Trumps bff, his ace in the hole this Nov, is out to kill US soldiers

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Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!

This just proves even more how you and your Liberal friends are nothing but garbage. Real POS. Only a sub human, lying, anti-American POS would make up a a story like this.
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!

This just proves even more how you and your Liberal friends are nothing but garbage. Real POS. Only a sub human, lying, anti-American POS would make up a a story like this.
I got a private message from the monitors telling me my threads need my interaction in order to keep them alive and I agree....but what this guy don't understand and I do, YOU CAN'T KEEP GOING BACK AND FORTH WITH IGNORANT WHITE PEOPLE AND SHIT LIKE THIS YOU JUST ANNOUNCED. I CAN'T DEAL WITH BULLSHIT AND LIES, AND THAT'S ALL I GET FROM YOU IDIOTS. Its like talking to a retarded child.
‘Tre45on’ Trends After Bombshell Story Claiming Trump Knew Putin Had Bounty On U.S. Troops
Reacting to the report, Joe Biden slammed Trump’s record of “deference and debasing himself before Vladimir Putin.”
Right on! Joe's deference and debasement is to China 'cause China has big money, Russia is broke. Joe can smell a crooked dollar through a concrete wall.
DEFLECT MUCH? You Trump people are just too stuck in Trump's nut to see past the bs...I feel bad for you bitches, really I do and may God have mercy on you fools.
Your problem is you rely on the liberal media to tell you the truth including your idiot who is running for President - Biden.
tiger if trump gets re-elected will you run away someplace else to live or will we get to see you come unglued for another 4 years with your almost daily whines?.....just asking....
Thank God for anything outside of conservative media, including the Times...who's news reporting has kept this country in complete view of the corruption the Trump administration has done.
Trouble is that "view" is a consistent pack of lies. And the Times has been a laughingstock ever since they got their asses handed to them by the National Enquirer, way back in 1979,
This pile of jibberish is what happens to information-deprived liberal victims of liberal OMISSION media, who walk around oblivious to what's going on in America.

Lucky for them, they have us here in USMB to fill them in, on all the stuff CNN, MSNBC, et al hid from them all these years >>

"FOR WHAT" ? tigerred ? Here's a PARTIAL list of Trump presidential accomplishments >>

RECORD numbers on the economy, stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, holding China accountable for cyber theft, taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration, created 4 million jobs, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, highest median wage in US history, lowest unemployment ever for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that), Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE, FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases, reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars, Signed Right-To-Try legislation, $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever), Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself), United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957, withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord, pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces, withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay, MCA deal, reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports, net exports increased by $59 billion in 2018, improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement, we have begun BUILDING THE WALL.
Just when you thought the blob has hit bottom; he starts digging.
Figures that you would accept a "report" from the New York Laughingstock Times.

Here it is from far right wing newsmax:

Here it is one of the least biased and rated VERY HIGH in factual reporting.

Here it is from far right wing newsmax:

And here's a quote from that very same NewsMax article you posted >>

"The Times said it was not clear if the Kremlin officially authorized the payments. Russian officials contacted by the Times claimed no knowledge of the operation."

So if the Russians don't know anything about it, who does ? Oh the Times, that's right. No wait a minute. They said "it was not clear" too. So nobody knows about it. Guess why. Becasue the whole thing is just another example of New York Times fake news cock & bull stories. What else is new ?

And all the NewsMax article did was say that the Times was saying it. They didn't say it was true.
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!

Here it is from far right wing newsmax:

And here's a quote from that very same NewsMax article you posted >>

"The Times said it was not clear if the Kremlin officially authorized the payments. Russian officials contacted by the Times claimed no knowledge of the operation."

So if the Russians don't know anything about it, who does ? Oh the Times, that's right. No wait a minute. They said "it was not clear" too. So nobody knows about it. Guess why. Becasue the whole thing is just another example of New York Times fake news cock & bull stories. What else is new ?

And all the NewsMax article did was say that the Times was saying it. They didn't say it was true.
Both Newsmax and Reuters quoted the Times as the source. Seems like there is zero corroboration for this latest scandal.
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!

