Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

Trump hasn’t had a press conference since February.
What’s he afraid of?
Obviously answering questions.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.

It has become clear that Trump was running some type of publicity stunt when he decided to run for President

People would not be stupid enough to vote for me.....would they?

Guess they were
That is the truth. Trump ran to push his Trump TV project. He never expected to win. Never in his wildest imagination did he think there would be so many to believe his obvious lies, put up with his racism, mocking the handicapped... the whole sordid affair.

Democrats underestimated the gullibility of the American voter
Trump exploited it

Even though 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have been automated and are never coming back, the GOP base still thinks Trump will bring them back.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

So you admit that sources are unnamed? So you've got an author with a reputation for dishonesty...and he's using unnamed sources...but you believe those sources? Why exactly?
As I write this the White House is desperately trying to push back on Michael Wolff’s book.
The details in the book that depicted him as totally incompetent, a liar and unfit for the job hit him where it hurts the most.
Trump hasn’t had a press conference since February.
What’s he afraid of?
Obviously answering questions.

Trump thinks the main stream press distorts the truth. Does he inform the American people of his views? Constantly! Does he do so through the press? Almost never. Should that surprise anyone? This is not a President who feels the need to appease a liberal press corps that obviously hates his guts.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

So you admit that sources are unnamed? So you've got an author with a reputation for dishonesty...and he's using unnamed sources...but you believe those sources? Why exactly?
Are you unable to read?
I clearly said Wolff named many of his sources from the WH staff.
And funny you have to call Wolff dishonest with no proof to back it up.
Wolff is and always has been an excellent journalist.
But you know what you duty is to your masters.
Shoot the messenger.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
That is without a doubt the dumbest statement I have heard yet from the never Trumpers.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Another deplorable playing deaf dumb and blind with what’s happening in the White House.
We know what's happening in the WH. Trump is turning the market into a money making machine, bringing more jobs than ever, shrinking government, removing unneeded regulations, and making thumb suckers like you wet themselves.

Theses stupid Moon Bats like this Rightwiger asshole is scared to death of Trump. Trump is doing great things for the economy and they hate it because it just shows what a failure Obama and the Democrats were.

Today the DOW is over 25K and we have had three straight quarters of more than 3% growth that the failure Obama was never able to achieve. Unemployment lower than for decades and lower taxes and outlook is bright. All. the bane of the Left Wingers after eight years of that Obama disaster.

Trump is showing America that Left economics is a failure and the Left Wingers can't stand it and that is why we see this silly "Springtime for Hitler" hate nonsense.
Hmm, yea, which economy was better? The one Bush and the GOP left Obama or the one Obama left Trump?
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Revealed by who?
A Globalist turned Trump fan when Trump trounced the shit out of the Globalists?
You know, like Rush did.
Are you that much of a phony?
I could careless, he is doing what he said he was going to do. He is a very successful man, and is very demanding. Probably hard to work for, if they can't take it. Quit.
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Does the country have “ better and more affordable healthcare than Obamacare?”
You were duped by a con artist.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.

I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Quoted and saved!
Trump hasn’t had a press conference since February.
What’s he afraid of?
Obviously answering questions.

Trump thinks the main stream press distorts the truth. Does he inform the American people of his views? Constantly! Does he do so through the press? Almost never. Should that surprise anyone? This is not a President who feels the need to appease a liberal press corps that obviously hates his guts.
Now the truth. You and Trump hate when the press quotes Trump accurately.
POTUS has an obligation to give information to the press based on their questions. He can't handle anyone especially the press not bowing down to the supreme leader.
He feeds his idiots like you thru tweets because he can lie with immunity and you eat up every lie.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.

It has become clear that Trump was running some type of publicity stunt when he decided to run for President

People would not be stupid enough to vote for me.....would they?

Guess they were
That is the truth. Trump ran to push his Trump TV project. He never expected to win. Never in his wildest imagination did he think there would be so many to believe his obvious lies, put up with his racism, mocking the handicapped... the whole sordid affair.

