Trump's Big Surprise Tonight.....Sarah Palin's Botoxed Face?

He'll announce that Palin will be his fifth wife.

I'm kidding. She's at least 30 years too old for him.
republicans see red when the hate they've shown for clintons and obama get shoved back in their faces
republicans see red when the hate they've shown for clintons and obama get shoved back in their faces
pipe down . you haven't been on here long enough to make that assumption with 169 post. Most of us knows who the haters are, ok

This video just about sums it all up. But the lag time between the video and audio is the icing on the cake, just like the botox in her face.

It's comforting to note that Sawah has been thoroughly demoted from the mainstream rightwing of The FOXNEWS to the far rightwing of NEWSMAX.

Not much further for her to fall.

Good riddance.
How many people pay you to speak?

How much do you pay people to listen?
Changed the subject real fast there, didn't you?

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