Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

Bullshit, maybe you should, I am reading two books right now about it.

written by religious fanatics, I'm sure. You probably also believed Nero fiddled while Rome burned, even though fiddles hadn't been invented yet.
The term "mulatto" is only appears to be racist to dumb fucks like yourself that has never even looked up the definition of the word......typical of those of your ilk. I also noticed that you didn't dispute the fact that Barrypuppet was a commie. LOL!

Um, no, guy, the word "mullato" comes from the Spanish for "Little Mule", comparing children of mixed race couples to mules (which are the offspring of horses and donkeys). It's about as racist as you can get, really, which is why nobody uses the term anymore.

the definition of mulatto

noun, plural mu·lat·toes, mu·lat·tos.
  1. Anthropology. (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent andone black parent.
  2. Older Use: Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.
Get it. It's offensive. Stop using it, especially about an esteemed former president.

Oh STFU, you moron. You weren't there and the only "proof" you have is that it was reported on TV and that's enough for the simpletons.

You weren't there either, and the only proof you have is the words of crazy losers living in their mothers basements.

And, yes, I actually take the word of law enforcement, accredited journalists and family members of the word of some sorry-ass loser whose parents haven't thrown him out yet.

There is no difference between the two bought and paid for political parties at the top. They put on a "dog and pony show" to give the serfs the impression that they are seeking the truth. Congressional hearings have no legal authority to pass indictments. The DOJ protects the crooks...always has.

Then why do you bother? It seems that if you think the whole system is ulimately hopeless because the Lizard People control everything, there's kind of no point in going on, is there?

You see where your crazy is sort of self-defeating?

The Clinton and Bush crime families are thicker than thieves and part of the protected class of this two tier justice system. You obviously have purposely avoided listening to the Benghazi hearings because it might upset your world view...but they let those people die and gave "stand down" orders at least twice and we know why.

Actually, I got bored with it when we kept hearing them argue over whether it was really a videotape after the guy who instigated it said it was over a video tape.

But it's conservative voices that are being silenced on Twitter, youtube and Facebook....they are shadow banning users that support Trump while never breaking any TOS. Facebook AND youtube allow pedophile content on their sites but those that try to expose it are banned.

And you guys can start your own Facebook and twitter and YouTube and do your own thing. Why should someone else create a forum for you?

And YOU are the purveyor of what is truth and what isn't, eh? Get off your knees and spit out that "gubermint" cock you have been sucking on and grow a pair....I'm rooting for ya.

I actually apply reason and logic... you know, not crazy and then try to fit the evidence into the crazy theory.

To take your favorite subject, you'd have to believe that the NRA and Fox news KNOW that Sandy Hook was a hoax and aren't exposing it...

That's crazy.
Bullshit, maybe you should, I am reading two books right now about it.

written by religious fanatics, I'm sure. You probably also believed Nero fiddled while Rome burned, even though fiddles hadn't been invented yet.

Yeah and you think that the saying " Nero fiddled while Rome burned " is just an off the wall saying, or Joan of Arc was a cartoon character and not a real person..

I got fascinated for some reason by early AD history in the past month, I am going to have to read more books...

Yeah and you think that the saying " Nero fiddled while Rome burned " is just an off the wall saying, or Joan of Arc was a cartoon character and not a real person..

I got fascinated for some reason by early AD history in the past month, I am going to have to read more books...

Joan of Arc was burned by fellow Christians who thought she was a witch because she heard voices in her head. We have medications for that now.

(Or do you really think God cared if France or England won the 100 years war?)

As for Nero

Did Nero really fiddle while Rome burned?

For one thing, the fiddle didn’t exist in ancient Rome. Music historians believe the viol class of instruments (to which the fiddle belongs) was not developed until the 11th century. If Nero played anything, it would probably have been the cithara, a heavy wooden instrument with four to seven strings—but there is still no solid evidence that he played one during the Great Fire. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Troy while watching the city burn; however, he stated clearly that this was unconfirmed by eyewitness accounts.

When the Great Fire broke out, Nero was at his villa at Antium, some 35 miles from Rome. Though he immediately returned and began relief measures, people still didn’t trust him. Some even believed he had ordered the fire started,

Now, on to the myth of Christian Persecution.

But working on the assumption you can actually read books between detox episodes, here's one you should try.

