Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

Yeah, you are only a fan of free speech as long as it is speech you approve of. You are fine with leftwing propaganda because you are a leftard and the ends justifies the means. Conservative voices being silenced? No big deal, says lil Joe......on CNN reporter gets her ass put in "time out" and leftards start screaming "FREE SPEECH!!!"

Um, the purpose of having free speech is question the government. Trump didn't like getting questions about how he and his crooked lawyer tried to pay off a playboy model without reporting it.

No one is silencing conservative voices... even crazy ones like Alex Jones. Maybe after the Sandy Hook families are done taking whatever his ex-wife didn't get, he'll shut up.

Brennan, a commie, Clapper a liar along with Comey, a liar and the Hildebeast deserve to put under the same microscope Trump has and free of their fellow deep state swamp rats being on the committees.

Guy, you had a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation of Mrs. Clinton under Ken Starr, Eight Congressional inquiries into the Benghazi non-event, two FBI investigations into the Email Server non-scandal.

Now we have Trump cospiring to pay someone off with cash to keep quiet about an affair, a clear violation of campaign finance rules.

This is really a banana republic just like I have claimed.

Nobody has arrested your crazy ass yet, so, no it isn't. Now take your pills like the nice doctor says.
Token negro was nothing more then a token negro who was clean and spoke eloquently says creepy Joe (plugs) Biden. He got votes so plonker a like you can prove they aren’t racist.
Don't you dare throw shade on Joe Biden! That man has the best smile in politics!

As for Orwell, shitheels like your self on both sides of the isle have drawn parallels to Orwell all the time on the inter webs since they went live, yet none of you ignorant twerps can even point to the parallel you draw other then to say “man that speech last week by president X was right out of Orwell. Read the book, and provide an excample. At this point all you and the OP are doing is parroting Anderson Cooper. It’s gay.
Example below...

Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're hearing is not happening."

Orwell's book: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

Sorry dude, his smile was harvested from a 13 year old Dutch slave boy. Even that's fake.
Are you sure about that?


He looks like he just got bit by a zombie.
It's voluntary. That's the point. Socialism is anything but voluntary.

Um, okay... so living in a society where they threaten you with eternal damnation and social ostracization (which is what you had through most of human history with religion) isn't voluntary, but voting for more equitable wealth distribution isn't... got it.
Yeah, you are only a fan of free speech as long as it is speech you approve of. You are fine with leftwing propaganda because you are a leftard and the ends justifies the means. Conservative voices being silenced? No big deal, says lil Joe......on CNN reporter gets her ass put in "time out" and leftards start screaming "FREE SPEECH!!!"

Um, the purpose of having free speech is question the government. Trump didn't like getting questions about how he and his crooked lawyer tried to pay off a playboy model without reporting it.

No one is silencing conservative voices... even crazy ones like Alex Jones. Maybe after the Sandy Hook families are done taking whatever his ex-wife didn't get, he'll shut up.

Brennan, a commie, Clapper a liar along with Comey, a liar and the Hildebeast deserve to put under the same microscope Trump has and free of their fellow deep state swamp rats being on the committees.

Guy, you had a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation of Mrs. Clinton under Ken Starr, Eight Congressional inquiries into the Benghazi non-event, two FBI investigations into the Email Server non-scandal.

Now we have Trump cospiring to pay someone off with cash to keep quiet about an affair, a clear violation of campaign finance rules.

This is really a banana republic just like I have claimed.

Nobody has arrested your crazy ass yet, so, no it isn't. Now take your pills like the nice doctor says.

"Um, the purpose of having free speech is question the government"

Unless the head of "da gubermint is a commie leftard and is a mulatto...then it's racist to question it. I question "da gubermint" about their false flags and staged events and you lose your fucking mind over it. So spare me your undying devotion to the First Amendment. The Clinton News Network will still have representatives in the WH press corp, just that particular leftard klunt will have to spend some time in "time out".