This just proves even more how you and your Liberal friends are nothing but garbage. Real POS. Only a sub human, lying, anti-American POS would make up a a story like this.
Only a sub human would make up the 1619 project but the Times did that too.
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!
Poor tigerred59, he still evidently hasn't heard that after $40,000,000 (that's million tigerred59) of our taxpayer dollars, 2800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, an investigation called, the Mueller Report, concluded that Trump and his team, didn't collude with Russia and never has.
You must be having someone type these posts for you, since you seem to be unable to read.
Too bad that when it comes to collusion, the same can't be said of Biden and China.
Oh, then there's the issue that Russia really wanted to have Bernie in the White House. Bernie is a Socialist and Russia always sides with and does wargames with Socialist regimes. After all, Russia is run by an ex-KGB officer and he loves his Marxist/Leninist friends.
The reports did conclude guilt on Trumps part and it was money well spent, Mueller like so many got afraid to act and left it to congress, who by the way, you brain dead ass ho, IMPEACHED THE BITCH. I absolutely refuse to engage you on this China thing and Biden....unlike you brain dead ass ho's I have a life outside of conspiracy Fox news bullshit. Also note, we spent millions on Hillary and got NOTHING!!
Schiff repeatedly said that "he" had direct evidence of Trump and Russia colluding, but was unable to produce it when challenged. The Mueller Report did exonerate Trump, and Mueller said as much.
Poor racist tigerred59, so filled with hatred and considering himself to be a victim, when all the reasons for his hatred can be easily found, if he would only look in the mirror. Sad. You need a good psycho-therapist to help you work out your anger and self-loathing issues.
Here it is from far right wing newsmax:

And here's a quote from that very same NewsMax article you posted >>

"The Times said it was not clear if the Kremlin officially authorized the payments. Russian officials contacted by the Times claimed no knowledge of the operation."

So if the Russians don't know anything about it, who does ? Oh the Times, that's right. No wait a minute. They said "it was not clear" too. So nobody knows about it. Guess why. Becasue the whole thing is just another example of New York Times fake news cock & bull stories. What else is new ?

And all the NewsMax article did was say that the Times was saying it. They didn't say it was true.

And you believe the Russians? Who did you supposedly fight again? LOL
And you believe the Russians? Who did you supposedly fight again? LOL
1. I neither believe or disbelieve the Russians. I pay no attention to some fairy tale told by the New York Laughingstock Times. I have paid no attention to them ever since the National Enquirer kicked their ass in 1979.

2. You need to stop talking about my military service, or the mods here won't be the issue. A civil court (or criminal one) might be. (US Code 18, § 2261) - You're already deep into that with full documented evidence, published here in the forum. Your years long continual harrassment. I already told you how you can find out about my military service, by me sending my papers in to the forum. You chickened out. Forgot already ? So now you changed your mind ?

You stay out of this forum for 6 months, if they get the papers showing honorable discharges. I stay out if they don't. You wanna take the bet ? Change your mind ?

And I didn't fight the Russians. I inspected machined parts, sheet metal and castings for the A-29 Super Tucano.

And what is this strange preoccupation that liberals have with "the Russians" ? Has anybody figured that out yet ? Why not the Pakistanis ? Why not the Guatemalans ? How about India ? Even China doesn't get as much attention from these Russia-obsessed oddities.
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!
Poor tigerred59, he still evidently hasn't heard that after $40,000,000 (that's million tigerred59) of our taxpayer dollars, 2800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, an investigation called, the Mueller Report, concluded that Trump and his team, didn't collude with Russia and never has.
You must be having someone type these posts for you, since you seem to be unable to read.
Too bad that when it comes to collusion, the same can't be said of Biden and China.
Oh, then there's the issue that Russia really wanted to have Bernie in the White House. Bernie is a Socialist and Russia always sides with and does wargames with Socialist regimes. After all, Russia is run by an ex-KGB officer and he loves his Marxist/Leninist friends.
The reports did conclude guilt on Trumps part and it was money well spent, Mueller like so many got afraid to act and left it to congress, who by the way, you brain dead ass ho, IMPEACHED THE BITCH. I absolutely refuse to engage you on this China thing and Biden....unlike you brain dead ass ho's I have a life outside of conspiracy Fox news bullshit. Also note, we spent millions on Hillary and got NOTHING!!
Schiff repeatedly said that "he" had direct evidence of Trump and Russia colluding, but was unable to produce it when challenged. The Mueller Report did exonerate Trump, and Mueller said as much.
Poor racist tigerred59, so filled with hatred and considering himself to be a victim, when all the reasons for his hatred can be easily found, if he would only look in the mirror. Sad. You need a good psycho-therapist to help you work out your anger and self-loathing issues.
Dude you got your head so far up Fox News, what the hell you mean, nobody had proof of Trumps corruptions? I'm not even gonna dignify that bullshit with a response.....If the orange bitch was so gotdamn innocent, why the fuck does he keep FIRING MF'S????????
Dude you got your head so far up Fox News, what the hell you mean, nobody had proof of Trumps corruptions? I'm not even gonna dignify that bullshit with a response.....If the orange bitch was so gotdamn innocent, why the fuck does he keep FIRING MF'S????????
So you're too dignified to back up what you say here, huh ? HAHA HA HA. Maybe he fires them for doing the same thing you're doing here. Being stupid (in bold print). :laugh:
Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!
Get off fentanyl
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