According to cherished church tradition and popular belief, before the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal in the fourth century, early Christians were systematically persecuted by a brutal Roman Empire intent on their destruction. As the story goes, vast numbers of believers were thrown to the lions, tortured, or burned alive because they refused to renounce Christ. These saints, Christianity’s inspirational heroes, are still venerated today.

Moss, however, exposes that the “Age of Martyrs” is a fiction—there was no sustained 300-year-long effort by the Romans to persecute Christians. Instead, these stories were pious exaggerations; highly stylized rewritings of Jewish, Greek, and Roman noble death traditions; and even forgeries designed to marginalize heretics, inspire the faithful, and fund churches.

The traditional story of persecution is still taught in Sunday school classes, celebrated in sermons, and employed by church leaders, politicians, and media pundits who insist that Christians were—and always will be—persecuted by a hostile, secular world. Moss urges modern Christians to abandon the conspiratorial assumption that the world is out to get Christians and, rather, embrace the consolation, moral instruction, and spiritual guidance that these martyrdom stories provide.
Yeah and you think that the saying " Nero fiddled while Rome burned " is just an off the wall saying, or Joan of Arc was a cartoon character and not a real person..

I got fascinated for some reason by early AD history in the past month, I am going to have to read more books...

Joan of Arc was burned by fellow Christians who thought she was a witch because she heard voices in her head. We have medications for that now.

(Or do you really think God cared if France or England won the 100 years war?)

As for Nero

Did Nero really fiddle while Rome burned?

For one thing, the fiddle didn’t exist in ancient Rome. Music historians believe the viol class of instruments (to which the fiddle belongs) was not developed until the 11th century. If Nero played anything, it would probably have been the cithara, a heavy wooden instrument with four to seven strings—but there is still no solid evidence that he played one during the Great Fire. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Troy while watching the city burn; however, he stated clearly that this was unconfirmed by eyewitness accounts.

When the Great Fire broke out, Nero was at his villa at Antium, some 35 miles from Rome. Though he immediately returned and began relief measures, people still didn’t trust him. Some even believed he had ordered the fire started,

Now, on to the myth of Christian Persecution.

But working on the assumption you can actually read books between detox episodes, here's one you should try.

According to cherished church tradition and popular belief, before the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal in the fourth century, early Christians were systematically persecuted by a brutal Roman Empire intent on their destruction. As the story goes, vast numbers of believers were thrown to the lions, tortured, or burned alive because they refused to renounce Christ. These saints, Christianity’s inspirational heroes, are still venerated today.

Moss, however, exposes that the “Age of Martyrs” is a fiction—there was no sustained 300-year-long effort by the Romans to persecute Christians. Instead, these stories were pious exaggerations; highly stylized rewritings of Jewish, Greek, and Roman noble death traditions; and even forgeries designed to marginalize heretics, inspire the faithful, and fund churches.

The traditional story of persecution is still taught in Sunday school classes, celebrated in sermons, and employed by church leaders, politicians, and media pundits who insist that Christians were—and always will be—persecuted by a hostile, secular world. Moss urges modern Christians to abandon the conspiratorial assumption that the world is out to get Christians and, rather, embrace the consolation, moral instruction, and spiritual guidance that these martyrdom stories provide.

It was a harp it wasn't a fiddle, harps were around 3,000 BC.. so you or your retarded link never heard of that term "fiddling around" ????

Rome burned to the ground 64 AD, while rome was during Nero rushed back and organized fire fighting, but their was so many rumours later Nero torched the place , and the harp rumour ...(fiddling around while Rome burned) Nero tried to win back support but nothing worked so he blamed the fire on the minority Christian's .... remember this was 64 AD.

Nero was the first Roman empire to recognize Christianity as a different religion and he persecuted them, hell apostole Paul was killed by Nero's men.

Rome burned to the ground 64 AD, while rome was during Nero rushed back and organized fire fighting, but their was so many rumours later Nero torched the place , and the harp rumour ...(fiddling around while Rome burned) Nero tried to win back support but nothing worked so he blamed the fire on the minority Christian's .... remember this was 64 AD.

Actually, that was sort of dubious. the ONLY source we have for him blaming the Christians was Tacitus, and that was just one paragraph.

This paragraph is not cited by any other historian or Christian Writer until the 5th century.

