Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

Yeah, I think that may be the problem. I think it's possible that they're being sincere, that they really don't see this.

That, to me, is worse than if they were lying.

I can provide direct and clear quotes from Obama, Warren and Sanders, and these folks still don't understand the concept.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

I have read Macs comments a few times and they have stated it is a idiotic move by Trump, so what more do you want?

Mac did point out the fact you enjoy restricting another person right while using the government to do so by passing " Hate Speech " laws and yet hate when Trump act like you.

Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view.

Remember Obama and his admin. battle with Fox News?

Of course you do and yet you did not see any assault on the Free Press did you?

In the end you have been attacking Mac for stating the obvious about you and that is those like you believe in Free Speech as long as you agree with it but let someone like Fox News say something different, well then use everything you can to stifle the difference of opinion...

Lead by example before telling others not to act like you and Trump is not the first President to act like the Free Press is his enemy...
I understand your point and agree with it to a point.

The way to stop conservatives from poisoning college students with their hate is to educate the college students against such hate.

If they did that, they've be accused of indoctrinating these kids.

Let the haters go to the campus to speak to an empty room. Let them waste their time and money. They aren't there to speak. They are there to create the issue that they aren't being allowed to speak. That liberals don't believe in free speech.

Why give them what they want?

I think you miss the point. By letting a Richard Spenser scream his Nazi filth to an empty room, you've still given him the forum of speaking at Havard or Berekeley... In short, you've given him the endorsement of academia merely by letting him speak there.

The old joke is that there's no point in wrestling with a pig because you both get shit all over you, but the pig enjoys it. Pretty much the problem with "Debating" a vile creature like Ann Coulter, who says increasingly outrageous things because that gets her attention.
Classic right wing gobbledygook......accuse the other side of exactly what you're doing
liberal cop out

. I'd ask what I was "caught" with.....but, don't really care what you have to say.

of course you would ask that, it wasn't the point being made, not that you would care about that.

Maybe you're right, probably didn't make a point at all. Cannot argue with that, I guess........
Again answering the point you wish were made and not the one that was actually, I am a registered democrat and vote almost exclusively for democrats and will be doing so this November, [voted for Kate Browning in the primaries here on LI] it is liberals like yourself that need to be extinguished from the party [have some PC fun with word extinguished], you are our problem and I love that trump dethroned your queen who has no business in my party and neither do you.
At some (possibly subconscious) level, Regressives know how anti-freedom of expression they are. So they look for any excuse, no matter how far they have to stretch, to equate themselves with others in an effort to dilute their own actions.

Naw, man, we just remember what happened the last time the Nazis were given "Free Speech". It turned out really bad.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

I have read Macs comments a few times and they have stated it is a idiotic move by Trump, so what more do you want?

Mac did point out the fact you enjoy restricting another person right while using the government to do so by passing " Hate Speech " laws and yet hate when Trump act like you.

Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view.

Remember Obama and his admin. battle with Fox News?

Of course you do and yet you did not see any assault on the Free Press did you?

In the end you have been attacking Mac for stating the obvious about you and that is those like you believe in Free Speech as long as you agree with it but let someone like Fox News say something different, well then use everything you can to stifle the difference of opinion...

Lead by example before telling others not to act like you and Trump is not the first President to act like the Free Press is his enemy...
You said, "Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view."

Of course you would....that ridiculous assertion is the only way you can justify Trump abusing his power. Create a persona in your political enemy that is impossible to prove or disprove.......just like a good cult member should.

No....Obama never once restricted access of FOX "News". That is a bald faced lie......but, even in your made up are saying it WAS OK for Obama to do that?
This is how Nazis convinced enough Germans that Jews needed to be eradicated.

Um, no, that had more to do with 2000 years of the Christian Church telling them that the Jews had killed their imaginary God-Man.

The Left is using CNN and MSNBC to turn the public into a bunch of angry assholes willing to attack total strangers in the street simply for wearing a red hat.

uh, no, people are angry at you guys because you spew racism and hatred and support a crazy person in the white house. They don't need MSNBC to tell them that.
He's suggesting that the traitors who are calling him a traitor need to have their security clearances pulled.
Then in the same breath they say that they aren't using them anymore, but THIS IS SO PETTY!!!
Nevermind that being critical of the current administration purely for political purposes is the very definition of being petty.