" Trump didn't like getting questions about how he and his crooked lawyer tried to pay off a playboy model without reporting it"
Trump paid for the majority of his campaign out of his own pocket. He didn't have donors like the Russian oligarchs and Saudi royalty pumping money into a slush fund cleverly disguised as a (snicker) "charitable foundation".

"Guy, you had a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation of Mrs. Clinton under Ken Starr, Eight Congressional inquiries into the Benghazi non-event, two FBI investigations into the Email Server non-scandal"

Stonewalling and a dog and pony show was all that was about in order to give the appearance that the Clintons were being properly investigated as to not alert the people that we have a two tier system of justice. Whistleblowers gave testimony at great cost to their careers about the orders to stand Benghazi...of course the Barrypuppet admin stonewalled as much as they could and made agents take lie detector tests on a weekly basis to see if they were leaking information to the independent press. You really have your head lodged up your ass.....very, very sad.

"Nobody has arrested your crazy ass yet, so, no it isn't. Now take your pills like the nice doctor says."

I am crazy because I question "da gubermint" and the deep state operatives that has made this country into a banana republic?? But yet YOU said earlier that free speech means "questioning "da gubermint"? So which is it, dumb ass?

And yes, conservative voices are being censored and shadow banned on social media. If this was happening to leftards? Little fuckwads like your self would be calling Trump a "Hitler" for allowing shove it up your ass, you "knows-nothing" douche.

I know more than you...infinitely more...don't never forget that very salient fact.

Unless the head of "da gubermint is a commie leftard and is a mulatto...then it's racist to question it.

I think when you use terms like "mulatto", you kind of expose your racism, don't you?

I question "da gubermint" about their false flags and staged events and you lose your fucking mind over it.

Yes, because only a truly evil cocksucker would say to a parent of child who was just shot by a madman, "I'll bet you're a crisis actor". A person like that is a true degenerate, an awful human being who probably needs to be locked up before he hurts people.

So spare me your undying devotion to the First Amendment. The Clinton News Network will still have representatives in the WH press corp, just that particular leftard klunt will have to spend some time in "time out".

Again, Trumps entire attitude toward the press isn't healthy for a Democracy. This is just one more example.

Trump paid for the majority of his campaign out of his own pocket. He didn't have donors like the Russian oligarchs and Saudi royalty pumping money into a slush fund cleverly disguised as a (snicker) "charitable foundation".

Doesn't matter to the point I was making. If he paid off his mistresses, and didn't report it, that's a crime, buddy.

Stonewalling and a dog and pony show was all that was about in order to give the appearance that the Clintons were being properly investigated as to not alert the people that we have a two tier system of justice.

Oh, I see, all those Republicans were just PRETENDING to investigate. Oh, I see. I guess they are all lizard people trilateralists, bilderbergers, too.

The only "two tiers" is that Mrs. Clinton was hounded endlessly over the Benghazi non-event, but no one really questioned Baby Bush over 5000 dead in Iraq.

Whistleblowers gave testimony at great cost to their careers about the orders to stand Benghazi...of course the Barrypuppet admin stonewalled as much as they could and made agents take lie detector tests on a weekly basis to see if they were leaking information to the independent press. You really have your head lodged up your ass.....very, very sad.

Do you have a source from this that isn't from "" ? Didn't think so.

I am crazy because I question "da gubermint" and the deep state operatives that has made this country into a banana republic?? But yet YOU said earlier that free speech means "questioning "da gubermint"? So which is it, dumb ass?

Again, guy, there's a difference between questioning the government and being batshyte crazy... The sad thing is, the internet spreads batshit crazy like the flu in a kindergarten.

And yes, conservative voices are being censored and shadow banned on social media. If this was happening to leftards? Little fuckwads like your self would be calling Trump a "Hitler" for allowing shove it up your ass, you "knows-nothing" douche.

Um, guy, people are banned from social media all the time for bad behavior, but it's still rife with crap.