Non-Christian Testimony for Jesus? – From the authentic pen of lying Christian scribes !!

No Christian apologist for centuries ever quoted the passage of Tacitus – not in fact, until it had appeared almost word-for-word in the writings of Sulpicius Severus, in the early fifth century, where it is mixed in with other myths. Sulpicius's contemporaries credited him with a skill in the 'antique' hand. He put it to good use and fantasy was his forte: his Life of St. Martin is replete with numerous 'miracles', including raising of the dead and personal appearances by Jesus and Satan.

His dastardly story of Nero was embellished during the Renaissance into a fantastic fable with Nero 'fiddling while Rome burned'. Nero took advantage of the destruction to build his 'Golden House' though no serious scholar believes anymore that he started the fire (we now know Nero was in his hometown of Antium – Anzio – when the blaze started.) Indeed, Nero opened his palace garden for temporary shelter to those made homeless.
The term "mulatto" is only appears to be racist to dumb fucks like yourself that has never even looked up the definition of the word......typical of those of your ilk. I also noticed that you didn't dispute the fact that Barrypuppet was a commie. LOL!

Um, no, guy, the word "mullato" comes from the Spanish for "Little Mule", comparing children of mixed race couples to mules (which are the offspring of horses and donkeys). It's about as racist as you can get, really, which is why nobody uses the term anymore.

the definition of mulatto

noun, plural mu·lat·toes, mu·lat·tos.
  1. Anthropology. (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent andone black parent.
  2. Older Use: Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.
Get it. It's offensive. Stop using it, especially about an esteemed former president.

Oh STFU, you moron. You weren't there and the only "proof" you have is that it was reported on TV and that's enough for the simpletons.

You weren't there either, and the only proof you have is the words of crazy losers living in their mothers basements.

And, yes, I actually take the word of law enforcement, accredited journalists and family members of the word of some sorry-ass loser whose parents haven't thrown him out yet.

There is no difference between the two bought and paid for political parties at the top. They put on a "dog and pony show" to give the serfs the impression that they are seeking the truth. Congressional hearings have no legal authority to pass indictments. The DOJ protects the crooks...always has.

Then why do you bother? It seems that if you think the whole system is ulimately hopeless because the Lizard People control everything, there's kind of no point in going on, is there?

You see where your crazy is sort of self-defeating?

The Clinton and Bush crime families are thicker than thieves and part of the protected class of this two tier justice system. You obviously have purposely avoided listening to the Benghazi hearings because it might upset your world view...but they let those people die and gave "stand down" orders at least twice and we know why.

Actually, I got bored with it when we kept hearing them argue over whether it was really a videotape after the guy who instigated it said it was over a video tape.

But it's conservative voices that are being silenced on Twitter, youtube and Facebook....they are shadow banning users that support Trump while never breaking any TOS. Facebook AND youtube allow pedophile content on their sites but those that try to expose it are banned.

And you guys can start your own Facebook and twitter and YouTube and do your own thing. Why should someone else create a forum for you?

And YOU are the purveyor of what is truth and what isn't, eh? Get off your knees and spit out that "gubermint" cock you have been sucking on and grow a pair....I'm rooting for ya.

I actually apply reason and logic... you know, not crazy and then try to fit the evidence into the crazy theory.

To take your favorite subject, you'd have to believe that the NRA and Fox news KNOW that Sandy Hook was a hoax and aren't exposing it...

That's crazy.

"Get it. It's offensive. Stop using it, especially about an esteemed former president"

You REALLY believe that the jug-eared mulatto is worthy of such praise? LMAO! That commie sack of shit deserves the perp walk of shame.

"You weren't there either, and the only proof you have is the words of crazy losers living in their mothers basements."

No, actually I got most of my questions from CNN footage including Robbie Parker's interview where he is smirking and smiling not realizing that the cameras were already rolling and we all saw him try and get into "sad parent" mode. He also made sure to plug the donation site that had been set up in advance. Now, I ask you, why would an alleged grieving parent plug a donation site a mere 24 hours after this non-event? What costs would he incur if this had actually happened? The state would have to cover all costs because they have to carry insurance. My guess is that Robbie Parker made off with a cool two million that was tax free as did all the "parents" in this hoax. Gene Rosen? A bus driver dropped 4, no wait was it 5 children that dropped them off and left them with a total stranger? I could go on and on and on.......