Um, no, petty is standing next to the Dictator of the Russian Federation and announcing you find him more credible than 17 of your own intelligence agencies...

right after you just got done denouncing all of our allies for not doing things your way.
Um, no, that had more to do with 2000 years of the Christian Church telling them that the Jews had killed their imaginary God-Man.
AH, the PC attempt to portray hitler as A christian, I've run into this before, you of course will offer something like a belt buckle or some non-sense to show he was one but he was just like the rest of recent histories worst nighmares [Stalin, pol pot] he was secular at most/least atheist and according to some historians an aspiring artist at one time.
HA! You're about as much of a Democrat as Rush Limbaugh is. I would point you to your not so subtle shots at public education and the 'they're out to get your guns' nonsense you've purported. However, that's an old strategy used in politics to try and split a political party. I'll give you a C+ for effort......D- for subtlety.

What Democratic Party policies do you support? (in my effort to play along)
Um, no, that had more to do with 2000 years of the Christian Church telling them that the Jews had killed their imaginary God-Man.
AH, the PC attempt to portray hitler as A christian, I've run into this before, you of course will offer something like a belt buckle or some non-sense to show he was one but he was just like the rest of recent histories worst nighmares [Stalin, pol pot] he was secular at most/least atheist and according to some historians an aspiring artist at one time.

I challenge anyone to read your statement without taking a breath. Can I buy some punctuation?!

This actually made me laugh out loud......since when was considering Hitler a Christian 'politically correct'?!?!? Do you even know what that means?
AH, the PC attempt to portray hitler as A christian, I've run into this before, you of course will offer something like a belt buckle or some non-sense to show he was one but he was just like the rest of recent histories worst nighmares [Stalin, pol pot] he was secular at most/least atheist and according to some historians an aspiring artist at one time.

it doesn't matter if Hitler was a Christian or not.

The guys who wore those belt buckles were. Hitler, like Trump, didn't invent the bigotry, he just exploited it.

This Cartoon, for instance was from 1920, before there even was a Nazi Party and Hitler was just a bum hanging out in Munich.


The thing was, he said these awful things about the Jews and the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, who had been spreading anti-Jewish messages for centuries didn't day, 'Hey, you know, What would Jesus do, man!"
HA! You're about as much of a Democrat as Rush Limbaugh is. I would point you to your not so subtle shots at public education and the 'they're out to get your guns' nonsense you've purported. However, that's an old strategy used in politics to try and split a political party.

the party is split einstein, it is right now trying to reconcile it's communist/socialist of which you are squarely supporting with members like me who helped make it the party the world loved...nice job

What Democratic Party policies do you support?
I support the ACA ["Obamacare" since I am sure that is the only name you are familiar with] and if that fails then some other form of universal healthcare
free education [including secondary schooling] without the hand of folks like yourself in it who only dumb it down and is the real reason it does not work.
A complete overhaul of the judicial system from the top court all the way down to police academy training
In full support of unions [for which I owe my good life] but not the blind loyalty they give to your side of the party...
In fact I agree with at least 90% of democratic policies, but PC is the single most dangerous thing in and to America and I will make those on the left who do not agree aloud as miserable as I possibly can...
...and trump? he is just you and the other libs but smarter, his only contribution to this country so far is beheading your queen and making you long as you and the other parrots cling to PC you can count on me coming to trumps get out of my party commie, you are worse than anything either party is really about
I challenge anyone to read your statement without taking a breath. Can I buy some punctuation?!

fair point

This actually made me laugh out loud......since when was considering Hitler a Christian 'politically correct'?!?!? Do you even know what that means?
First of all it is a lie that it made you laugh at all never mind out loud, second of all what kind of question is that?
do you want a date? give me an example of an answer to your question.
no one ever called hitler anything but secular/atheist when I was growing up, it wasn't until it was pointed out [in the 80's I believe] that secular/atheist/left wing regimes [as opposed to christian regimes] were the bloodiest of the 20th century [hitler, stalin, pol pot]...
take a breath...I am an atheist [with a catholic upbringing] and hitler was indeed secular and probably atheist, pol pot and stalin for sure and they used the PC tactics you employ today...
...and one last note, do not pretend that I am the one that does not know what PC is when you pretended to not know the definition of PC in order to avoid the point at the time, which you just proved was the case.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

I have read Macs comments a few times and they have stated it is a idiotic move by Trump, so what more do you want?

Mac did point out the fact you enjoy restricting another person right while using the government to do so by passing " Hate Speech " laws and yet hate when Trump act like you.

Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view.

Remember Obama and his admin. battle with Fox News?

Of course you do and yet you did not see any assault on the Free Press did you?

In the end you have been attacking Mac for stating the obvious about you and that is those like you believe in Free Speech as long as you agree with it but let someone like Fox News say something different, well then use everything you can to stifle the difference of opinion...

Lead by example before telling others not to act like you and Trump is not the first President to act like the Free Press is his enemy...
It's why I don't burn a lot of energy with online zealots. They "see" only what they want to "see", they'll completely fabricate your words, they just make it up as they go.

The Regressive Left pretends they support freedom of expression, but it's clear they only support the speech they like. They're not liberal, they're illiberal authoritarians.