Democrats underestimated the gullibility of the American voter
Trump exploited it

Even though 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have been automated and are never coming back, the GOP base still thinks Trump will bring them back.

What is the economic growth of this country? Better than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

What is the DOW? Better than under that under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

What is unemployment? Better than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

How about taxes? Lower than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

How about job killing regulations? Lot less regulations now with Trump, isn't it?

Less fucking Mexicans and Muslims, aren't there?

Trump is ding much better job that that Obama failure, isn't he?

The Democrat base is absolutely delusional thinking that idiot they elected in 2008 and reelected in 2012 was not a complete disaster for this country. That asshole increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income income disparity and had dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include his foreign policy failures or destroying health care. These Moon Bats were idiots electing, weren't they? They were even bigger idiots voting for Crooked Hillary that would have continued the disaster, weren't they?

Hopefully Trump can undo a significant amount of damage that Obama did.

These stupid Moon Bats should embrace Trump's improvements and stop with their silly shithead pink pussy hat bullshit of hate mongering like "Springtime for Hitler" silliness because that just makes them look like morons.

Wouldn't you agree that the Moon Bats should grow the fuck up and stop being assholes?
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

So you admit that sources are unnamed? So you've got an author with a reputation for dishonesty...and he's using unnamed sources...but you believe those sources? Why exactly?
Are you unable to read?
I clearly said Wolff named many of his sources from the WH staff.
And funny you have to call Wolff dishonest with no proof to back it up.
Wolff is and always has been an excellent journalist.
But you know what you duty is to your masters.
Shoot the messenger.

I don't think you have a CLUE who Michael Wolff was before he wrote this book if you're claiming that he's always been an excellent journalist! He has had a reputation of bending the truth and misquoting people that goes back some twenty years to his first best seller Burn Rate.
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Does the country have “ better and more affordable healthcare than Obamacare?”
You were duped by a con artist.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.

I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Quoted and saved!
I remember when you child molester supporters said they'd save quotes that Moore was going to lose. lol
Do you know that Moore's "jew lawyer" voted for Jones?
Of course you don't.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

"As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win"

So now suddenly you believe Steve Bannon ?
With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.

It has become clear that Trump was running some type of publicity stunt when he decided to run for President

People would not be stupid enough to vote for me.....would they?

Guess they were
That is the truth. Trump ran to push his Trump TV project. He never expected to win. Never in his wildest imagination did he think there would be so many to believe his obvious lies, put up with his racism, mocking the handicapped... the whole sordid affair.

Democrats underestimated the gullibility of the American voter
Trump exploited it

Even though 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have been automated and are never coming back, the GOP base still thinks Trump will bring them back.

What is the economic growth of this country? Better than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

What is the DOW? Better than under that under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

What is unemployment? Better than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

How about taxes? Lower than under that Obama asshole, isn't it?

How about job killing regulations? Lot less regulations now with Trump, isn't it?

Less fucking Mexicans and Muslims, aren't there?

Trump is ding much better job that that Obama failure, isn't he?

The Democrat base is absolutely delusional thinking that idiot they elected in 2008 and reelected in 2012 was not a complete disaster for this country. That asshole increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income income disparity and had dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include his foreign policy failures or destroying health care. These Moon Bats were idiots electing, weren't they? They were even bigger idiots voting for Crooked Hillary that would have continued the disaster, weren't they?

Hopefully Trump can undo a significant amount of damage that Obama did.

These stupid Moon Bats should embrace Trump's improvements and stop with their silly shithead pink pussy hat bullshit of hate mongering like "Springtime for Hitler" silliness because that just makes them look like morons.

Wouldn't you agree that the Moon Bats should grow the fuck up and stop being assholes?
This white supremacist proudly waves his rebel flag. That''s all u need to know about him.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

"As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win"

So now suddenly you believe Steve Bannon ?
That information also came directly from Trump's own people.

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