"And, yes, I actually take the word of law enforcement, accredited journalists and family members of the word of some sorry-ass loser whose parents haven't thrown him out yet."

Funny how "law enforcement" has stonewalled FOIA requests, redacted information and has attempted to intimidate anyone that has questions. "Accredited journalists"? Like the one that interviewed the mother of a child claiming that she got there shortly after it happened and saw officer after officer taking a blood drenched child out of the school.....OOOPS! According to their own records, not a single alleged victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning. The hits just keep on comin', eh, slow Joe?

""And you guys can start your own Facebook and twitter and YouTube and do your own thing. Why should someone else create a forum for you?"

If it's a public utility, then there can be no bias. Why is it that I am not surprised that you are all for censoring the voices of those you don't like....kinda like the USSR.

"I actually apply reason and logic... you know, not crazy and then try to fit the evidence into the crazy theory.
To take your favorite subject, you'd have to believe that the NRA and Fox news KNOW that Sandy Hook was a hoax and aren't exposing it"

You have no critical thinking skills and you blow a gasket when someone challenges your perceived notions. NRA wouldn't survive the blowback of challenging the official narrative provided by the deep state and Fox News is just as bought and paid for as the rest of the lamestream media.

Allow me to sum this all up in a way that even you can understand. The American serfs are lied to on a daily basis by this Operation Mockingbird lamestream media. They are, without a doubt "fake news". Do you recall CNN's coverage of Desert Storm when they were pretending to be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia but were actually in the studio in Atlanta, Georgia?
You REALLY believe that the jug-eared mulatto is worthy of such praise? LMAO! That commie sack of shit deserves the perp walk of shame.

again, that he exposed the racists in this country is probably praiseworthy enough. And ending the Iraq War. and saving us from the great recession.

No, actually I got most of my questions from CNN footage including Robbie Parker's interview where he is smirking and smiling not realizing that the cameras were...

I'm not wasting time on this again. We know you are a degenerate cocksucker who delights in the misery of parents who lost their children. What happened to you in your life that you could be this truly fucked up is the real "conspiracy".

If it's a public utility, then there can be no bias. Why is it that I am not surprised that you are all for censoring the voices of those you don't like....kinda like the USSR.

It's not a public utility. It's a privately owned company and they have every right to control the content, especially if it is being abused by foreign powers.

That we can barely tell the difference between "conservatives" and Russian trolls anymore is kind of a sad commentary on conservatives.

You have no critical thinking skills and you blow a gasket when someone challenges your perceived notions. NRA wouldn't survive the blowback of challenging the official narrative provided by the deep state and Fox News is just as bought and paid for as the rest of the lamestream media.

The NRA wouldn't survive the blowback? The NRA is one of the few agencies that can get Trump to back down. Remember after Las Vegas when he said,"Hey, maybe we can do some gun legislation", and then he backed down when the NRA got him and Pence into a room? I do.

If they had rock solid evidence that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they'd use is. They don't.
Allow me to sum this all up in a way that even you can understand. The American serfs are lied to on a daily basis by this Operation Mockingbird lamestream media. They are, without a doubt "fake news". Do you recall CNN's coverage of Desert Storm when they were pretending to be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia but were actually in the studio in Atlanta, Georgia?

Um, no, I don't remember that at all... what I do recall is a lot of my buddies who were deployed said they dealt with embedded journalists all the time.

Again, Dale, we realize you are an evil cocksucker who needs his paranoia to give his otherwise failed and useless life meaning... that's the only "conspiracy" here.
You REALLY believe that the jug-eared mulatto is worthy of such praise? LMAO! That commie sack of shit deserves the perp walk of shame.

again, that he exposed the racists in this country is probably praiseworthy enough. And ending the Iraq War. and saving us from the great recession.

No, actually I got most of my questions from CNN footage including Robbie Parker's interview where he is smirking and smiling not realizing that the cameras were...

I'm not wasting time on this again. We know you are a degenerate cocksucker who delights in the misery of parents who lost their children. What happened to you in your life that you could be this truly fucked up is the real "conspiracy".

If it's a public utility, then there can be no bias. Why is it that I am not surprised that you are all for censoring the voices of those you don't like....kinda like the USSR.