A real liberal supports and defends speech whether they agree with it or not.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

I have read Macs comments a few times and they have stated it is a idiotic move by Trump, so what more do you want?

Mac did point out the fact you enjoy restricting another person right while using the government to do so by passing " Hate Speech " laws and yet hate when Trump act like you.

Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view.

Remember Obama and his admin. battle with Fox News?

Of course you do and yet you did not see any assault on the Free Press did you?

In the end you have been attacking Mac for stating the obvious about you and that is those like you believe in Free Speech as long as you agree with it but let someone like Fox News say something different, well then use everything you can to stifle the difference of opinion...

Lead by example before telling others not to act like you and Trump is not the first President to act like the Free Press is his enemy...
It's why I don't burn a lot of energy with online zealots. They "see" only what they want to "see", they'll completely fabricate your words, they just make it up as they go.

The Regressive Left pretends they support freedom of expression, but it's clear they only support the speech they like. They're not liberal, they're illiberal authoritarians.

A real liberal supports and defends speech whether they agree with it or not.

The OP'er refuses to accept they support suppression of speech and want you and I to believe they are liberal minded when even Stalin was mire liberal than most of them when it come to sppech... ( For those that get confuse Stalin would have you shot for what you said, so no he was not liberal at all... )

Many on the left complain daily about Trump words, abuses and nonsense but they ignored Obama treatment of the Fee Press and even supported his view about Fox News...

So I agree with you that before they lecture the right maybe they should review their past first and clean their mess up, but alas neither side can do this and that is why you and I sit here wondering how the hell do they not see their own hypocrisy?
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

I have read Macs comments a few times and they have stated it is a idiotic move by Trump, so what more do you want?

Mac did point out the fact you enjoy restricting another person right while using the government to do so by passing " Hate Speech " laws and yet hate when Trump act like you.

Yes, I do believe if you had the same position in life as Trump you would abuse your power and restrict the press to those that would support your political view.

Remember Obama and his admin. battle with Fox News?

Of course you do and yet you did not see any assault on the Free Press did you?

In the end you have been attacking Mac for stating the obvious about you and that is those like you believe in Free Speech as long as you agree with it but let someone like Fox News say something different, well then use everything you can to stifle the difference of opinion...

Lead by example before telling others not to act like you and Trump is not the first President to act like the Free Press is his enemy...
It's why I don't burn a lot of energy with online zealots. They "see" only what they want to "see", they'll completely fabricate your words, they just make it up as they go.

The Regressive Left pretends they support freedom of expression, but it's clear they only support the speech they like. They're not liberal, they're illiberal authoritarians.

A real liberal supports and defends speech whether they agree with it or not.

The OP'er refuses to accept they support suppression of speech and want you and I to believe they are liberal minded when even Stalin was mire liberal than most of them when it come to sppech... ( For those that get confuse Stalin would have you shot for what you said, so no he was not liberal at all... )

Many on the left complain daily about Trump words, abuses and nonsense but they ignored Obama treatment of the Fee Press and even supported his view about Fox News...

So I agree with you that before they lecture the right maybe they should review their past first and clean their mess up, but alas neither side can do this and that is why you and I sit here wondering how the hell do they not see their own hypocrisy?
Well, I think it's a function of the affliction of ideology. I'm more convinced than ever that ideology distorts - and I mean this literally - both perceptions (what we intake) and thought processes (how we analyze what we intake).

So when an ideologue appears to "not see" something, I think it's entirely possible that they really don't. It's possible that their ideology is essentially blinding them to it, no matter how obvious it may be.

So here's the part that concerns me the most: That means that they're not lying and know it, they're not being insincere, they're not playing games. This is their reality. I don't know how to communicate with someone like that. Either side.
The guys who wore those belt buckles were.

Hitler, like Trump, didn't invent the bigotry, he just exploited it.
Nothing in this country is more dangerously exploitive of racism and bigotry than Political correctness and anyone who can destroy every vestige of it will save this the meantime I will have their back
This Cartoon, for instance was from 1920, before there even was a Nazi Party and Hitler was just a bum hanging out in Munich.

and yet it took a secular leader to figure out how to put it to use...and by the way, "bum" is politically incorrect, "artist" is the preferred PC term for the do nothing, contribute nothing, occupationless crowd.
The thing was, he said these awful things about the Jews and the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, who had been spreading anti-Jewish messages for centuries didn't day, 'Hey, you know, What would Jesus do, man!"
Sounds secular to me

In todays America that is what we have concerning christianity...and it isn't the entire left, some of us live quite comfortably with each other, but there is a communist wing that has attached itself to the democratic party and they will defend PC to the very end, it is their life blood.

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