Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

Yawn, was there a point there

Yes, but I fear embarrassing you in pointing it out

Hitler was a Christian who used Christian languges.

The thing is, Christianity itself is pretty socialist. Rich people are going to Hell and you should give away all your worldly possessions.. this is what Jesus preached.
so, are you responding with this because you do not understand my point? or were you pretending not to understand?
That's not "silencing" them. That's simply denying them access to confidential information after their tenure has ended. That happens at workplaces all over the nation, btw. After you leave your workplace, you are denied access to the "inner workings". Nothing new there.

Refresher: the First Amendment simply means the gov't will not jail or oppress you for your speech. It does NOT mean you get unfettered access to inside information for the rest of your life because---whatever. ????
For most of them, their clearances were taken when they left office. This is just a petty move by the President, because he can't handle criticism of any kind. He forces everyone on his plane to watch Fox. He refuses to listen to anything he doesn't like to hear. Now he's talking in Orwellian doublespeak.

Can you provide the Orwell type speech? Ha e you even read 1984? If not, go to the book store and look by “the giver”, “hunter games” and “the maze runner”. This book (in my day was handed out to 5th graders to read and report on. So read the book so you don’t look so damn ignorant. As far as security clearance gos, a token negro appointed IG said the people mentioned abused their security clearances. Why should they keep hem and why do they need it if they don’t work there anymore?
If he were executing his war in the name of christianity [or any religion for that matter] you would certainly know it....hitler was secular/atheist

But that's exactly what he did.

Hitler's Christianity

In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgement and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger.... I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty.... If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths.... Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith. We cannot do otherwise: no man can fashion world-history or the history of peoples unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Wurzburg on 27 June 1937

Uh, that didn't even mention Jesus. If this is proof that he was a Christian, then so were all of the American Founding Fathers.
Seen and read this very thing many times, in fact I had an inkling yesterday I would be doing so again, allow me to change just one thing to give it a more accurate perspective for you...the link title:

Yawn, was there a point there

Hitler was a Christian who used Christian languges.

The thing is, Christianity itself is pretty socialist. Rich people are going to Hell and you should give away all your worldly possessions.. this is what Jesus preached.

Actually, He didn't, but don't let inaccuracy get in the way.
If he were executing his war in the name of christianity [or any religion for that matter] you would certainly know it....hitler was secular/atheist

But that's exactly what he did.

Hitler's Christianity

In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgement and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger.... I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty.... If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths.... Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith. We cannot do otherwise: no man can fashion world-history or the history of peoples unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Wurzburg on 27 June 1937

Uh, that didn't even mention Jesus. If this is proof that he was a Christian, then so were all of the American Founding Fathers.

Don’t fall for it. Joe is so weak that he has to bring it to two issues, And on those two issues he has canned responses.
Actually, He didn't, but don't let inaccuracy get in the way.

Do you read the bible, or just thump it?

Here, let me help you out

What Does the Bible Say About Socialism?

“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. -
Matthew 6:2-4 ES

Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Matthew 19:21

Luke 3:11 ESV / 28 helpful votes
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”

Actually, He didn't, but don't let inaccuracy get in the way.

Do you read the bible, or just thump it?

Here, let me help you out

What Does the Bible Say About Socialism?

“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. -
Matthew 6:2-4 ES

Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Matthew 19:21

Luke 3:11 ESV / 28 helpful votes
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”

Give. Share. See anything about government coercion at gunpoint in there?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

How many reporters has he arrested or murdered....?

Get back to us when he does one or both.
Can you provide the Orwell type speech? Ha e you even read 1984? If not, go to the book store and look by “the giver”, “hunter games” and “the maze runner”. This book (in my day was handed out to 5th graders to read and report on. So read the book so you don’t look so damn ignorant. As far as security clearance gos, a token negro appointed IG said the people mentioned abused their security clearances. Why should they keep hem and why do they need it if they don’t work there anymore?
Its my understanding the majority of them lost their clearances when they left office. So this is just a publicity stunt by Trump.

And he wasn't a token negro. He's half-black. A mud baby. And he's a 100 times a better President than the one we got now.

As for Orwell, what Trump said at his last rally, was straight out of 1984.

Can you provide the Orwell type speech? Ha e you even read 1984? If not, go to the book store and look by “the giver”, “hunter games” and “the maze runner”. This book (in my day was handed out to 5th graders to read and report on. So read the book so you don’t look so damn ignorant. As far as security clearance gos, a token negro appointed IG said the people mentioned abused their security clearances. Why should they keep hem and why do they need it if they don’t work there anymore?
Its my understanding the majority of them lost their clearances when they left office. So this is just a publicity stunt by Trump.