It's not a public utility. It's a privately owned company and they have every right to control the content, especially if it is being abused by foreign powers.

That we can barely tell the difference between "conservatives" and Russian trolls anymore is kind of a sad commentary on conservatives.

You have no critical thinking skills and you blow a gasket when someone challenges your perceived notions. NRA wouldn't survive the blowback of challenging the official narrative provided by the deep state and Fox News is just as bought and paid for as the rest of the lamestream media.

The NRA wouldn't survive the blowback? The NRA is one of the few agencies that can get Trump to back down. Remember after Las Vegas when he said,"Hey, maybe we can do some gun legislation", and then he backed down when the NRA got him and Pence into a room? I do.

If they had rock solid evidence that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they'd use is. They don't.

"again, that he exposed the racists in this country is probably praiseworthy enough. And ending the Iraq War. and saving us from the great recession"

So what you are saying is that all people would have been fine with his socialist views, giving stand down orders to allow illegals into the U.S on the southern border and flying in muslims covertly if he was allll white instead of being a mulatto? Guess again. BTW, most of those troops that left Iraq are in Afghanistan guarding the poppy fields. Barrypuppet stayed on script with PNAC by overthrowing Qaddafi in Libya, funded proxy agents for the muslim Spring in Egypt, held up and supported an oppressive "gubermint" in Bahrain. He knowingly allowed arms to be transferred to the CIA created "ISIS" which was just an offshoot of the CIA created al qeada that created havoc in Iraq and was the proxy army used to try and take out Assad. Why is it that Russia was able to do more damage to ISIS in two weeks than the military under Barrypuppet failed to do in two years WHILE being busted on dropping equipment to them along with MI5 and MI6? ISIS mercenaries being treated in Israel with the Mossad having their back Hmmmmm?

As far as Barrypuppet "saving us" from the orchestrated "recession" by his Porkulus package? He was the beneficiary of the Fed's quantitative easing program where 65 to 80 billion dollars were dumped into the system and even then the economic growth was anemic and Barrypuppetcare and it's mandates didn't help the situation. You live in a fantasy world, "buddy".

"I'm not wasting time on this again. We know you are a degenerate cocksucker who delights in the misery of parents who lost their children. What happened to you in your life that you could be this truly fucked up is the real "conspiracy".

Of course not, Cocksucker Joseph, because I will only leave you speechless yet again. You have conveniently ignored and have refused to address the numerous a bus driver dropping of 4, no wait, was it 5 children dropped off on the curb of Gene Rosen's house??? Bypassing the fire station but instead left them with a total stranger that claimed that he didn't know why they were being dropped off? The bus driver never explained??? Someone with any critical thinking skills would have a few questions about that....shall I give you Gene Rosen's story that he told on CNN? I don't mind.....and I can also pull up the CNN's coverage of Desert Storm where they were in the Atlanta studio...always glad to help in any way that I can.

"It's not a public utility. It's a privately owned company and they have every right to control the content, especially if it is being abused by foreign powers".That we can barely tell the difference between "conservatives" and Russian trolls anymore is kind of a sad commentary on conservatives."

ROTFLMAO! Anyone that talks about the Las Vegas shooting, Sandy Hoax and has questioned the official stories has had their channel removed. Anyone talking about PIzzagate and the removal of pedophile rings and how they are tied to the elites are being censored. Are THEY "Russian bots", Joseph? Anyone that supports President Trump are being censored and "shadow banned".....are THEY "Russian bots"? I think a Russian bot may be hiding under your bed.....seriously, you are one stupid and blind fuckwad. I am soooo glad that I don't live in the little fantasy world that you reside are one of the "sheeple"......baaaaaaaa!
So what you are saying is that all people would have been fine with his socialist views, giving stand down orders to allow illegals into the U.S on the southern border and flying in muslims covertly if he was allll white instead of being a mulatto?

Okay... the number of illegals crossing the Southern Border DECLINED on his watch compared to Bush or Clinton. The rest is just crazy talk.

BTW, most of those troops that left Iraq are in Afghanistan guarding the poppy fields.

Actually, we have less than 9000 troops left in Afghanistan...

Of course not, Cocksucker Joseph, because I will only leave you speechless yet again.

You're right buddy. That you look at Murdered Children and spew some horrid shit every day leaves DECENT people speechless.