Here's the thing... If you don't like Facebooks' rules, start your own facebook and use that.

Personally, I'm wondering why Twitter hasn't banned Trump yet.
It's voluntary. That's the point. Socialism is anything but voluntary.

Um, okay... so living in a society where they threaten you with eternal damnation and social ostracization (which is what you had through most of human history with religion) isn't voluntary, but voting for more equitable wealth distribution isn't... got it.

The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.
The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.

Actually, persecution of Christians is a myth made up by the later church to justify their oppression of pagan sects. But after the Church was legal, it had all the powers of a government. Maybe you should look up the history of the Church in the middle ages.
Uh, okay, how would yanking the press credentials of dishonest journalists deprive them of their freedom of speech? Press credentials have nothing to do with "freedom of speech." Press credentials are a privilege granted by an organization. If a journalist has his or her press credentials yanked, they are still perfectly free to say whatever they want to say.
It's ludicrous to pretend that getting your ass booted from the white house because you're a rude POS is somehow an assault on free speech. Fuck the press, they don't have a *right* to harass the president and make idiots of themselves in the White House.
The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.

Actually, persecution of Christians is a myth made up by the later church to justify their oppression of pagan sects. But after the Church was legal, it had all the powers of a government. Maybe you should look up the history of the Church in the middle ages.

Maybe you should look up the history of the early church that was heavily persecuted, first by the Jews in Jerusalem, then eventually by Rome.
The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.

Actually, persecution of Christians is a myth made up by the later church to justify their oppression of pagan sects. But after the Church was legal, it had all the powers of a government. Maybe you should look up the history of the Church in the middle ages.

Bullshit, maybe you should, I am reading two books right now about it.

The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.

Actually, persecution of Christians is a myth made up by the later church to justify their oppression of pagan sects. But after the Church was legal, it had all the powers of a government. Maybe you should look up the history of the Church in the middle ages.

Bullshit, maybe you should, I am reading two books right now about it.

People like joeb are how I know there are demons walking the earth.
The early church wasn't a society, they were a heavily persecuted minority, and they formed a successful socialistic group. They didn't force the rest of society to participate at gunpoint.

Actually, persecution of Christians is a myth made up by the later church to justify their oppression of pagan sects. But after the Church was legal, it had all the powers of a government. Maybe you should look up the history of the Church in the middle ages.

Bullshit, maybe you should, I am reading two books right now about it.

People like joeb are how I know there are demons walking the earth.

Every time he post I think of the phrase " you pretend to pay me, I prented to work" then he has the audousity to complain about him not getting ahead in life.

One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

What do security clearances have to do with the 1st Amendment? LOL Anyone who loses a clearance is still free to say whatever they want. More importantly they aren't incarcerated by the government. That's quite a stretch you're making.
Unless the head of "da gubermint is a commie leftard and is a mulatto...then it's racist to question it.

I think when you use terms like "mulatto", you kind of expose your racism, don't you?

I question "da gubermint" about their false flags and staged events and you lose your fucking mind over it.

Yes, because only a truly evil cocksucker would say to a parent of child who was just shot by a madman, "I'll bet you're a crisis actor". A person like that is a true degenerate, an awful human being who probably needs to be locked up before he hurts people.

So spare me your undying devotion to the First Amendment. The Clinton News Network will still have representatives in the WH press corp, just that particular leftard klunt will have to spend some time in "time out".

Again, Trumps entire attitude toward the press isn't healthy for a Democracy. This is just one more example.

Trump paid for the majority of his campaign out of his own pocket. He didn't have donors like the Russian oligarchs and Saudi royalty pumping money into a slush fund cleverly disguised as a (snicker) "charitable foundation".

Doesn't matter to the point I was making. If he paid off his mistresses, and didn't report it, that's a crime, buddy.

Stonewalling and a dog and pony show was all that was about in order to give the appearance that the Clintons were being properly investigated as to not alert the people that we have a two tier system of justice.

