretend that only Republicans supported invading Iraq.

Oh, you believed her then.

Did she believe what she was claiming? I'm not running for the presidency asshole. She's the one who is claiming she would be the most competent president right?
Wise up. Guess who made his position very clear about not going to invade Iraq at the time?
Hint: DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.
You mean the people that didn't want to get Americans killed in WW1 and WW2 and Korea, and Viet Nam are bad people?

You have any idea how many people died for your party, any idea at all?
Do you have any idea how many brave men and women lost their lives stopping YOU from having to speak 'high German today?
Of course your 'type' would have been the first ones in the gas chambers built in Detroit back then.
If the America Firsters had their way, we would be speaking German. They loved Hitler.

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