This is something decent people don't do.

ROTFLMAO! Anyone that talks about the Las Vegas shooting, Sandy Hoax and has questioned the official stories has had their channel removed. Anyone talking about PIzzagate and the removal of pedophile rings and how they are tied to the elites are being censored.

As well they should be. That's libelous slander. They should also be arrested and charged.
Yeah, I think that may be the problem. I think it's possible that they're being sincere, that they really don't see this.

That, to me, is worse than if they were lying.

I can provide direct and clear quotes from Obama, Warren and Sanders, and these folks still don't understand the concept.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
Wow, really?

There is no constitutional right to have access to the President. Just like there is no constitutional right to have access to the information of the DNC or the RNC.

A violation of the First Amendment for this reporter would be a government official physically stopping him or her from publishing their opinion.

Since the reporter in question is free to publish the information that they were banned for behaving badly or any other reason, is proof that its rights were not violated. many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?


How many times did Obama wipe his backside with the Constitution before you cared?


Ugh.. Tu quoque is a very lazy argument, but in this case it poses a valid point. Where were you when Obama won his turn to abuse the Constitution?
So what you are saying is that all people would have been fine with his socialist views, giving stand down orders to allow illegals into the U.S on the southern border and flying in muslims covertly if he was allll white instead of being a mulatto?

Okay... the number of illegals crossing the Southern Border DECLINED on his watch compared to Bush or Clinton. The rest is just crazy talk.

BTW, most of those troops that left Iraq are in Afghanistan guarding the poppy fields.

Actually, we have less than 9000 troops left in Afghanistan...

Of course not, Cocksucker Joseph, because I will only leave you speechless yet again.

You're right buddy. That you look at Murdered Children and spew some horrid shit every day leaves DECENT people speechless.

This is something decent people don't do.

ROTFLMAO! Anyone that talks about the Las Vegas shooting, Sandy Hoax and has questioned the official stories has had their channel removed. Anyone talking about PIzzagate and the removal of pedophile rings and how they are tied to the elites are being censored.

As well they should be. That's libelous slander. They should also be arrested and charged.

"Okay... the number of illegals crossing the Southern Border DECLINED on his watch compared to Bush or Clinton. The rest is just crazy talk."

Crazy talk about muslims being flown in covertly?

"Actually, we have less than 9000 troops left in Afghanistan..."
Actually we have 15k in Afghanistan and another 9K in Iraq

"As well they should be. That's libelous slander. They should also be arrested and charged"

For questioning the Las Vegas shooting and Sandy Hoax? Or were you referring to Pizzagate? John Podesta, a friend of James Alefantis and owner of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza constantly mentioned pizza, hot dogs, cheeses, pasta and walnut sauce....all pedophile code words. One e-mail was a reply to someone where he asked if he would do better playing dominoes on pizza rather than pasta.....another one was where he requested a pizza for an hour. Another e-mail John Podesta is asked if he wanted a handkerchief back with a "map" on it because it seemed to be "pizza related". Are you getting the gist of this, Joseph? A hacker was able to get into the very secured server of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza and found that it was connected to eight other servers , some in the U.S and some in Europe that were selling child porn and child porn snuff films in exchange for bitcoin. He contacted D.C detective Marcus Stevens and shortly after that? We had the staged "shooting" at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza where the only shot that was allegedly fired went right through a door and into the server.....James Alafantis's own words in an interview with Megan Kelly. Here is some art in Comet Ping Pong and Pizza that was painted over after therevelations of the e-mails....does this look normal to you? Would you want your child to attend this place?


Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed

"You're right buddy. That you look at Murdered Children and spew some horrid shit every day leaves DECENT people speechless.This is something decent people don't do."

I agree, but no one died at Sandy Hoax, so I am not guilty of spewing "horrid shit".\

You totally avoid blatantly obvious evidence that calls this event into act like you didn't even see it......why is that? Oh, CNN faking "men on the ground reporting" during Desert Storm??? Let me help ya out...CNN IS fake news.

Fake and staged rescue by CNN during the aftermath of the hurricane in Houston....

CNN caught staging fake rescue of hurricane Harvey victim

Anderson Cooper's nose disappears at an alleged "report" at Sandy Hoax......

