Trumps bff, his ace in the hole this Nov, is out to kill US soldiers

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Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!
Poor tigerred59, he still evidently hasn't heard that after $40,000,000 (that's million tigerred59) of our taxpayer dollars, 2800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, an investigation called, the Mueller Report, concluded that Trump and his team, didn't collude with Russia and never has.
You must be having someone type these posts for you, since you seem to be unable to read.
Too bad that when it comes to collusion, the same can't be said of Biden and China.
Oh, then there's the issue that Russia really wanted to have Bernie in the White House. Bernie is a Socialist and Russia always sides with and does wargames with Socialist regimes. After all, Russia is run by an ex-KGB officer and he loves his Marxist/Leninist friends.

Though that is a lot of money, the investigation may have actually paid for itself by uncovering tax evasion and fraud.

The investigation into President Bill Clinton from 1994 to 2002 cost approximately $69 million, and the investigation into Iran-Contra cost approximately $47 million, not adjusted for inflation, according to the Washington Post.
all you nuts got out of all that money wasted on bill.....a white slut with clinton cum on a dress
Though that is a lot of money, the investigation may have actually paid for itself by uncovering tax evasion and fraud.

The investigation into President Bill Clinton from 1994 to 2002 cost approximately $69 million, and the investigation into Iran-Contra cost approximately $47 million, not adjusted for inflation, according to the Washington Post.
all you nuts got out of all that money wasted on bill.....a white slut with clinton cum on a dress
Should have arrested both Clintons for all their serial killings.

Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports
A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.
.Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: Reports A Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had reportedly offered rewards for successful attacks on U.S. troops last year.

Trumps BFF wants to kill our son's and daughters in uniform. His ace in the hole for this election year, is out to destroy our military. The same military who willingly attacked peaceful protesters in DC. The same military Trump wants to use to attack american citizens. The same military, Putin wants to attack and destroy...yall don't see something wrong with this shit.....Make America Great Again, bitches????

You Trump mf's are on the wrong team, this man could give a fuck about our soldiers and to the soldiers, Trump's best friend is out to kill you!!
Poor tigerred59, he still evidently hasn't heard that after $40,000,000 (that's million tigerred59) of our taxpayer dollars, 2800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, an investigation called, the Mueller Report, concluded that Trump and his team, didn't collude with Russia and never has.
You must be having someone type these posts for you, since you seem to be unable to read.
Too bad that when it comes to collusion, the same can't be said of Biden and China.
Oh, then there's the issue that Russia really wanted to have Bernie in the White House. Bernie is a Socialist and Russia always sides with and does wargames with Socialist regimes. After all, Russia is run by an ex-KGB officer and he loves his Marxist/Leninist friends.
The reports did conclude guilt on Trumps part and it was money well spent, Mueller like so many got afraid to act and left it to congress, who by the way, you brain dead ass ho, IMPEACHED THE BITCH. I absolutely refuse to engage you on this China thing and Biden....unlike you brain dead ass ho's I have a life outside of conspiracy Fox news bullshit. Also note, we spent millions on Hillary and got NOTHING!!
Schiff repeatedly said that "he" had direct evidence of Trump and Russia colluding, but was unable to produce it when challenged. The Mueller Report did exonerate Trump, and Mueller said as much.
Poor racist tigerred59, so filled with hatred and considering himself to be a victim, when all the reasons for his hatred can be easily found, if he would only look in the mirror. Sad. You need a good psycho-therapist to help you work out your anger and self-loathing issues.
Dude you got your head so far up Fox News, what the hell you mean, nobody had proof of Trumps corruptions? I'm not even gonna dignify that bullshit with a response.....If the orange bitch was so gotdamn innocent, why the fuck does he keep FIRING MF'S????????
Yeah. You can't respond with what you don't have. All presidents have replaced members of their cabinet from time to time, as well as other federal employees that a president has jurisdiction over. All presidents and corporate heads as well, want people with them that are loyal. It would be idiotic to keep someone with you that is disloyal and would seek to undermine your work. It is so sad that your intellectual ability is such that you are unable to grasp that concept.
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