And he wasn't a token negro. He's half-black. A mud baby. And he's a 100 times a better President than the one we got now.

As for Orwell, what Trump said at his last rally, was straight out of 1984.

Token negro was nothing more then a token negro who was clean and spoke eloquently says creepy Joe (plugs) Biden. He got votes so plonker a like you can prove they aren’t racist.

As for Orwell, shitheels like your self on both sides of the isle have drawn parallels to Orwell all the time on the inter webs since they went live, yet none of you ignorant twerps can even point to the parallel you draw other then to say “man that speech last week by president X was right out of Orwell. Read the book, and provide an excample. At this point all you and the OP are doing is parroting Anderson Cooper. It’s gay.
But yet Twitter and youtube are silencing the voices of conservatives and all I hear are the sounds of crickets. Oh, btw, I would have banned CNN from the WH press corp on day one

But that's because you're a crazy person, and the secret service would have been dragging you off while you screamed about Lizard people and Trilateralists.

They are a fucking joke, just like the Washington Post and the New York Times which are nothing but lackeys for the CFR.

And right on cue... the "CFR"? Really?

Brennan, Clapper, Hildebeast, Comey ,any and all Barrypuppet holdovers SHOULD lose their security clearances. These subversive traitorous POS will end up doing hard time if there is anything resembling justice left.

Yup, because locking up your political opponents is what you do in a democracy!

Hey, you know, I used to wonder what my Grandparents thought during the Rise of Nazism in the Old Country... I don't anymore. Just like some idiots were cheering on the Night of the Long Knives, we have idiots cheering this.

If Trump doesn't like being criticized, he should resign and go back to his scripted TV show where everyone kisses his ass. Everyone would be a lot happier.

Yeah, you are only a fan of free speech as long as it is speech you approve of. You are fine with leftwing propaganda because you are a leftard and the ends justifies the means. Conservative voices being silenced? No big deal, says lil Joe......on CNN reporter gets her ass put in "time out" and leftards start screaming "FREE SPEECH!!!"

Brennan, a commie, Clapper a liar along with Comey, a liar and the Hildebeast deserve to put under the same microscope Trump has and free of their fellow deep state swamp rats being on the committees. This is really a banana republic just like I have claimed. You want to talk about Nazi tactics? It's not Trump supporters that are randomly attacking the opposition and ripping their hats off of their heads or bullying people where the odds are over-stacked in their favor.....that would be the commie leftard faction. Seriously, lil Joe, you are the gift that keeps on giving.

One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

How is that stopping anyone from speaking? It's not.

It's the left that is trying to ban speech by deeming things they disagree with as hate speech. They don't want Muslims getting offending by having people talk honestly about he terror problem Islam has. So, the left shuts people up with threats of being charged with hate speech.

It's leftists, like Google, that make it difficult to find views that oppose the leftist views. Even FB and other social media go out of their way to stop people from seeing conservative sites. On FB, an explanation of how our constitutional Republic differed from other governments was hidden, claiming violent content, and you had to click to show it. There was nothing violent in the video, just that it wasn't liberal.

No one on the right is silencing anyone. Trump called out some of the leftist PR people for being the liars they are.

The left has wanted to take down FOX and every conservative host for years.

The left accuses others of what they are actually doing. It's leftists who follow every conservative speaker around and literally shout them down or riot in order to shut things down. It's leftists who threaten every conservative with violence to the point that colleges fear asking them to speak. That is the real assault on free speech. Leftists actually assault people they disagree with and try to stop others from talking out of fear of being assaulted.

And no one should continue having security clearance after they leave a job. Once it's not your job to have access to sensitive or classified information, you just don't need to have it. It's a security risk to have political enemies able to spy and leak information.

Token negro was nothing more then a token negro who was clean and spoke eloquently says creepy Joe (plugs) Biden. He got votes so plonker a like you can prove they aren’t racist.
Don't you dare throw shade on Joe Biden! That man has the best smile in politics!

As for Orwell, shitheels like your self on both sides of the isle have drawn parallels to Orwell all the time on the inter webs since they went live, yet none of you ignorant twerps can even point to the parallel you draw other then to say “man that speech last week by president X was right out of Orwell. Read the book, and provide an excample. At this point all you and the OP are doing is parroting Anderson Cooper. It’s gay.
Example below...

Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're hearing is not happening."

Orwell's book: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

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