Anderson Cooper's Vanishing Nose during CNN Supposed Live Broadcast
For questioning the Las Vegas shooting and Sandy Hoax? Or were you referring to Pizzagate? John Podesta, a friend of James Alefantis and owner of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza

Blah, blah, blah...

not interested.

When these people lie, they need to be hauled into court and convicted of libel. Take every last penny they have and throw their asses in jail.


Now take your crazy act and go on the road somewhere else with it.
For questioning the Las Vegas shooting and Sandy Hoax? Or were you referring to Pizzagate? John Podesta, a friend of James Alefantis and owner of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza

Blah, blah, blah...

not interested.

When these people lie, they need to be hauled into court and convicted of libel. Take every last penny they have and throw their asses in jail.


Now take your crazy act and go on the road somewhere else with it.

Of course you are not "interested" because you have no counter-point to make nor can you justify what CNN does nor defend the pedophile code words in Podesta's e-mails. Here is a tweet from Andrew Breitbart's tweeter feed in February of 2011.....long before see, Andrew was a D.C beltway insider....

"How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me."

Playing dominoes on pizza? Playing dominoes on pasta? A black and white checkered handkerchief with a "map" on it that seems to be pizza related? "I can't wait to visit your hot dog stand in Hawaii"? You have no questions at all?

Accept your ass-kicking like a man, if that's possible.........
Of course you are not "interested" because you have no counter-point to make nor can you justify what CNN does nor defend the pedophile code words in Podesta's e-mails.

Um, no, because it's crazy talk by crazy people. I mean, you can insist that you are fucking Napoleon, and frankly, any arguments I can come up with like "Napoleon died in 1820" you could counter with some kind of crazy counter theory.

Here is a tweet from Andrew Breitbart's

so this is your evidence, that some crazy nutbag said something that wasn't true?

Breitbart was a nutbag, pandering to the other nutbags.
Of course you are not "interested" because you have no counter-point to make nor can you justify what CNN does nor defend the pedophile code words in Podesta's e-mails.

Um, no, because it's crazy talk by crazy people. I mean, you can insist that you are fucking Napoleon, and frankly, any arguments I can come up with like "Napoleon died in 1820" you could counter with some kind of crazy counter theory.

Here is a tweet from Andrew Breitbart's

so this is your evidence, that some crazy nutbag said something that wasn't true?

Breitbart was a nutbag, pandering to the other nutbags.

Very, very sad, Joseph....after all the bread crumbs showing the creepy art with children playing with demonic looking, horrid hybrids, little girls in a bathroom lined up next to each other in skimpy attire with blistered behinds? That doesn't strike you as just a tad odd? Or how multi-millionaires like the Podesta brothers and their pals seem to be obsessed with pizza, cheeses, hot dogs, ice cream and walnut sauce? "Needing a pizza for about an hour"????? Nothing creepy about that to you, Joseph? That they engage in spirit cooking with satanist Marina Abramovic where sperm, breast milk and blood (menstrual preferably) and it's straight out of Aleister Crowley's "sex majick" handbook? You have heard of him, no? He was a huge hit in the 60's with rock bands like the Beatles. He became the leader of the Ordo Templi Orientis because he had discovered that by "vamperizing" children by sexually abusing them that their energy could be stolen. It's beyond sick shit but yet the elites practice these rituals. Survivors of MK Ultra and Project Monarch have told the same stories of satanic ritual abuse for these trauma based mind control programs that are still going on.There is a lot of things going on that I doubt you could even wrap your mind around and it's "shadow government" sanctioned, mostly CIA but they are not the only alphabet agency that uses this.

Look up " Colonel Michael Aquino, Presidio Daycare, The Finders"...
Very, very sad, Joseph....after all the bread crumbs

Yawn, still not interesting in your crazy imaginings about basements that don't exist.

When you get back to me with actual evidence, and not your crazy brain drippings, let me know.
Very, very sad, Joseph....after all the bread crumbs

Yawn, still not interesting in your crazy imaginings about basements that don't exist.

When you get back to me with actual evidence, and not your crazy brain drippings, let me know.

You have been given MORE than enough circumstantial evidence that would give any sane person "pause for thought". That leaves out you, someone with no critical thinking skills that has never looked into the Franklin Scandal or the Presidio daycare case. Stay living in that little bubble you reside in.....

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