Oh, I see, all those Republicans were just PRETENDING to investigate. Oh, I see. I guess they are all lizard people trilateralists, bilderbergers, too.

The only "two tiers" is that Mrs. Clinton was hounded endlessly over the Benghazi non-event, but no one really questioned Baby Bush over 5000 dead in Iraq.

Whistleblowers gave testimony at great cost to their careers about the orders to stand Benghazi...of course the Barrypuppet admin stonewalled as much as they could and made agents take lie detector tests on a weekly basis to see if they were leaking information to the independent press. You really have your head lodged up your ass.....very, very sad.

Do you have a source from this that isn't from "" ? Didn't think so.

I am crazy because I question "da gubermint" and the deep state operatives that has made this country into a banana republic?? But yet YOU said earlier that free speech means "questioning "da gubermint"? So which is it, dumb ass?

Again, guy, there's a difference between questioning the government and being batshyte crazy... The sad thing is, the internet spreads batshit crazy like the flu in a kindergarten.

And yes, conservative voices are being censored and shadow banned on social media. If this was happening to leftards? Little fuckwads like your self would be calling Trump a "Hitler" for allowing shove it up your ass, you "knows-nothing" douche.

Um, guy, people are banned from social media all the time for bad behavior, but it's still rife with crap.

Here's the thing... If you don't like Facebooks' rules, start your own facebook and use that.

Personally, I'm wondering why Twitter hasn't banned Trump yet.

"I think when you use terms like "mulatto", you kind of expose your racism, don't you?"

The term "mulatto" is only appears to be racist to dumb fucks like yourself that has never even looked up the definition of the word......typical of those of your ilk. I also noticed that you didn't dispute the fact that Barrypuppet was a commie. LOL!

"Yes, because only a truly evil cocksucker would say to a parent of child who was just shot by a madman, "I'll bet you're a crisis actor". A person like that is a true degenerate, an awful human being who probably needs to be locked up before he hurts people"

Oh STFU, you moron. You weren't there and the only "proof" you have is that it was reported on TV and that's enough for the simpletons. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that this was a staged event, I would never post a word about it. The fact of the matter is that it was a poorly done, full of contradictions, holes so wide in the official story that you could drive a brigade of tanks through.....the lack of attention to detail was utterly pathetic. Redactions, data dumps about this event, the stonewalling and the ignoring of FOIA requests should cause even a sheeple like yourself that this reeks and stinks to high heaven.

"Oh, I see, all those Republicans were just PRETENDING to investigate. Oh, I see. I guess they are all lizard people trilateralists, bilderbergers, too"

There is no difference between the two bought and paid for political parties at the top. They put on a "dog and pony show" to give the serfs the impression that they are seeking the truth. Congressional hearings have no legal authority to pass indictments. The DOJ protects the crooks...always has.

"The only "two tiers" is that Mrs. Clinton was hounded endlessly over the Benghazi non-event, but no one really questioned Baby Bush over 5000 dead in Iraq"

The Clinton and Bush crime families are thicker than thieves and part of the protected class of this two tier justice system. You obviously have purposely avoided listening to the Benghazi hearings because it might upset your world view...but they let those people die and gave "stand down" orders at least twice and we know why.

"Um, guy, people are banned from social media all the time for bad behavior, but it's still rife with crap. Here's the thing... If you don't like Facebooks' rules, start your own facebook and use that"

But it's conservative voices that are being silenced on Twitter, youtube and Facebook....they are shadow banning users that support Trump while never breaking any TOS. Facebook AND youtube allow pedophile content on their sites but those that try to expose it are banned.

"Again, guy, there's a difference between questioning the government and being batshyte crazy... The sad thing is, the internet spreads batshit crazy like the flu in a kindergarten"

And YOU are the purveyor of what is truth and what isn't, eh? Get off your knees and spit out that "gubermint" cock you have been sucking on and grow a pair....I'm rooting for ya.

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